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Organization / Workplace
San Francisco Bay Area United States
Software Engineer | Android | Machine Learning | MBA PMP | CSM | Udacity Code Reviewer (ADND & MLND)
Technology / Software / Internet
When I spearheaded the "soon-to-be-legacy"​ Inova software product line, I was the only full-time engineer working on the system in the hundred-person business unit. I was in charge of everything for the software system, including requirements, development, releases, customer support, and engineering change orders. I efficiently used my time to plan, develop, and negotiate for external resources to keep everything else running smoothly. As a result, the product life was extended for four years; multiple releases were delivered on time; and millions of dollars in revenue had been generated from customer repeat orders of this "old"​ system. The greater effect of my work was that, with my co...
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coursera android mobile cloud
udacity android nanodegree
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