The City Business Boot Camp, [debuts in Port Harcourt City in August 2014] is envisioned as a pan-African platform promoting African economic prosperity by providing cutting-edge business information to business people who are committed to building globally competitive and sustainable African biggest brands and businesses. To get the Franchise to organize the City Business BootCamp in your city/nation, email us:
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Building African Biggest Brands and Businesses
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The City Business Boot Camp is envisioned
as a pan-African platform promoting African economic prosperity
by providing cutting-edge business information to business people
who are committed to building globally competitive and
sustainable African biggest brands and businesses
3. Its time for Strategic and Sustainable Enterprise Development in Africa.
息 City Business BootCamp 2014
It will seem to an astute observer that we are yet to break away from our primordial consumerism loyalties.
Though Africas latest indices suggest increased economic prosperity but the reality is that there are more thriving
imported brands and businesses than home-grown ones. Are we really talking about the economic prosperity of Africa
and Africans or are we just providing cheap land and labour to further the expansion of western economic influence? Or
are we only delivering the market and the masses to aid eastern (Asian) economic evolution?
The West seems to be losing the grip on their socio-economic growth and the East appears to be having a more efficient
grasp of it. In the face of sweeping changes across the global socio-economic terrain, what is Africa up to? How can we
leverage the exposure, experience and expertise of outstanding Africans whose immense contributions to global
economic growth cannot be discounted? What global trends, techniques, tools and technologies can we adopt and
adapt to strengthen the capacity of African brands and businesses? What can we learn from other regions in order to
positively transform our continent and become the real toast of the rest of the world?
Yes, we can copy but we must not just copy and paste. We need such cultural innovations that copy, redesign and paste,
adapting foreign solutions to local issues. We need cutting-edge business intelligence that will not only help position and
reposition African SMEs for real investment but also help in ensuring African entrepreneurs and business people develop
winning attitudes and skills for economic prosperity? We must capture and create values across all industries and sectors,
we must develop home-grown innovations and deliver culturally-sensitive solutions that not only protect and promote our
values but also leads to increased local incomes and improved local infrastructure.
Building Africas Biggest Brands/Businesses requires more
than some passive, classroom-based pedagogies.
In an age of increased complexities and ever-increasing
knowledge, professionals and entrepreneurs need more
cutting edge tools, techniques and technology to stay at
the top of their games. More importantly, they need
these business powerpacks in their own locale!
The City Business BootCamp (CBB) is the answer to
yearnings of thousands of businesspeople across Africa
who need quality business education and the best of
entrepreneurial learning in a city near them.
The goal of the CBB is to compress advanced thinking in
business leadership into a 5-day getaway program where
high-level participants can learn an assortment of
sophisticated tools, technologies and techniques in an
open, integrated, case-based, highly interactive and
exotic environment.
CBB Business PowerPacks include:
Talent Africa: African Human Resource Management
Sustainable and Superior Sales/Marketing
Crafting and Executing Premium Strategy
Building and Managing Power-Brands
Customer Service Excellence
Successful Business Leadership
Effective Business Communication
Legal & Statutory Compliance
Digital Profits: Leveraging New Media
Participants also have the unique networking breakfast/dinner
with 1 of the top 10 CEOs in the hosting city and opportunity to
attend the sequel City Investors Summit.
Our faculty members are drawn from a global pool of
highly qualified and experienced professionals who bring a
wealth of hands-on, practical insights that businesses and
businesspeople can utilize for phenomenal transformation.
The CBB is developed by Nigeria-born, Harvard University-
certified Consultant and premium Business Coach,
fifehanmiBANKOLE. Follow @fifehanmi
息 City Business BootCamp 2014