The document describes various gift basket options for Hari Raya with different price points ranging from RM40 to RM350. The baskets contain an assortment of traditional Malay kuih and cookies, dodol, mini muffins, apricot candy, and tableware or decorative items. Higher priced baskets tend to include more variety and quantity of food items as well as premium ingredients, decorative packaging like wooden boxes or ceramic bowls, and additional gifts like brocade runners or jewelry boxes.
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Hamper Raya Catalog 2010
1. Raga RM65 Picket Fences RM65
150g cookies 2 types of cookies @ 300g each
150g mini popia Mini muffins 200g
400g dodol in traditional woven casing Decorated wood casing
Decorated traditional basket
2. Al-Rayyan RM220
2 types of cookies @ 500g each 200g mini popia
300g batang burok 300g kek lapis sarawak
Tableware gift Decorated Basket
3. Qaish RM280
Decorative basket 9 pcs cup cake casserole with rack
2 types of cookies 100g dodol cubes
100g wajik sirat 300g kuih batang burok
4. Kanzi RM240
Decorated PU Tray Tableware Gift
200g assorted mini muffins 300g kuih batang burok
2 types of cookies Malacca Dodol in woven pouch
5. Raudah RM85
Decorated PU Book case
1 type of cookie
100g assorted apricot candy
6. Tameen RM200
Decorated PU drawer case Tableware Gift
Malacca Dodol in woven pouch 2 types of cookies
100g mini popiah 100g assorted apricot candy
7. Jewel RM100
2-tier Jewellery Case
4 types of cookies
Decorative Ribbons
Simply Sweet RM40
Patterned Wood Box With Handle
2 types of cookies
Elegant Tray RM140
Wooden tray with exclusive flower design
4 types of cookies/festive food
Pandan/chocolate Surabaya layer cake
Dodol Melaka
8. Treasure RM100
Leather and pandan woven treasure chest
4 types of cookies/festive food
Decorative ribbons
Humairah RM120
Wooden Chest with beautiful flower design
3 types of cookies
1 piece kain batik/kain pelikat/mini sejadah
9. Rosewood Series - Exclusive medium size wood box
Raya (RM180) - 4 types of premium cookies
Rosewood Cookies
10. Cleopatra Series - Authentic Ceramic Bowl with Cover
Option 1: Raya (RM300) - Patchi chocolates, Premium Cookie, Imported Almond Dragee, Dates delights, Hand-made decorated chocolate
Option 2: Raya (RM350) - Patchi chocolates OR 1 type of cookies with dates delights and very exclusive imported brocade table runner
Cleopatra Cookies Cleopatra Exclusive