My introduction to the workshops with the children and staff at Lubuto Library at Ngwerere in Lusaka, Zambia. The OLPC laptops were all active and the children were doing some hands-on discovery on this first day. The eight days of workshops I am delivering are funded by a USAID/WorldVision grant from the All Children Reading Challenge. Photos here:
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First Workshop for LubutoLiteracy Program in Lusaka, Zambia
1. LubutoLiteracy Zambian Teaching and Learning
Materials for the Digital Age
By Mike Lee, Sugar Labs DC Lubuto Library at Ngwerere, 18 February 2013
3. Upcoming workshop topics
-One Laptop per Child
-Sugar Activities
-Recording images and sound
-Working with Etoys lessons
4. LubutoLiteracy: The Story Until Now
-Mike s role with MIT Media Lab
-10 XO laptops from Negroponte to Lubuto in 2009
-Jane attends OLPC Learning Club DC
-6 XO-1.5 laptops to Lubuto in 2011
-EIFL grant & deciding on Etoys
-Your amazing work!
-USAID/WorldVision ACR grant
-Christoph & Mikes workshops in Lusaka
5. A collage showing my journey
from being corporate liaison to
the MIT Media Lab to joining the
OLPC volunteer community and
then to Lubuto Library.
6. Jane Meyers of Lubuto Library presented at an
OLPC Learning Club meeting.
7. Cianna Lee helping to pack up six
OLPC XO-1.5 laptops from the
OLPC Contributors Program to
ship to Lusaka, Zambia.
8. OLPC laptops at Lubuto Library, Lusaka, Zambia 8
9. Upper left: Teachers and student
assistants working on the Etoys
lessons. Lower left two photos
are from the XO laptop camera.
At right is an architects model
of the Lubuto Libraries.
10. Reading and story circle at the Lubuto Library.
11. Theater and arts programs are an
integral part of the Lubuto library
12. Theater and arts programs are an integral part of the
Lubuto library experience.
Sundays at St. Pauls Church
Washington, D.C.
13. Under a grant from EIFL, we recorded native bemba
spoken phonemes and words to incorporate in the Etoys
In Maryland, Mrs. Kalaba records audio in
Bemba 13
14. Lubuto Library Bemba Letter Board. Clicking on
each bemba alphabet letter plays the spoken
Prototype Bemba Letterboard with audio
20. Mike Lee working with 20 volunteers from
the D.C Special Libraries Association to
add sound files to the 700 Etoys lessons.
21. In September 2012, Lubuto Library
received a $300,000 grant from USAID
and World Vision to enhance and expand
the 700 Etoys lessons.
27. LubutoLiteracy Going Forward
-Workshops in Lusaka
-Outreach to local tech commty
-Enhance the Etoys lessons
-Planning for mobile future
-Bring internet access to the libraries
Editor's Notes
#6: A collage showing my journey from being corporate liaison to the MIT Media Lab to joining the OLPC volunteer community and then to Lubuto Library.
#7: Jane Meyers of Lubuto Library presented at an OLPC Learning Club meeting.
#8: Cianna Lee helping to pack up six OLPC XO-1.5 laptops from the OLPC Contributors Program to ship to Lusaka, Zambia.
#9: OLPC laptops at Lubuto Library, Lusaka, Zambia
#10: Upper left: Teachers and student assistants working on the Etoys lessons. Lower left two photos are from the XO laptop camera. At right is an architects model of the Lubuto Libraries.
#11: Reading and story circle at the Lubuto Library.
#12: Theater and arts programs are an integral part of the Lubuto library experience.
#13: Paper books donated by publishers and authors of childrens titles are cataloged and stored in the basement of St. Pauls Church in NW DC to be sent in batches of 4000 to each new library facility.
#14: Under a grant from EIFL, we recorded native bemba spoken phonemes and words to incorporate in the Etoys lessons.
#15: Lubuto Library Bemba Letter Board. Clicking on each bemba alphabet letter plays the spoken sound.
#21: Mike Lee working with 20 volunteers from the D.C Special Libraries Association to add sound files to the 700 Etoys lessons.
#22: In September 2012, Lubuto Library received a $300,000 grant from USAID and World Vision to enhance and expand the 700 Etoys lessons.