You can enjoy desktop development with Node.js and HTML5/CSS/WebGL right now. Here we also to announce that Stem project which is a JavaScript operating system, it makes developers be able to make things on embedded system with JavaScript only. There is no need to understand that difficult knowledge about embedded system when you work on Stem OS.
Proxmox VE 功能概觀、案例分享與實用工具 [2019/12/07] @Proxmox VE 中文使用者社團 2019 年會Jason Cheng
Proxmox VE 開源伺服器虛擬化平台方案介紹、使用心得、應用技巧以及實用工具搭配,打造適合企業自建私有虛擬化平台的絕佳方案,並分享最新版 Proxmox VE 6.1 版的新特性。
JavaScript is a client-side script language, but we can use it on server side programming now. However, it is still difficult to write server-side application for front-end developer.
Here we try to find a solution to write server-side script that developer only need to understand and have client-side experience.
This document discusses new interactive ways for electronic books and demonstrates gesture controls for an iOS app called "Our Choice". It shows how to implement swiping left and right to change pages, pinching to zoom, and tapping. Code examples are provided for using UIScrollView, UIPinchGestureRecognizer, UIPanGestureRecognizer, UISwipeGestureRecognizer and UITapGestureRecognizer to enable these gestures. The document also introduces Reload Tech and its CEO Kevin Zhang.
JavaScript is a client-side script language, but we can use it on server side programming now. However, it is still difficult to write server-side application for front-end developer.
Here we try to find a solution to write server-side script that developer only need to understand and have client-side experience.
This document discusses new interactive ways for electronic books and demonstrates gesture controls for an iOS app called "Our Choice". It shows how to implement swiping left and right to change pages, pinching to zoom, and tapping. Code examples are provided for using UIScrollView, UIPinchGestureRecognizer, UIPanGestureRecognizer, UISwipeGestureRecognizer and UITapGestureRecognizer to enable these gestures. The document also introduces Reload Tech and its CEO Kevin Zhang.
Using cloud computing and virtualization technologies, continuous delivery focuses on automating the process of deploying code changes to production environments as quickly and frequently as possible while ensuring quality. Techniques like Chef automation, Amazon VPC, and Vagrant help configure and provision virtual servers that simulate production environments for testing purposes before deploying to actual production servers. A continuous delivery pipeline with stages like acceptance testing, staging, and production releases helps validate and release code changes.
DevOps is a software development approach that emphasizes collaboration between development and operations teams. It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and improve quality by automating infrastructure and using lean principles and infrastructure as code. DevOps teams work to improve lead time, quality, and collaboration through practices like continuous integration, deployment, and monitoring.
3. 什么是Vert.x?
? 文艺范儿的官方定义
? Vert.x is a
lightweight, high
application platform
for the JVM that's
designed for
mobile, web, and
? 胡氏简化版
? Node.js on JVM