Este documento describe un proyecto para crear un sitio web y perfiles en redes sociales para que cientÃficos se comuniquen directamente con el público general sobre temas cientÃficos. Los objetivos son fomentar la comunicación cientÃfica, romper mitos, mejorar la divulgación cientÃfica, y promover la participación ciudadana. El público objetivo es el público en general. Siete cientÃficos están involucrados y se proporcionan sus correos electrónicos de contacto.
The student discusses their experience participating in the Comenius project, an opportunity for students to travel abroad and live with host families in other countries. Through Comenius, the student visited Norway and hosted students from several European countries. They learned about different cultures through daily activities and interacting with international peers. While some students struggled with English at first, all became more comfortable communicating. The student feels they have grown by gaining confidence speaking English and meeting new people from other cultures through Comenius.
Chapter 19 Vocabulary: Pollution and ConservationMr. Motuk
The document defines key terms related to the environment and sustainability such as carrying capacity, composting, conservation, enzymes, hazardous waste, landfill, pollutant, population, population explosion, recyclable, sanitary landfill, and stream discharge. It provides concise explanations of each term, such as carrying capacity referring to the maximum number of individuals an environment can support or conservation involving careful use of resources to avoid wasting them and damaging the environment.
Escola a temps complet. Com podem utilitzar el temps en benefici
dels estudiants? Es pot dissenyar un tipus de jornada
escolar que s’adapti millor a les necessitats
educatives i socials dels infants i adolescents?
Aquest informe proposa superar la confrontació
entre la jornada partida i la jornada contÃnua per
apostar per un model d’escola a temps complet que
ofereixi l’oportunitat de reduir les desigualtats
educatives i, alhora, introdueixi noves prà ctiques
i maneres d’entendre i organitzar l’escola i l’educació
de manera compartida.
Elena Sintes
The document wishes a happy new year and discusses being professionals of Kid Pix, an educational drawing program for children. It is signed by someone from Extra Informática, a Spanish technology company.
Un blog es un sitio web periódicamente actualizado que recopila artÃculos de uno o más autores en orden cronológico. Para crear un blog, se debe elegir una herramienta de alojamiento como Blogger o WordPress, crear y mantener regularmente nuevos artÃculos, y permitir comentarios para crear una comunidad de lectores.
The documents present survey results about attitudes towards school over time. Some key findings include:
- The most popular teacher type was enthusiastic, while alternative teachers were the least liked.
- Older respondents reported teachers using physical punishment more, while younger people experienced extra homework as punishment more.
- The majority view is that teacher status has declined compared to the past, or depends on the individual teacher.
- Younger people saw modern school programs as more interesting, while older people felt there was less discipline now than in the past.
Programación didáctica del módulo profesional Sistemas Secuenciales Programables (módulo de primer curso del ciclo de grado superior de Automatización y Robótica Industrial).
Programación basada en el libro "Programaciones didácticas para FP"
Chapter 19 Vocabulary: Pollution and ConservationMr. Motuk
The document defines key terms related to the environment and sustainability such as carrying capacity, composting, conservation, enzymes, hazardous waste, landfill, pollutant, population, population explosion, recyclable, sanitary landfill, and stream discharge. It provides concise explanations of each term, such as carrying capacity referring to the maximum number of individuals an environment can support or conservation involving careful use of resources to avoid wasting them and damaging the environment.
Escola a temps complet. Com podem utilitzar el temps en benefici
dels estudiants? Es pot dissenyar un tipus de jornada
escolar que s’adapti millor a les necessitats
educatives i socials dels infants i adolescents?
Aquest informe proposa superar la confrontació
entre la jornada partida i la jornada contÃnua per
apostar per un model d’escola a temps complet que
ofereixi l’oportunitat de reduir les desigualtats
educatives i, alhora, introdueixi noves prà ctiques
i maneres d’entendre i organitzar l’escola i l’educació
de manera compartida.
Elena Sintes
The document wishes a happy new year and discusses being professionals of Kid Pix, an educational drawing program for children. It is signed by someone from Extra Informática, a Spanish technology company.
Un blog es un sitio web periódicamente actualizado que recopila artÃculos de uno o más autores en orden cronológico. Para crear un blog, se debe elegir una herramienta de alojamiento como Blogger o WordPress, crear y mantener regularmente nuevos artÃculos, y permitir comentarios para crear una comunidad de lectores.
The documents present survey results about attitudes towards school over time. Some key findings include:
- The most popular teacher type was enthusiastic, while alternative teachers were the least liked.
- Older respondents reported teachers using physical punishment more, while younger people experienced extra homework as punishment more.
- The majority view is that teacher status has declined compared to the past, or depends on the individual teacher.
- Younger people saw modern school programs as more interesting, while older people felt there was less discipline now than in the past.
Programación didáctica del módulo profesional Sistemas Secuenciales Programables (módulo de primer curso del ciclo de grado superior de Automatización y Robótica Industrial).
Programación basada en el libro "Programaciones didácticas para FP"