Mooncups are reusable silicone menstrual cups that collect menstrual fluid internally instead of absorbing it like tampons. Unlike tampons which need to be frequently replaced and disposed of, mooncups only need to be purchased once and can be used for years. Mooncups do not disrupt the natural pH and moisture levels of the vagina like tampons can. They are also better for the environment since they do not contribute to landfill waste like disposable pads and tampons. Using a mooncup over a lifetime can save a woman thousands of dollars that could be spent on other things.
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Mooncups vs tampons
1. Mooncupsvs tampons
A mooncupisa reusable menstrual cupthatismade from a softmedical grade siliconrubber,itis
roundin shape andabout twoincheslong,latex free,containsnodyes,BPA,toxinsorbleaches. Like
a tampona menstrual cupor mooncupare worn internallyandratherthanabsorbingmenstrual
fluiditcollectsit.A mooncup,unlike tamponsisnotadisposable productitonlyneedstobe
purchasedonce,soyou save a ton of money.
The mooncupcan holdupto 30ml of fluid,andisroughlya thirdof the average fluidproducedper
cycle.A lightseal isformedwiththe vaginal walls,whichallowsthe menstrual fluidtopassintothe
cup withno leakage orodour.The emptyingof the mooncupwill happenlessfrequentlythanyour
currentreplacingof tampons.
The mooncupis betterforyourbody,the environmentandyourpocket.Whenusingatampon,it
absorbs65% of your menstrual fluidand35% of yournatural moisture,whichcause imbalancesof
the moisture andpH levelsof the vagina.A mooncupwill notinterfere withyourhealthyvaginal
environment.The mooncupwillnotdepositfibresonyourvaginal wall,like tamponstendtodo.
Mooncupshave not beenassociatedwithtoxicshocksyndrome,theyalsocontainnobleaches,
deodorisersorabsorbencygels.The siliconmooncupcannotcause anyirritation,andare perfectly
suitable forthose of uswithsensitiveskin,thrush,eczemaorallergies. These mooncupsare made
froma special nonallergenicmedical grade silicone.Siliconisaderivative of silicawhichisone of the
A mooncuphasa smoothsurface,whichallowsthe mucusmembranesof the vaginal wall to
continue theiressentialcleansingandfunctionsof protection.The mooncupwillnotabsorbyour
body’snatural defence mechanisms.Alsoimagine the large amountsof pantyliners,padsand
tamponsyou’ll use inyourlifetime,all of themendupon landfills,andthose of otherwomenas
well.Anaverage womandisposesof around125 to 150kg of tampons,padsand applicatorsinher
lifetime.Menstrual cupsormooncupsare reusable unlike padsandtampons,you won’tneedto
carry bulkyspares,andthe mooncupwill lastforseveral yearswithpropercare.
Dependingonwhere youare living,andthe taxeswithregardstosanitaryproducts.Take for
example anexpenditure of $10 a month onsanitaryitems,providinguswithatotal of $120 peryear,
if you hadyour firstmenstrual cycle atthe age of 12 andit stopsat an average age of 51 you would
have spent$4680, whichcould’ve paidforareallynice holiday.Thatisnotevenincludingthose
timeswhere youhadan overflow.Orlongercycles.