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Organization / Workplace
Buenos Aires, Argentina
National University of General San MartÃn
"Prefiero querer a poder,
palpar a pisar,
ganar a perder,
besar a reñir,
bailar a desfilar
y disfrutar a medir.
Prefiero volar a correr,
hacer a pensar,
amar a querer,
tomar a pedir.
Antes que nada soy
partidario de vivir..."
Blood. 2007 Nov
Induction of regulatory T cell-resistant helper CD4+ T cells by bacterial vector.
Infect Immun. 2006 74:1084-90
Cre reporter system to monitor the translocation of type III secreted proteins into host cells
Infect.Immun. 74:5826-33
Optimization of the delivery of heterologous proteins by the Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium type three secretion system forvaccine development.
J.Clin. Invest. 116:1946-54.
Users being followed by C. Gabriel Briones