George Gerbner developed cultivation theory while studying at the Annenberg School of Communication. Cultivation theory posits that heavy television viewing can influence viewers' perceptions of social reality. Specifically, it focuses on how television viewing may cultivate attitudes around the importance of physical beauty, the idea that finding a romantic partner should be the primary goal, and that true love means relationships will endure difficulties. The theory also suggests television viewing can shape ideology by cultivating new attitudes within a culture.
Born in Budapest, Hungary in
Served in the US Army
Majored in Journalism for his
undergraduate studies at UC
Received his teaching credentials
from USCs School of Education
where he received his masters
degree with his thesis titled as
Television and Education
Developed cultivation theory
while at the Annenberg School
of Communication at UPenn
A response to a study of whether or not watching
TV influenced the ideas of how life really is
Called cultivation theory because the cultivation
takes place when the media cultivate attitudes
and values in a culture (Fiske)
Resulted in the belief that the attitudes of the
viewer are affected not the behaviors
Focuses on heavy viewers of television
6. Video Clip
Boy Meets World Clip
Topanga (his girlfriend) does end up leaving, but she comes back
because they dont deserve that kind of pain because they belong
together as Cory says in this clip.
TV is the true mirror of our lives
You cannot have your heart
broken if you are truly in love
The guy always gets the girl