The document outlines the grading system for a Level 3 Cambridge Technical Diploma qualification with 120 credits. It shows the point ranges needed to achieve each grade, from D*D* (the highest) to MP, as well as the minimum number of distinctions, merits, and passes required within each point range to earn that grade. Higher point totals and more distinctions result in higher grades of D*D*, D*D, and DD.
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Cambridge Technicals Media Diploma - Qualification & Points
1. Qualification Grade
OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical Diploma
120 credits
The table below shows the point ranges above the pass grade and the grade that
those ranges achieve.
Points range above pass grade Grade
1060 and above D*D*
1030 - 1059 D*D
1000-1029 DD
960-999 DM
920-959 MM
880-919 MP
What Grades Do You Need?
Minimum Points Minimum Grades to Quali鍖cation
1060 10 Distinction/2 Merits D*D*
1030 7 Distinction/5 Merits D*D
1000 5 Distinctions/ 6 Merits/ 1 DD
960 3 Distinctions, 6 Merits, 3 DM
920 8 Merits / 4 Passes MM
880 4 Merits/ 8 Passes MP