"Misuse of Small Arms in Asia and the Pacific"
Regional Review Conference on the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development
Manila, Philippines | 8-9 October 2014
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Philip Alpers, GunPolicy.org & Sydney School of Public Health | Australia
1. Armed Violence in
Our Regions
Misuse of Small Arms in Asia
and the Pacific
Regional Review Conference on the Geneva
Declaration on Armed Violence and Development
Manila, 8-9 October 2014
Philip Alpers
Nebilyer Valley, Papua New Guinea
2. Global Firearm-related Mortality and Morbidity
875 million firearms in circulation worldwide
225 million (25%) held by state security forces
650 million (75%) in civilian possession
526,000 gun deaths per year
(deaths in organised conflict approx 10%)
As many as 1,400 gun deaths each day
Average 1 death by gunshot each minute
Non-fatal firearm-related injuries 3:1
These estimates exclude gun suicide
Global Burden of Armed Violence. GDAV and the Small Arms Survey, Geneva