simpLy mehb. naughty but not haughty . play safe and i will do the good and iLL be good to you to..
friendship is better!!
has sense of humor but sometime boring and moody. I like those people who never keep me silent! I hate those people who make me dumb and those who have corny jokes!!!
"beware of the one" hee hee..
- my skin is fair complexion
- i seldom use jewelry but i love watching dEm!
- i hate cats!
- i love polar bears!
- i use sun silk shampoo..
- i cant livE withOut tOothbrUsh!
- i lOve icE crEam
- tobLerOn iz my favOrite chOcolate
- i am nOt usE to drinK cofFeE,
- i likE the cOLor gRay, violet and white
- i uSe sister napkiNs
- MUSIC is myLifE