Describes at least two variations for conducting effective peer Recovery Action and Progress (RAP) groups, recognizes the WHAM-IMPACT criteria for setting goals and creating a weekly action plan, and encourages using the ORS, GSRS and the SCOREboard.
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Conducting recovery action and progress groups webinar handout 140918
1. September 18, 2014: 5:00pm-6:30pm
Conducting Peer Recovery Action
and Progress (RAP) Groups:
A webinar for CARES & Supervisors
George S. Braucht, LPC
Brauchtworks Consultating
and the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles
Peri Kyriacos, CARES VII, MCSW
Chatham County Jail
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2. Conducting Peer Recovery Action and Progress (RAP) Groups
My Key Takeaways
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
My Notes, Doodles, etc.
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3. Conducting Peer Recovery Action and Progress (RAP) Groups
A. Webinar Schedule:
5:00pm - 6:30pm
B. Before this Webinar
1. Get the free individual user license and the ORS and RRS forms:
a. Go to or click this link if you are online,
b. At the top of that page click on ors/srs,
c. Click on download,
d. Read the license agreement then register as a new user by providing your email
e. Select Peer Scales.
2. Download the free SCORE Board (peer and professional versions) from:
C. Objectives
1. Describe at least two variations for conducting effective peer RAP groups
2. Recognize the IMPACT criteria for setting goals and creating a weekly action plan
3. Use the ORS, GSRS and the SCOREboard
D. Poll Questions
1. I have __ level of mastery conducting recovery groups
a. Novice - Have an incomplete understanding, approaches tasks
mechanistically and needs supervision to complete them.
b. Advanced Beginner - Have a working understanding, tends to see actions
as a series of steps, can complete simpler tasks without supervision.
c. Competent - Have a good working and background understanding, sees
actions at least partly in context, able to complete work independently to
a standard that is acceptable though it may lack refinement.
d. Proficient - Have a deep understanding, sees actions holistically, can
achieve a high standard routinely.
e. Expert - Have an authoritative or deep holistic understanding, deals with
routine matters intuitively, able to go beyond existing interpretations,
achieves excellence with ease.
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4. 2. I have a __ level of mastery administering, documenting and analyzing the
a. Novice
b. Advanced Beginner
c. Competent
d. Proficient
e. Expert
3. My supervisor has a __ level of mastery administering, documenting and
analyzing the ORS and GSRS.
a. Novice
b. Advanced Beginner
c. Competent
d. Proficient
e. Expert
E. Tools for conducting Peer Recovery Action and Progress (RAP) Groups
1. Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and Group Session Rating Scale (GSRS):
available at (see B. above)
2. *Self-Completed Overview of Recovery Experience Board (SCORE Board)
3. *Recovery Capital Scale and Plan
4. *Recovery Group Handout
5. *WHAM Recovery IMPACT Weekly Goals
6. *WHAM Recovery IMPACT Weekly Daily Activity &Take-Home Log
7. Name tent/tag
* = available at
F. RAP Group guidelines
1. Arrive early for group and have ORSs available as participants enter
2. For a 1 hour group: limit to 10 or divide into subgroups of 10
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5. 3. Provide a folder for each participant: ORS, GSRS, SCORE Board, RAP
Group Handout, ruler, pen (Recovery Capital Scale and Plan [WHAM],
name tents/tags)
4. Follow the instructions at the top of the RAP Group Handout
5. Facilitators role: model the OARS
G. Begin the first group with:
Thank you for coming today I am glad to see each one of you. Lets begin by
reviewing our group guidelines
Well do things a little differently than perhaps youre used to because what is
most important are your recovery goals, your view of how you are
progressing in your recovery, and how well this group is working for you.
Id like to get your feedback using a form called the Outcome Rating Scale
that others found helpful in making this the best support group possible.
Would that be OK with you?
Anyone forget their glasses or otherwise need help reading or writing? OK,
would any of the rest of you be willing to help with reading or writing? (Ask
each helpee) Who would you like to help you?
H. Peri Kyriacos
1. Group description
a. Began as a volunteer internship paid, part-time position
b. 15-20 female inmates; 遜 mandated by judge & 遜 volunteers
c. Closed group
d. Planned transfer criteria: Attend two 2-hour groups per week for 4 weeks
e. Focus on strengths & empowerment tools such as:
Learn to pray, control anger, get along with family, recovery activities,
journaling, etc.
2. Challenges
a. Closed group limits the number who can be served
b. Role confusion: Began by doing AA meetings stopped because
participants tended to get mixed up - staying in recovery coach role was a
c. Groups get too large break into subgroups with that session
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6. I. Suggested Resources
1. Community Tool Box: the Work Group for Community Health and
Development, University of Kansas. Chapter 21 - Creating and
facilitating peer support groups:
2. Wagner, C. & Ingersoll, K. (2013). Motivational interviewing in groups.
New York: Guilford.
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