
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Canva is easy to use when youre creating great design for your social media,
brochures, posters, headers to your newsletters and much more. Canvas
drag-and-drop feature also makes it easy to insert photos, icons and ad tex
Use Giphy to find or create your own GIFs. You upload your video or paste a
YouTube link and in a few minutes youll have your desired GIF. If you dont
have the time to create your own GIF you can easily search for a feeling,
character or phrase and youll be served a buffet of GIFs. The big advantage
with GIFs is that you can use them in newsletters!
At Pexels, members can upload beautiful pictures that other people can use
for free. Type the word you are looking for in a picture and download it with
ease! You can use the images you find without referring to Pexels or the
photographer. You can read their terms here.
Listen to Spotify and reduce your level of stress and get more positive
feelings. A study in psychology made by the University of Gothenburg has
proven that listening to music will contribute to a better health and well-
Use Mail-tester to see how your newsletter probably would be received by
the mail servers on the other end. Before you send out your newsletter, test it
through Mail-tester and see if your newsletter contains something that the
servers would react to as spam.
Our vision is to make it easy for small businesses to succeed with their digital
marketing. Creating newsletters should be revolutionized easy and simple for
everyone. With us you can get started for free! 油

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6 digital tools for small business owners

  • 2. Fordesignandillustration Canva is easy to use when youre creating great design for your social media, brochures, posters, headers to your newsletters and much more. Canvas drag-and-drop feature also makes it easy to insert photos, icons and ad tex
  • 3. Use Giphy to find or create your own GIFs. You upload your video or paste a YouTube link and in a few minutes youll have your desired GIF. If you dont have the time to create your own GIF you can easily search for a feeling, character or phrase and youll be served a buffet of GIFs. The big advantage with GIFs is that you can use them in newsletters! TofindorcreateyourownGIFs
  • 4. Tofindpicturesforyour newsletter油 At Pexels, members can upload beautiful pictures that other people can use for free. Type the word you are looking for in a picture and download it with ease! You can use the images you find without referring to Pexels or the photographer. You can read their terms here.
  • 5. Whenyouwanttoworkorwrite yournewsletterefficiently油油 Listen to Spotify and reduce your level of stress and get more positive feelings. A study in psychology made by the University of Gothenburg has proven that listening to music will contribute to a better health and well- being.
  • 6. Use Mail-tester to see how your newsletter probably would be received by the mail servers on the other end. Before you send out your newsletter, test it through Mail-tester and see if your newsletter contains something that the servers would react to as spam. TofindorcreateyourownGIFsToseehowspamfiltersmanage yournewsletter
  • 7. Forcreatingandsendingyour newsletter Our vision is to make it easy for small businesses to succeed with their digital marketing. Creating newsletters should be revolutionized easy and simple for everyone. With us you can get started for free! 油