OK.旅 留仄 VY S旅仄L OOL gUy.旅 LOV 2 S 仄OO亳 留T 亳8..旅 L旅K 2 S SU亳皕S.
旅 LOV TO 仄留K OTH OL H留Y.旅 L旅K 2 留d OOKS, 旅 lov 2 L旅st亳 仄us旅...
旅 LOV 2 仄留K 皕亳d SH旅.OZ 亳dSH旅 旅S d W留Y O L旅亳K TW亳 2 SO亳.
旅 LOV L留T 亳8 SL,旅 H留T 留LY 2 皕S.
And I dont know what people think of me..! So what I can say is only
Would you mind it?
...Again, I Dont Care!
I am a harmless Creature, until all my hormones work properly.
I hate people who tries to be 'over smart' and who underestimate others..