Gianluca Gallian is a senior marine surveyor at Cunningham Lindsey Lercari s.r.l in Genoa, Italy, with over 5 years of experience. His areas of expertise include cargo surveys of containers, gas, general and liquid bulk, as well as perishable foods and beverages. He also specializes in liability investigations of ports and terminals, warehouse inspections, and theft investigations. He speaks English and Italian.
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Senior Marine Surveyor
Gianluca Gallian
Company name Cunningham Lindsey Lercari s.r.l
Team Marine
Telephone +39 010 544 6441
Facsimile +39 010 544 6659
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Location Genoa
Office address Cunningham Lindsey Lercari s.r.l
Via Roma 8A, 16121, Genoa, Italy
Current role Senior Marine Surveyor
Areas of expertise Cargo: Container (Dry/Reefer), Gas,
General, Liquid Bulk, Perishable Foodstuffs
& Beverages. Liability: Port and Terminals,
Warehouse Keepers. Specialist
investigations: Theft investigations. Risk
Management: Logistical analysis,
Warehouse Inspections.
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z Global Marine Practice Group
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