The document discusses the different forms of verbs in English. It states that all verbs except modal auxiliary verbs have at least three distinct forms: the simple form, the third person singular present tense form (-s form), and the present participle (-ing) form. It provides examples of these forms for both regular and irregular verbs. It also discusses the past tense and past participle forms. Additionally, it covers special cases for the verb "to be" and provides exercises for subjects and verbs agreeing.
16. Basic RuleBasic Rule
The basic rule states thatThe basic rule states that
a singular subject takes aa singular subject takes a
singular verb, while asingular verb, while a
plural subject takes aplural subject takes a
plural verb.plural verb.
17. HintHint::
Verbs do not form their plurals byVerbs do not form their plurals by
adding an s as nouns do. In orderadding an s as nouns do. In order
to determine which verb isto determine which verb is
singular and which one is plural,singular and which one is plural,
think of which verb you would usethink of which verb you would use
withwith hehe oror sheshe and which verb youand which verb you
would use withwould use with theythey..
18. Example:Example:
talks, talktalks, talk
Which one is the singular form?Which one is the singular form?
Which word would you useWhich word would you use
withwith hehe??
We say, "He talks."We say, "He talks."
Therefore,Therefore, talkstalks is singular.
We say, "They talk."We say, "They talk."
Therefore,Therefore, talktalk is plural.
19. Rule 1Rule 1
Two singular subjectsTwo singular subjects
connected byconnected by oror oror nornor requirerequire
a singular verb.a singular verb.
My aunt or my uncle isMy aunt or my uncle is
arriving by train today.arriving by train today.
20. Rule 2Rule 2
Two singular subjects connectedTwo singular subjects connected
byby either/oreither/or oror neither/norneither/nor require arequire a
singular verb as in Rule 1.singular verb as in Rule 1.
Neither Juan nor Carmen is available.Neither Juan nor Carmen is available.
Either Kiana or Casey is helping todayEither Kiana or Casey is helping today
with stage decorations.with stage decorations.
21. Rule 3Rule 3
WhenWhen II is one of the two subjectsis one of the two subjects
connected byconnected by either/oreither/or oror neither/norneither/nor,,
put it second and follow it with theput it second and follow it with the
singular verbsingular verb amam..
Neither she nor I am going to theNeither she nor I am going to the
22. Rule 4Rule 4
When a singular subject is connectedWhen a singular subject is connected
byby oror oror nornor to a plural subject, putto a plural subject, put
the plural subject last and use a pluralthe plural subject last and use a plural
The serving bowl or the plates go onThe serving bowl or the plates go on
that shelf.that shelf.
23. Rule 5Rule 5
When a singular and plural subject areWhen a singular and plural subject are
connected byconnected by either/oreither/or oror neither/norneither/nor,,
put the plural subject last and use aput the plural subject last and use a
plural verb.plural verb.
Neither Jenny norNeither Jenny nor
the others are available.the others are available.
24. Rule 6Rule 6
As a general rule, use a plural verbAs a general rule, use a plural verb
with two or more subjects when theywith two or more subjects when they
are connected byare connected by andand..
A car and a bike are my means ofA car and a bike are my means of
25. Rule 7Rule 7
Sometimes the subject is separatedSometimes the subject is separated
from the verb by words such asfrom the verb by words such as alongalong
with, as well as, besideswith, as well as, besides, or, or notnot..
Ignore these expressions whenIgnore these expressions when
determining whether to use a singulardetermining whether to use a singular
or plural verb.or plural verb.
26. Examples:Examples:
The politician, along with theThe politician, along with the
newsmen, is expected shortly.newsmen, is expected shortly.
Excitement, as well asExcitement, as well as
nervousness, is the cause of hernervousness, is the cause of her
27. Rule 8Rule 8
The pronounsThe pronouns each, everyone,each, everyone,
every one, everybody, anyone,every one, everybody, anyone,
anybody, someone,anybody, someone, andandsomebodysomebody areare
singular and require singular verbs. Dosingular and require singular verbs. Do
not be misled by what followsnot be misled by what follows ofof..
28. Examples:Examples:
Each of the girls sings well.Each of the girls sings well.
Every one of the cakes is gone.Every one of the cakes is gone.
NOTE:NOTE: EveryoneEveryone is one word when itis one word when it
meansmeans everybodyeverybody.. Every oneEvery one is twois two
words when the meaning iswords when the meaning is each oneeach one..
29. Rule 9Rule 9
With words that indicate portionsWith words that indicate portions
percent, fraction, part, majority,percent, fraction, part, majority,
some, all, none, remaindersome, all, none, remainder, and so, and so
forth look at the noun inforth look at the noun in
youryour ofof phrase (object of thephrase (object of the
preposition) to determine whether topreposition) to determine whether to
use a singular or plural verb. If theuse a singular or plural verb. If the
object of the preposition is singular,object of the preposition is singular,
use a singular verb. If the object ofuse a singular verb. If the object of
the preposition is plural, use a pluralthe preposition is plural, use a plural
30. Examples:Examples:
Fifty percent of theFifty percent of the
pie has disappeared.pie has disappeared.
PiePie is the object of the prepositionis the object of the preposition ofof..
Fifty percent of theFifty percent of the
pies have disappeared.pies have disappeared.
PiesPies is the object of the the object of the preposition.
One-third of the city is unemployed.One-third of the city is unemployed.
One-third of theOne-third of the
people are unemployed.people are unemployed.
NOTE:NOTE: Hyphenate all spelled-outHyphenate all spelled-out
31. All of the pie is gone.All of the pie is gone.
All of the pies are gone.All of the pies are gone.
Some of the pie is missing.Some of the pie is missing.
Some of the pies are missing.Some of the pies are missing.
None of the garbage wasNone of the garbage was
picked up.picked up.
None of the sentences wereNone of the sentences were
punctuated correctly.punctuated correctly.
Of all her books, none haveOf all her books, none have
sold as well as the first one.sold as well as the first one.
32. Rule 10Rule 10
The expressionThe expression the numberthe number is followedis followed
by a singular verb while theby a singular verb while the
expressionexpression a numbera number is followed by ais followed by a
plural verb.plural verb.
The number of people we need toThe number of people we need to
hire is thirteen.hire is thirteen.
A number of people have written inA number of people have written in
about this subject.about this subject.
33. Rule 11Rule 11
WhenWhen eithereither andand neitherneither are subjects,are subjects,
they always take singular verbs.they always take singular verbs.
Neither of them is available to speakNeither of them is available to speak
right now.right now.
Either of us is capable of doing theEither of us is capable of doing the
34. Rule 12Rule 12
The wordsThe words herehere andand therethere havehave
generally been labeled as adverbsgenerally been labeled as adverbs
even though they indicate place. Ineven though they indicate place. In
sentences beginningsentences beginning
withwith herehere oror therethere, the subject follows, the subject follows
the verb.the verb.
There are four hurdles to jump.There are four hurdles to jump.
There is a high hurdle to jump.There is a high hurdle to jump.
35. Rule 13Rule 13
Use a singular verb with sums ofUse a singular verb with sums of
money or periods of or periods of time.
Ten dollars is a high price to pay.Ten dollars is a high price to pay.
Five years is the maximum sentenceFive years is the maximum sentence
for that offense.for that offense.
36. Rule 14Rule 14
Sometimes the pronounSometimes the pronoun who, thatwho, that,,
oror whichwhich is the subject of a verb in theis the subject of a verb in the
middle of the sentence. Themiddle of the sentence. The
pronounspronouns who, thatwho, that,,
andand whichwhich become singular or pluralbecome singular or plural
according to the noun directly in frontaccording to the noun directly in front
of them. So, if that noun is singular,of them. So, if that noun is singular,
use a singular verb. If it is plural, useuse a singular verb. If it is plural, use
a plural verb.a plural verb.
37. Examples:Examples:
Salma is the scientist who writes/writeSalma is the scientist who writes/write
the reports.the reports.
The word in front ofThe word in front of whowho isis scientistscientist,,
which is singular. Therefore, use thewhich is singular. Therefore, use the
singular verbsingular verb writeswrites..
He is one of the men who does/do theHe is one of the men who does/do the
The word in front ofThe word in front of whowho isis menmen,,
which is plural. Therefore, use thewhich is plural. Therefore, use the
plural verbplural verb
38. Rule 15Rule 15
Collective nouns suchCollective nouns such
asas teamteam andand staffstaff may be eithermay be either
singular or plural depending on theirsingular or plural depending on their
use in the sentence.use in the sentence.
39. Examples:Examples:
The staff is in a meeting.The staff is in a meeting.
StaffStaff is acting as a unit acting as a unit here.
The staff are in disagreement aboutThe staff are in disagreement about
the findings.the findings.
The staffThe staff are acting as separateare acting as separate
individuals in this example.individuals in this example.
The sentence would read even betterThe sentence would read even better
The staff members are inThe staff members are in
disagreement about the findings.disagreement about the findings.
40. Exercises:Exercises:
1. The world (change, changes) so1. The world (change, changes) so
rapidly that we can hardly keep up.rapidly that we can hardly keep up.
2. People (is, are) often2. People (is, are) often
ten or twenty years behind the timesten or twenty years behind the times
in their knowledge of the their knowledge of the world.
3. People who (live, lives) in poverty3. People who (live, lives) in poverty
often do not even have television oroften do not even have television or
41. 4. He (doesnt, dont) want to be4. He (doesnt, dont) want to be
5. Life (is, are) very complicated5. Life (is, are) very complicated
42. 6. Traditionally, college students (has,6. Traditionally, college students (has,
have) been very active in politics.have) been very active in politics.
7. There (is, are) both men and7. There (is, are) both men and
women at the meeting.women at the meeting.
8. The students in my class (has,8. The students in my class (has,
have) very poor work habits.have) very poor work habits.
43. 9. Each of you (has, have) an equal9. Each of you (has, have) an equal
chance to make good grades.chance to make good grades.
10. All of the children (was, were)10. All of the children (was, were)
hunting Easter eggs in the garden.hunting Easter eggs in the garden.
11. A notebook and a pen (is, are)11. A notebook and a pen (is, are)
lying on the desk in the library.lying on the desk in the library.
44. 12. My son, along with two friends,12. My son, along with two friends,
(is, are) coming for the weekend.(is, are) coming for the weekend.
13. Sitting on the sofa (was, were)13. Sitting on the sofa (was, were)
two students from Thailand.two students from Thailand.
14. Either the workers or the manager14. Either the workers or the manager
(is, are) coming to the conference.(is, are) coming to the conference.
45. 15. Not only the students, but also the15. Not only the students, but also the
teacher (has, have) been unhappy.teacher (has, have) been unhappy.
16. Everybody (hate, hates) to take16. Everybody (hate, hates) to take
17. Knowledge gained after long study17. Knowledge gained after long study
(disappear, disappears) rapidly from(disappear, disappears) rapidly from
our minds.our minds.
46. 18. One of my greatest worries in18. One of my greatest worries in
college (was, were) that I would studycollege (was, were) that I would study
hard and still flunk important tests.hard and still flunk important tests.
19.Georgia Southern University19.Georgia Southern University
(provide, provides) some scholarships(provide, provides) some scholarships
for the students.for the students.
20. The news about Afghanistan (is,20. The news about Afghanistan (is,
are) shocking, isnt it?are) shocking, isnt it?