Building Community in Online, Blended, and Face-to-Face Environmentskpritcha
The document discusses building a learning community for an online geography course with over 2,750 students. It explains that a learning community is a group that shares values and beliefs and actively learns from each other. Creating a sense of community can increase student engagement and learning as students support each other. The document outlines various free online tools like Facebook, Twitter and video chat that can help build connections between students and the professor. It provides examples of how the community in this course has led to enriching experiences like a Skype session with Aung San Suu Kyi and shows that a community can achieve more than individuals alone.
Using Blogging As An Emerging Technology For Stafftculver
This document discusses using blogging as an emerging technology for staff development. It defines blogging as when an individual writes and maintains blog entries by adding or deleting content. A UK study found blogging had a positive impact on staff development. Blogs can be used for students to make reflections, and for instructors to post announcements and assignments. Using blogs relates to the ASSURE model of instructional design by allowing instructors to analyze learners, set objectives, select strategies, utilize technology, require participation, and evaluate outcomes.
Bullying And Harassment In The Workplacelmichelle327
The document discusses various forms of harassment and bullying in the workplace. It notes that indirect verbal communication, non-verbal communication, and manipulation of the work environment are all ways that bullies operate. It also mentions that women and minorities often experience higher rates of abusive behavior. The document provides information on how to address harassment, including confronting the harasser, reporting the behavior to supervisors, and keeping records of incidents.
Bringing the World to Your Classroom, and Your Classroom to the Worldkpritcha
Given at SIM University Faculty Learning Day (July 25 - 28, 2012)
With globalization, the rapid proliferation of online information, and increasing complexity of problems, the development of collaborative learning skills is essential. Former models of group work, based on traditional assignment design such as papers and presentations, are limited in their effectiveness. Technology is changing the face of collaboration and enabling far more creative, engaging and effective learning opportunities for students and faculty. This presentation shares methods to create authentic learning experiences using widely available software and tools tailored to the classroom.
Este power point presenta fotos de la familia del autor, incluyendo sus hijos, esposo y madre, con el objetivo de deleitarlos y mostrarles cu叩nto los aprecia. El autor expresa la esperanza de que hayan disfrutado ver las fotos y se despide hasta una pr坦xima oportunidad.
This document is Theodore Swarts' portfolio containing examples of his work in areas like branding, corporate communication, advertising, packaging, publishing, and information design. It includes projects for creating a corporate identity guide for a craft beer brand, designing a reward scheme identity and materials for a healthy living program called "Livelife", developing an advertising campaign for a music festival tour, and designing a book about an individual deemed a "Person of Worth". The portfolio showcases Swarts' skills and experience across various design disciplines.
Given at SIM University Faculty Learning Day (July 25 - 28, 2012)
Subject matter experts enrich the classroom learning experience by sharing current information and meaningful real-world experiences directly with students. Classroom speakers are generally limited to the pool of experts in close geographical proximity. However, technology can step in as a substitute for travel and greatly expand possibilities, while maintaining the seamless interaction and rich experience for students. This presentation describes techniques to successfully garner top experts the ones most likely to make the largest impact. It will demonstrate a variety of technology options and share the advantages and challenges of each. Finally, it describe how to incorporate invited speakers within the pedagogy of a case-study approach to foster optimal learning benefits.
Given at SIM University Faculty Learning Day (July 25 - 28, 2012)
Most courses are implicitly built upon a system of minimizing point losses, thereby placing an emphasis on what students do NOT know. Envision a system that instead puts the focus on demonstrated mastery of what students DO know. This presentation will share a positive point accrual system that has evolved into a very successful pedagogical approach adopted in various-sized classrooms. It is a particularly effective approach for very large classrooms (1000+) where individual student needs and scheduling can make a one-size-fits-all syllabus very impractical. This presentation shares a broad range of ideas for student demonstrations of mastery and work with participants to explore how this approach can be adapted to their particular domain and course characteristics.
The student found summarizing to be the most useful reading strategy discussed in class. They enjoyed taking notes to understand what was happening in novels and asking questions. Taking notes helped them comprehend stories and identify things they did not understand. They got better at summarizing over time and sharing interesting parts with the class.
The document discusses disclosure and apology practices for medical errors and adverse events. It recommends a three step process: 1) Initial empathy and addressing patient needs, apologizing but not admitting fault; 2) A swift investigation involving outside experts; 3) Resolution by sharing results, admitting error if found and compensating, or proving no error if found. It emphasizes quick response, transparency, communication and resolving issues to reduce future injuries.
Given at SIM University Faculty Learning Day (July 25 - 28, 2012)
Online social media and interactive tools are often viewed to be at odds with the classroom experience. Rather than work against the draw of these gathering places, faculty can learn to utilise them appropriately within the context of a course. This presentation provides a tour of online communication tools and demonstrates how each can be customised to promote greater student engagement and interactivity within an academic setting. Among the tools to be discussed are Facebook and Twitter, Ustream and Spreecast (videocasting), Reddit (peer voting), Forums, Delicious (social bookmarking) and music tools.
Building Community in Online, Blended, and Face-to-Face Environmentskpritcha
The document discusses building a learning community for an online geography course with over 2,750 students. It explains that a learning community is a group that shares values and beliefs and actively learns from each other. Creating a sense of community can increase student engagement and learning as students support each other. The document outlines various free online tools like Facebook, Twitter and video chat that can help build connections between students and the professor. It provides examples of how the community in this course has led to enriching experiences like a Skype session with Aung San Suu Kyi and shows that a community can achieve more than individuals alone.
Using Blogging As An Emerging Technology For Stafftculver
This document discusses using blogging as an emerging technology for staff development. It defines blogging as when an individual writes and maintains blog entries by adding or deleting content. A UK study found blogging had a positive impact on staff development. Blogs can be used for students to make reflections, and for instructors to post announcements and assignments. Using blogs relates to the ASSURE model of instructional design by allowing instructors to analyze learners, set objectives, select strategies, utilize technology, require participation, and evaluate outcomes.
Bullying And Harassment In The Workplacelmichelle327
The document discusses various forms of harassment and bullying in the workplace. It notes that indirect verbal communication, non-verbal communication, and manipulation of the work environment are all ways that bullies operate. It also mentions that women and minorities often experience higher rates of abusive behavior. The document provides information on how to address harassment, including confronting the harasser, reporting the behavior to supervisors, and keeping records of incidents.
Bringing the World to Your Classroom, and Your Classroom to the Worldkpritcha
Given at SIM University Faculty Learning Day (July 25 - 28, 2012)
With globalization, the rapid proliferation of online information, and increasing complexity of problems, the development of collaborative learning skills is essential. Former models of group work, based on traditional assignment design such as papers and presentations, are limited in their effectiveness. Technology is changing the face of collaboration and enabling far more creative, engaging and effective learning opportunities for students and faculty. This presentation shares methods to create authentic learning experiences using widely available software and tools tailored to the classroom.
Este power point presenta fotos de la familia del autor, incluyendo sus hijos, esposo y madre, con el objetivo de deleitarlos y mostrarles cu叩nto los aprecia. El autor expresa la esperanza de que hayan disfrutado ver las fotos y se despide hasta una pr坦xima oportunidad.
This document is Theodore Swarts' portfolio containing examples of his work in areas like branding, corporate communication, advertising, packaging, publishing, and information design. It includes projects for creating a corporate identity guide for a craft beer brand, designing a reward scheme identity and materials for a healthy living program called "Livelife", developing an advertising campaign for a music festival tour, and designing a book about an individual deemed a "Person of Worth". The portfolio showcases Swarts' skills and experience across various design disciplines.
Given at SIM University Faculty Learning Day (July 25 - 28, 2012)
Subject matter experts enrich the classroom learning experience by sharing current information and meaningful real-world experiences directly with students. Classroom speakers are generally limited to the pool of experts in close geographical proximity. However, technology can step in as a substitute for travel and greatly expand possibilities, while maintaining the seamless interaction and rich experience for students. This presentation describes techniques to successfully garner top experts the ones most likely to make the largest impact. It will demonstrate a variety of technology options and share the advantages and challenges of each. Finally, it describe how to incorporate invited speakers within the pedagogy of a case-study approach to foster optimal learning benefits.
Given at SIM University Faculty Learning Day (July 25 - 28, 2012)
Most courses are implicitly built upon a system of minimizing point losses, thereby placing an emphasis on what students do NOT know. Envision a system that instead puts the focus on demonstrated mastery of what students DO know. This presentation will share a positive point accrual system that has evolved into a very successful pedagogical approach adopted in various-sized classrooms. It is a particularly effective approach for very large classrooms (1000+) where individual student needs and scheduling can make a one-size-fits-all syllabus very impractical. This presentation shares a broad range of ideas for student demonstrations of mastery and work with participants to explore how this approach can be adapted to their particular domain and course characteristics.
The student found summarizing to be the most useful reading strategy discussed in class. They enjoyed taking notes to understand what was happening in novels and asking questions. Taking notes helped them comprehend stories and identify things they did not understand. They got better at summarizing over time and sharing interesting parts with the class.
The document discusses disclosure and apology practices for medical errors and adverse events. It recommends a three step process: 1) Initial empathy and addressing patient needs, apologizing but not admitting fault; 2) A swift investigation involving outside experts; 3) Resolution by sharing results, admitting error if found and compensating, or proving no error if found. It emphasizes quick response, transparency, communication and resolving issues to reduce future injuries.
Given at SIM University Faculty Learning Day (July 25 - 28, 2012)
Online social media and interactive tools are often viewed to be at odds with the classroom experience. Rather than work against the draw of these gathering places, faculty can learn to utilise them appropriately within the context of a course. This presentation provides a tour of online communication tools and demonstrates how each can be customised to promote greater student engagement and interactivity within an academic setting. Among the tools to be discussed are Facebook and Twitter, Ustream and Spreecast (videocasting), Reddit (peer voting), Forums, Delicious (social bookmarking) and music tools.
El 8 de mar巽 辿s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici坦 comen巽a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer竪ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa誰sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R炭ssia van organitzar una manifestaci坦 per la pau i la just鱈cia. Avui, el 8 de mar巽 hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m坦n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just鱈cia social.
2. Alemanya 辿s un estat d'Europa Central que forma part de la Uni坦 Europea ,anomenat oficialment Republic Federal d'Alemanya (RFA). T辿 82.191.000 persones (Espanya t辿 aprox 47.000.000)
4. Berl鱈n 辿s la ciutat m辿s important d'Alemanya i 辿s la m辿s gran. s la capital
5. Mur de Berlin amb 45km de per鱈metre encercla el sector occidental de Berlin i el separa de l' est( de la RDA), des del 13 d'agost de 1961 al 9 de novembre de 1989.
6. Despr辿s del final de la segona Guerra Mundial ,Alemanya va ser dividida en quatre zones d'ocupaci坦. Berl鱈n, la capital tamb辿 va ser dividida entre Anglaterra (oest), Fran巽a(nord-oest) , Estats Units (sud-oest) i la Uni坦 Sovi竪tica (est) En 1948 la part d'Anglaterra, Fran巽a i Estats Units s'ajunten i ja nom辿s hi ha 2 parts a Berl鱈n En 1961 la part oest de Berl鱈n ( la russa) va construir el mur de 144km per a que la gent no pogu辿s passar al altre costat. En 1989 es va destruir el mur i la gent ja va poder passar lliurement d'una part a l'altra.
15. Europa 辿s un continent important i t辿 molts pa誰sos, per exemple Espanya, Alemanya, Est嘆nia, Franca i Pol嘆nia
16. La Terra 辿s un planeta que t辿 6 continents . A la Terra trobam Espanya i Alemanya.
17. Els rius m辿s importants d' Alemanya : Neix a Alemanya i arriba al mar Negre t辿 una llargria de 2.852km. Danubi Alemanya ustria Hongria S辿rbia Romania Bulg叩ria Mar negre
18. El riu Neckar neix a la Selva Negra i arriba al riu Rin.T辿 368km
19. Rin El riu Rin t辿 1230km .Neix als Alps su誰ssos i desemboca a la mar del Nord als Pa誰sos Baixos (Holanda) Alemanya Mar del Nord Holanda Su誰sa
20. La presidenta nom ngela Merkel i 辿s una molt bona presidenta. Perqu竪 jo som la presidenta?