Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Rosario, La Union
Commission on Audit Staff
simple girl that only want simple things,a simple person with a simple love
I always do belived in KArma:]
.I alWays cOnsiDer the fEelings oF oThers tHough sOmetiMes Im beIn saRcasTic.
.I alWays say wHats on mY miNd!!!
.Im nOt tHe plastIc type.
.Im not thaT pRetty aNd I aDmIt iT!!!aNd im aWare Of it:]
.sOmetyms iM reaLly cOnfidEnT aNd aT tImes i fEel iNsecUre
.But DespIte Of thIs Im cONtented fOr wHat i haVe:]
.Id raTHer lOOk iMmaTure aNd haVe fUn thaN tO caRE oThEr pEople thInk!!!
.Im haPpiee wIt mY lIfe.And iM nOt hEre tO pLEase tHose bItcHEs people.
.If You dOnt lIKe meh!!!wEll i dOnt lIKe yOU too.
.Just sTay aWay fRom me!!
Users following Ryzzelle Gapuz