The document discusses the challenges currently facing club managers, including declining membership numbers, changing consumer wants, and increased marketing noise. It emphasizes the need for clubs to develop relevant marketing strategies, spend marketing funds wisely based on what works, and measure results. A case study of a golf club's print ad campaign in a magazine is presented, showing how the ad's strategy was to appeal to relocating couples by highlighting savings and social benefits. The outcomes of selling 10 memberships, recouping the ad costs, are evaluated as a success.
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GMA QLD Marketing Presentation - March 2012
1. The Biggest Challenge for
Current Day Club Managers
Pacific Golf Club, 6 March 2012
2. 2010 Membership Data
Title of 際際滷
% change % change % change
Year End Year End Year End 2008- 2009- 2008-
Region 2008 2009 2010 2009 2010 2010
Brisbane 17,095 17,261 16,439 1% -5% -4%
South Brisbane 8,171 7,771 7,451 -5% -4% -9%
Gold Coast 14,215 13,981 13,935 -2% 0% -2%
Sunshine Coast 14,435 14,515 14,422 1% -1% 0%
Wide Bay 3,656 3,757 3,771 3% 0% 3%
Other SEQ 3,918 3,899 3,802 0% -2% -3%
Total SEQ 61,490 61,184 59,820 0% -2% -3%
Rest of State 13,911 13,205 13,102 -5% -1% -6%
Total 75,401 74,389 72,922 -1% -2% -3%
South Brisbane = Logan to Ipswich
3. The Market
In summary, probably the toughest wider environment that many of
you have ever faced
Softening in member numbers, softening sub revenues unless price
growth, a potentially busier golf course
Changing wider wants of consumer, relevance of a club
membership, golf course, F&B
Higher level of marketing noise in society more to cut through and
compete against
Changing of the guard traditional media v new media
Added pressure of funds available to enable you to be heard
Operational results, annual capex requirements, infrastructure
What are you spending annually on marketing?
Total annual income, total marketing spend - % spend
Around the room.
4. The Reality
You cannot afford to not be getting results from your marketing
Coal facing selling must have a call to action
You therefore need to:
Develop a relevant, realistic strategy
Know what you are trying to achieve
Ensure no wasted expenditure
Spend wisely based on knowing what works and can deliver
Measure, measure, measure!
5. Marketing Where it fits
What are you actually trying to achieve?
To positively impact annual outcomes
6. Marketing the Goal
The marketing process...
Title of 際際滷 The consumer decision process
7. Marketing Where?
Title of 際際滷
A vastly different landscape in terms of mediums available
What to choose?
Changing degree of relevance of some (old media vs new media)
Levels of effectiveness of each will vary dependent upon your
strategy and who you are trying to reach
8. Marketing 21st Century
Title of 際際滷
All around us we are seeing change
JBAS view is that as technology has progressed and as
communication has become more electronic, more personal, with
more information available, marketing has become even more of
a science, less an art.
It is the science of understanding data, listening to what it is
saying, then actioning.
The winners will be those who can best develop and maintain
relationships, whilst getting as much from them as you can.
9. Case Study
Title of 際際滷
Gold Coast Burleigh Golf Club
Print Media - Inside Golf Magazine, Feb 2012
10. Case Study
Inside Golf Stats
42,000 copies printed per month
Distributed to golf clubs, social clubs, driving ranges and golf
retailers throughout Australia
Ad Costs
Part of annual advertising package but retail cost of $1,000
With joining fee of $2,200 reduced to $1,100 for spouse, ($3,300
total) needed to sell only 1 package to cover advertising costs
and re-coup discount offered.
(if a club with no joining fee and lower annual fee then ROI
becomes harder to achieve, harder again if ad costs are higher,
and harder again if selling public rounds)
11. Case Study
Reverse engineer the advertisement to understand why it was
developed and what the strategy was.
Why was is developed?
Management saw weakness in current level of spouse members
Appeal to relocation market
Appeal to local market
Key Points
Moving to Queensland
Husband and wife
6 or 7 day
Make new friends
Save some $$
12. Case Study
What is the Market?
Annual population growth for Gold Coast is approx 13,000 15,000
75% of this is migration
40% are 45 years +
Av participation rate in golf of this market is 9%, half this for club golf.
Therefore, based on club location, the potential size of the market that
this ad is relevant to (should they see it) is approximately 100- 200
people (assuming no prior research done on clubs to join, and
disregarding any existing relationships that may exist reciprocals,
other friends clubs etc.)
So how much of this market can the club be reasonably expected
to capture?
13. Case Study
Club sales target was 25
To date (late Feb) have sold 10 including sales to existing local residents
(non movers)
Despite being below target has success achieved?
In this case, yes it has. Target was possibly too high given size of
potential market
Very good return made on the advertising investment
Alternative option
Establish relationships with local real estate agents
Incentivise introduction to Club, green fee and / or F&B vouchers
14. Case Study
Reason for working through this is to show you that behind every
marketing spend, in this case a print advertisement, there should be
a strategy and outcomes that must be be measureable.
Otherwise a more appropriate classification for your marketing spend is
15. Your Reality
Marketing requires:
JBAS understands that without all of these you cant:
Develop marketing strategies
Ensure effective execution of these strategies
Measure the results and outcomes achieved
Help is now to hand.