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Sawn softwood
                  Technical requirements in accordance with GOST 8486-86

Number The index, attribute, defect of wood, Requirements for grades
       its location                          selective     Grade 1 Grade 2                         Grade 3 4 grade
1         Wood species                               coniferous (the specification of the buyer)
2         Nominal length, m:
          for the domestic market and export         from 1.0 to 6.5 with gradation 0,25
          for the manufacture of packaging           from 0.5 to 0.1 grading
          for bridge beams                           3.25
          for export                                 from 0.9 to 6.3 with 0.3 grading
3         Deviations from nominal length, mm.        -25 to +50
6         Deviations from nominal thickness and width, mm, nominal sizes:
          up to 32 mm incl.                          from -1 to +1
          from 40 to 100 mm incl.                    from -2 to +2
          more than 100 mm.                          -3 to +3
7         The smallest width of the plastic timber unedged, mm, at a nominal thickness:
          from 16 to 50 mm.                          50
          from 60 to 100 mm.                         60
          125 mm or more                             60% of thickness

Note 1: The dimensions of sawn timber on thickness and width are set to 20% humidity. With more or less moisture
content of sawn sizes should be more or less the amount of shrinkage in accordance with GOST 6782.1-75
8         Knots fused healthy:
          diameter percentage of width / number of 1 m length pieces.:
          layer and arris                            20 / 2           25 / 3     33 / 4            50 / 4     allowed
          Edge:                                                                                               allowed
          at a thickness of 40 mm.                   33 / 1           50 / 2     67 / 2            add. / 2
          40 mm and more                             25 (but not      33 / 2     50 / 3            add. / 3
                                                     more than 15
                                                     mm) / 2
          Knots partially fused and unjoint diameter as a percentage of the width / number of 1 m length (in
          the amount of fused), ea.:
9         layer and arris                            12,5 / 2         20 / 2     25 / 3            33 / 3     50 / 4
          at a thickness of 40 mm.                   25 / 1           33 / 1     50 / 2            add. / 2   add. / 2
          40 mm and more                             10 mm / 1        25 / 2     33 / 2            67 / 2     add. / 3
10        Knots decayed and rotten                   not allowed      diameter - on standards for intergrown and
                                                                      unjoint knots, the number - no more than half of
                                                                      their permitted number of
Note 2: The diameter of the knot is measured by the distance between two lines related to knot parallel to the
longitudinal axis of the timber.
Note 3: Knots with a diameter less than 50% of the allowable values are not taken into account.
Note 4: Knot normalized as asymphytous knot in a perfect grade is not allowed.
Note 5: The timber length of 3 m may be a twig with a diameter of Standards adjacent lower grade.
Note 6: In the section of length equal to the width of the timber, the sum of the sizes of knots in a straight line
across this area in any direction shall not exceed the allowable diameter of the knot.
Note 7: The bars (thickness and width of 100 mm or more) the number of knots is not standardized.

          Face cracks and edge, including go to the end, length, percentage of length of sawn
11        timber:
          shallow                                    16               25         33                50
          deep                                       10               16         33                50

          Face cracks cross-cutting, including going on the end:
          Length, mm.                                100              150        200               -          -
          length, percentage of length n / m.        -                -          -                 16         25
13        Cracks face (except for cracks from        not allowed      25         33                50         allowed
          shrinkage), length, percentage of the                       (One of the ends)
          width of the timber

Note 9: The permissible sizes of cracks are set for lumber with a moisture content of 22%. At greater moisture
these sizes decrease by half.
14        Slope of grain,%                           5                allowed
15        percentage of area of sawn timber          not allowed      20         allowed
          Resin pockets:
16        amount per 1 m of length n / m, ea.        A                2          4                 allowed
          length of the pocket (on one side of       50               allowed
          timber), mm.
17       Core and dual core                       not allowed                 allowed
         without radial cracks in lumber          not allowed       allowed
         thickness of 40 mm or more
         Bark (simple):
18       width, the width of the lumber           not allowed       10        20              25        allowed
         length, percentage of length of sawn                       5         10              10
19       Cancer, length, percentage of length of not allowed                  20 but not more 33        allowed
         sawn timber                                                          than 1 m.
20       Fungus heartwood stains, area,           not allowed       10        20              allowed
         percentage of the area of timber
         Sapwood mushroom painting and mold:
21       surface                                  not allowed       not allowed
         deep area, percentage of the area of                       10        20              50        not
         timber                                                                                         allowed
22       Rot:                                     not allowed
         variegated heartwood rot sieve in the    not allowed                                           10
         form of spots and stripes, area,
         percentage of the area of timber
23       Wormholes, the number of holes per 1     not allowed (except for     2               3         6
         m length of sawn timber, ea.             the shallow part of the
24       Foreign inclusions                       not allowed
         Acute wane:
25       width of sawn layer, per cent of width   not allowed                                           50
         sawn timber
         length of the sawn edge, percentage of                                                         25
         length of sawn timber
         Dumb wane:
         on faces and edges with no limit on the 16                 16        16              33
26       length, size of sawn, percentage of                                                            allowed
         edges in some areas, the amount of not 33                  33        33              66
         sawn, percentage of width
         length of the section, percentage of     16                16        16              25
         length of sawn timber
27       Butt trimming, percentage of width or    5                 5         5               5         5
         thickness of the p / m.
28       Risks undulation, tear-out, depth, mm.   not a deviation from the nominal thickness 3          allowed
                                                  or width (item 5)
29       Crook longitudinal on layer and an      0.20               0.20      0.20            0.40      allowed
         edge, sag, the percentages of the width
         of the timber
30       Crook transverse, sag, the percentages A                   A         A               2         allowed
         of the width of the timber

Note 10: Limits are set crook for lumber moisture content of 22%. At greater humidity rate reduced by half.
Note 11: Defects of wood, not mentioned in the table are allowed.
Note 12: Sawn timber are delivered dry (moisture content not exceeding 22%), raw or not antiseptized.
Note 13: Assessment of quality lumber, with the exception of the deck should provodits on layer or edge, the worst
for this board.

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Gost 8486 86 (quality of sawn timber)

  • 1. Sawn softwood Technical requirements in accordance with GOST 8486-86 Number The index, attribute, defect of wood, Requirements for grades its location selective Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 4 grade 1 Wood species coniferous (the specification of the buyer) 2 Nominal length, m: for the domestic market and export from 1.0 to 6.5 with gradation 0,25 for the manufacture of packaging from 0.5 to 0.1 grading for bridge beams 3.25 for export from 0.9 to 6.3 with 0.3 grading 3 Deviations from nominal length, mm. -25 to +50 6 Deviations from nominal thickness and width, mm, nominal sizes: up to 32 mm incl. from -1 to +1 from 40 to 100 mm incl. from -2 to +2 more than 100 mm. -3 to +3 7 The smallest width of the plastic timber unedged, mm, at a nominal thickness: from 16 to 50 mm. 50 from 60 to 100 mm. 60 125 mm or more 60% of thickness Note 1: The dimensions of sawn timber on thickness and width are set to 20% humidity. With more or less moisture content of sawn sizes should be more or less the amount of shrinkage in accordance with GOST 6782.1-75 8 Knots fused healthy: diameter percentage of width / number of 1 m length pieces.: layer and arris 20 / 2 25 / 3 33 / 4 50 / 4 allowed Edge: allowed at a thickness of 40 mm. 33 / 1 50 / 2 67 / 2 add. / 2 40 mm and more 25 (but not 33 / 2 50 / 3 add. / 3 more than 15 mm) / 2 Knots partially fused and unjoint diameter as a percentage of the width / number of 1 m length (in the amount of fused), ea.: 9 layer and arris 12,5 / 2 20 / 2 25 / 3 33 / 3 50 / 4 Edge: at a thickness of 40 mm. 25 / 1 33 / 1 50 / 2 add. / 2 add. / 2 40 mm and more 10 mm / 1 25 / 2 33 / 2 67 / 2 add. / 3 10 Knots decayed and rotten not allowed diameter - on standards for intergrown and unjoint knots, the number - no more than half of their permitted number of Note 2: The diameter of the knot is measured by the distance between two lines related to knot parallel to the longitudinal axis of the timber. Note 3: Knots with a diameter less than 50% of the allowable values are not taken into account. Note 4: Knot normalized as asymphytous knot in a perfect grade is not allowed. Note 5: The timber length of 3 m may be a twig with a diameter of Standards adjacent lower grade. Note 6: In the section of length equal to the width of the timber, the sum of the sizes of knots in a straight line across this area in any direction shall not exceed the allowable diameter of the knot. Note 7: The bars (thickness and width of 100 mm or more) the number of knots is not standardized. Face cracks and edge, including go to the end, length, percentage of length of sawn allowed 11 timber: shallow 16 25 33 50 deep 10 16 33 50 Face cracks cross-cutting, including going on the end: 12 Length, mm. 100 150 200 - - length, percentage of length n / m. - - - 16 25 13 Cracks face (except for cracks from not allowed 25 33 50 allowed shrinkage), length, percentage of the (One of the ends) width of the timber Note 9: The permissible sizes of cracks are set for lumber with a moisture content of 22%. At greater moisture these sizes decrease by half. 14 Slope of grain,% 5 allowed 15 percentage of area of sawn timber not allowed 20 allowed Resin pockets: 16 amount per 1 m of length n / m, ea. A 2 4 allowed length of the pocket (on one side of 50 allowed timber), mm.
  • 2. 17 Core and dual core not allowed allowed without radial cracks in lumber not allowed allowed thickness of 40 mm or more Bark (simple): 18 width, the width of the lumber not allowed 10 20 25 allowed length, percentage of length of sawn 5 10 10 timber 19 Cancer, length, percentage of length of not allowed 20 but not more 33 allowed sawn timber than 1 m. 20 Fungus heartwood stains, area, not allowed 10 20 allowed percentage of the area of timber Sapwood mushroom painting and mold: 21 surface not allowed not allowed deep area, percentage of the area of 10 20 50 not timber allowed 22 Rot: not allowed variegated heartwood rot sieve in the not allowed 10 form of spots and stripes, area, percentage of the area of timber 23 Wormholes, the number of holes per 1 not allowed (except for 2 3 6 m length of sawn timber, ea. the shallow part of the wany) 24 Foreign inclusions not allowed Acute wane: 25 width of sawn layer, per cent of width not allowed 50 sawn timber length of the sawn edge, percentage of 25 length of sawn timber Dumb wane: on faces and edges with no limit on the 16 16 16 33 26 length, size of sawn, percentage of allowed width edges in some areas, the amount of not 33 33 33 66 sawn, percentage of width length of the section, percentage of 16 16 16 25 length of sawn timber 27 Butt trimming, percentage of width or 5 5 5 5 5 thickness of the p / m. 28 Risks undulation, tear-out, depth, mm. not a deviation from the nominal thickness 3 allowed or width (item 5) 29 Crook longitudinal on layer and an 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.40 allowed edge, sag, the percentages of the width of the timber 30 Crook transverse, sag, the percentages A A A 2 allowed of the width of the timber Note 10: Limits are set crook for lumber moisture content of 22%. At greater humidity rate reduced by half. Note 11: Defects of wood, not mentioned in the table are allowed. Note 12: Sawn timber are delivered dry (moisture content not exceeding 22%), raw or not antiseptized. Note 13: Assessment of quality lumber, with the exception of the deck should provodits on layer or edge, the worst for this board.