/\ My name is Justine...
you can call me "juz" or anything you like...
my childhood nickname is "kwenk2x" ,.... far from my real name isn't it?? hihihihi ='-'=
J olly
U nderstanding
S weet n sexy < hahhaa hope so>
T empting.... <='-'= no violent reaction>
I ntellegent... aii sana bright nlng...
N aughty.... but nice
E nthusiastic
I'm an artist and i love being creative...
i do stuffs that i like... i know how to draw, paint, do some carvings, designs and also editing and lay-outing...
but my course is far from what I'm interested with...
and that is being a nursing student....
I'm a computer addict... i prefer doing stuffs that ar