REALITYアバターを様々なメタバースで活躍させてみた - GREE VR Studio Laboratory インターン研究成果発表gree_tech
The document outlines the research presentations from an internship program at GREE VR Studio Laboratory. The presentations covered topics like motion capture techniques that could be used in metaverses, generating emotive expressions from sound, and representing metaverses using augmented reality. One presentation proposed a way for users to virtually travel the world together by exploring street view locations and taking photos with their avatars.
REALITYアバターを様々なメタバースで活躍させてみた - GREE VR Studio Laboratory インターン研究成果発表gree_tech
The document outlines the research presentations from an internship program at GREE VR Studio Laboratory. The presentations covered topics like motion capture techniques that could be used in metaverses, generating emotive expressions from sound, and representing metaverses using augmented reality. One presentation proposed a way for users to virtually travel the world together by exploring street view locations and taking photos with their avatars.
The document discusses a quality improvement project at Reality Inc. to reduce app startup time. It began with measuring startup sequences on iOS and Android to identify bottlenecks. This showed networking requests and initializing distributions were slow. Performance was then measured in user environments using Firebase and GCP tools. Startup times of over 6 seconds were found. The project aims to parallelize processes, remove unnecessary tasks, and speed up networking to reduce startup time through ongoing measurement and optimization.
This document introduces two operational support tools for making Cloud Spanner more convenient: Spanner Warming Guy and Spanner Up-Down Guy.
Spanner Warming Guy is a tool that performs warmup of Cloud Spanner before releases. It can add load to Spanner through SELECT queries alone and automatically adjusts the number of SELECT bots.
Spanner Up-Down Guy is a tool that auto-scales the number of nodes in Cloud Spanner. It periodically executes Cloud Functions to adjust the node count according to a pre-defined schedule or the load situation. It can gradually decrease nodes to reduce costs.
40. カメラの画?を毎フレーム調整
if pos.x <= 0 and pos.x >= posD.x then
elseif pos.x <= posD.x then
41. 特定の箇所のみキャラクターのライトを変更 if v_chr_1.x >= v_left.x and v_chr_1.x <= v_right.x
Common_setCharacterLightColor(0.1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.3,
42. 特定の場所で全体ライトを変更 if pos.z < posT1.z and pos.x > posT2.x and pos.x <= posT3.x
Common_setForegroundLightColor(0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1)
Common_setCharacterLightColor(0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1)
Common_setForegroundLightColor(0.3, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Common_setCharacterLightColor(0.3, 1, 1, 1, 1)