This document describes Fabula Branding, a full-service branding agency. It provides branding and design services including naming, logos, trademarks, strategy, and identity development. It has completed over 550 design projects and registered over 800 trademarks. The agency prides itself on professional branding services and using in-house photography and printing. Notable past clients include grocery stores, medical centers, home improvement stores, and other retail brands across industries. Examples of past projects demonstrate Fabula's work developing logos, characters, slogans, and visual identities to achieve clients' branding goals.
Miguel A. Ovalle is a graphic designer and artist based in Brooklyn, NY. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Maryland Institute College of Arts in 1999. His experience includes over 15 years working as a senior graphic designer for major brands such as The Gap, Victoria's Secret PINK, Ecko Unlimited, and Okayplayer. He specializes in apparel graphic design, illustrations, and visual concepts. Currently, he runs his own design studio called Dizmology focusing on graphics, murals, and apparel design.
This document is a resume for Jose 00XX, a 16-year-old graphic designer living in San Diego. He has 4 years of experience designing advertisements, logos, packaging, and more. He is proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects as well as other programs. In 2009, Jose designed advertisements that increased attendance at an event from 40 to 240 people. He is currently enrolled in high school and specializes in engaging advertisements that can adapt to different projects and aesthetics.
PichaJournal is a travel photography blog based in Kenya, creating personal and corporate sourced content for artwork, advertising, social media & online material.
Dan sauerbrey concept_design_illustrationDanSauerbrey
Daniel Sauerbrey is an illustrator based in Los Angeles and New York. He specializes in creating conceptual illustrations for architecture, planning, and interior design projects. Some of his skills and services include developing branding and design concepts, creating visualizations through sketches and CGI, and presenting concepts to clients. He has worked with many major architecture and design firms on a variety of project types around the world.
This document contains ventral views of the brains of three different species - human, horse, and dog. Images are shown of the underside of the human brain, horse brain, and dog brain for comparative anatomical purposes. The ventral surfaces of the brains of human, horse, and dog are depicted.
Pr辰sentation zur Konzeption der Master-ThesisFlorian Bernard
Die Konzeption meiner Master-Thesis. Der Weg ist das Ziel...
Brand Experience Design erweitert unser Vorgehen um wichtige Aspekte und hilft uns, differenzierende, 端berraschende und konsistente Markenerlebnisse zu entwickeln
Multisensorisches Design - Mit allen Sinnen (zum Kauf) verf端hrenShanya Koffke
Dieser wissenschaftliche Arbeit ist verbunden mit dem vorige gelieferte Arbeit, bei ihnen abgegeben am Tag der Pr辰sentation meiner Referat: Multisensorisches Design mit allen Sinnen (zum Kauf) verf端hren.
Dieser Arbeit repr辰sentiert das Gebiet der multisensorischen Design, mit dem Ziel, zu zeigen, wie die f端nf menschlichen Sinne als Elemente von Design-Projekten in der Lage sind, Gef端hle zu sch辰rfen und die Verbraucher zum Kauf anregen.
Deshalb besch辰ftigte mich mit eine Methodik, die die empirische Forschung bewertet und die Analyse einiger entwickelte Projekte priorisiert, um die verschiedenen menschlichen Sinnen zu wecken, Projekte, die unter Ber端cksichtigung der unterschiedlichen Kan辰le der Wahrnehmung und sensorische Rezeption. Es ist erw辰hnenswert, dass die theoretischen Grundlagen dieser Arbeit sich begegnen in der "semiotischen Theorie der Wahrnehmung."
Ein Blick werfend auf die Produktion der zeitgen旦ssischen Design-Produkte, scheint es, dass in zunehmendem Mae Designer ihre Konzepte nicht einschr辰nken wegen Fragen der Materialit辰t, sondern widmen sich mit ihre Entw端rfe f端r das Erwachen der Gef端hle, und damit den Konsum. Durch die aktuelle Analyse scheint es, dass die Design-Objekte zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen gef端hrt haben, die f端r Gebraucher syn辰sthetische Empfindungen generiert haben. Wir schlieen daraus, dass die Design-Projekte, konzipiert im Rahmen dieses Konzepts, f辰hig sind miteinander verbunden Empfindungen (d.h. multisensorisches Design) zu sch辰rfen und tragen mit ihnen einen immersive Atmosph辰re, in der der Verbraucher eine Beziehung von st辰rke Beteiligung mit den Designobjekten etabliert.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de informaci坦n gr叩fica y el lenguaje visual. Explica que la informaci坦n gr叩fica se compone de marcas que transmiten significado a trav辿s de su disposici坦n espacial. Luego identifica cuatro grupos de informaci坦n gr叩fica - diagramas, mapas, gr叩ficas e ilustraciones - dependiendo del contenido y formato que representan. Finalmente, detalla conceptos como la escala, los planos y las angulaciones utilizados en el lenguaje visual.
As presented at EUSEM 2015, this presentation discusses how venous blood gas analysis fits into clinical care in emergency departments. The evidence is correct as of Sept 2015
Visual Design soll Markenbotschaften kommunizieren. Interaction Design soll funktional und einfach sein. Dabei k旦nnen Interaktionen viel mehr und ebenso wie die Grafik auf die Marke einzahlen.
Der Vortrag erkl辰rt, warum und wie Interaction Design dazu beitragen kann, Marken noch besser zu kommunizieren und eine bessere Brand Experience zu erzeugen.
Dust is a common in process industries that manufacture, store and handle particulate material. More than 70% of dusts processed in industries are combustible. Dust explosion regularly occur in process industries, cause serious damage and live loss. Dust explosion was found in literature since 1785 and the records are available from the 20th century. Lot of experiments were done to control explosions occurring in coal mines and other processing industries, but stills explosions are occurring in different countries due to different dusts, these accidents disclose that there are still some technical problems unsolved. Industrial technology in India is similar to develop countries but information relevant to dust explosion occurring in India is almost negligible because in most accidents that occur in India the broad term explosion is used and recorded while the type of explosion goes unpublicized. It is impossible to eliminate dust explosion but it can be reduced by using different methods.
Mobile Patterns - Wie Apps und Co. digitale Interfaces revolutionierenMarkus Greve
Are venous and arterial blood gas analysis interchangeable in ED assessment o...kellyam18
The document discusses whether venous and arterial blood gas analysis are interchangeable for assessing acute respiratory disease in the emergency department. It finds that while pH agreement is good, pCO2 agreement has wide limits. Venous pCO2 can screen for hypercarbia but not rule it out. Clinical context is important. Venous values may monitor trends if considered with symptoms. New methods calculate arterial values from venous samples plus oximetry with promising validation results. However, evidence for mixed disorders is limited.
This document summarizes stroke treatment procedures at Beaumont Hospital from 2010-2013. It finds that 107 patients underwent mechanical thrombectomy for ischemic stroke, with 12 receiving general anesthesia. Risk factors for the GA patients included hypertension, smoking, and atrial fibrillation. Most strokes involved the middle cerebral or internal carotid arteries. Complications from the procedure included hemorrhage and low MRS scores at 3 months for GA patients. The need for GA may increase over time, requiring improved protocols to ensure safer anesthesia for high-risk stroke patients undergoing emergent clot retrieval.
This thesis describes a method to find a part of online data in an offline
document. This method is able to find the offline document that belongs
to the online data from a set of offline documents, or vice versa. In order to
optimize the mapping between the online and the offline data, an optimal rotation
and resizing of the online data is calculated. This is useful since it produces
a better mapping between online and offline data, which makes several methods
that are only applicable for online data available for offline data, and vice
Results show that this method can be used for finding the offline document that
belongs to certain online data, since it succeeded in 98.07% of the cases for
the used dataset. The results also show that computing the optimal rotation and
resize factor significantly improves the mapping between online and offline
data. This improvement is 6.56% for the used dataset.
The document discusses Ghana's economic relationship with the European Union and the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between Ghana and the EU. It provides background on past trade agreements between Ghana and the EU. It outlines concerns that the EPAs could negatively impact Ghana's economy by eliminating tariffs and exposing local industries to more competition. However, proponents argue the EPAs could increase regional trade, help integrate Ghana's economy globally, and increase funding to support development. The document recommends the EU provide more support and capacity building to help Ghana benefit from the trade agreements.
The title of my Bachelor\'s Thesis: "Maintaining Thermal Conditions in Exhibition of Russian Museum and Archive of Mikkeli".
Branded Interactions Digital Planning (APG Workshop)think moto GmbH
3 Thesen 5 Learnings.
These 1. Interaktive Medien haben das Business ver辰ndert.
These 2. Interaktive Medien haben die Marke ver辰ndert.
These 3. Interaktive Medien
haben das Leben der Menschen ver辰ndert.
Learning 1. Digitale Anwendungen sind mehr als Kommunikationsmanahmen.
Learning 2. Das Interface ist die Marke.
Learning 3. Das Nutzererlebnis ist das Markenerlebnis.
Learning 4. Die Prozesse und Rollen in interaktiven
Projekten ver辰ndern sich auf Kunden- und auf Agenturseite.
Learning 5. Digitales Planning ist nie zu Ende.
Was heit das f端r digitale Planner und Strategen?
1. Digitales Planning ist Experience Planning. Und f辰ngt beim Nutzer an! Wer es ernst meint mit der Planung digitaler Kommunikation, muss sich mit Themen wie User Experience und menschlichem Verhalten auseinandersetzen.
2. Digitales Planning ist Markenstrategie. Marken sind keine monolithischen Gebilde, sondern
offen, flexibel. Digitale Manahmen haben groen Impact auf die Wahrnehmung der Marke, wir mussen also antizipieren, wohin wir sie ver辰ndern wollen und welche Bedeutung wir herstellen wollen.
3. Digitales Planning ist Business Strategie. Wenn wir nachhaltig strategisch arbeiten, mussen wir in Gesch辰ftsprozesse hineingehen. Das ist vielleicht der gr旦te Unterschied zum klassischen (kommunikativen) Planning oder zu klassischer Markenstrategie.
Red Keds is a creative agency with 45 employees that has worked with many well-known brands. It aims to create outstanding projects and has developed websites for clients such as Honda, Infiniti, Coca-Cola, and Heineken. The agency uses strategies like insights research and trend analysis to create effective ideas for clients. It also supports social initiatives and has won several awards for its work.
This document summarizes the services of an award-winning creative agency. They specialize in branding, print design, digital campaigns, and website design. Through simple, user-focused design they help forward-thinking brands grow by capturing attention and delivering impactful messages. The portfolio showcases work across industries including patisserie chains, music festivals, and telecommunications companies.
Brand Experience Design erweitert unser Vorgehen um wichtige Aspekte und hilft uns, differenzierende, 端berraschende und konsistente Markenerlebnisse zu entwickeln
Multisensorisches Design - Mit allen Sinnen (zum Kauf) verf端hrenShanya Koffke
Dieser wissenschaftliche Arbeit ist verbunden mit dem vorige gelieferte Arbeit, bei ihnen abgegeben am Tag der Pr辰sentation meiner Referat: Multisensorisches Design mit allen Sinnen (zum Kauf) verf端hren.
Dieser Arbeit repr辰sentiert das Gebiet der multisensorischen Design, mit dem Ziel, zu zeigen, wie die f端nf menschlichen Sinne als Elemente von Design-Projekten in der Lage sind, Gef端hle zu sch辰rfen und die Verbraucher zum Kauf anregen.
Deshalb besch辰ftigte mich mit eine Methodik, die die empirische Forschung bewertet und die Analyse einiger entwickelte Projekte priorisiert, um die verschiedenen menschlichen Sinnen zu wecken, Projekte, die unter Ber端cksichtigung der unterschiedlichen Kan辰le der Wahrnehmung und sensorische Rezeption. Es ist erw辰hnenswert, dass die theoretischen Grundlagen dieser Arbeit sich begegnen in der "semiotischen Theorie der Wahrnehmung."
Ein Blick werfend auf die Produktion der zeitgen旦ssischen Design-Produkte, scheint es, dass in zunehmendem Mae Designer ihre Konzepte nicht einschr辰nken wegen Fragen der Materialit辰t, sondern widmen sich mit ihre Entw端rfe f端r das Erwachen der Gef端hle, und damit den Konsum. Durch die aktuelle Analyse scheint es, dass die Design-Objekte zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen gef端hrt haben, die f端r Gebraucher syn辰sthetische Empfindungen generiert haben. Wir schlieen daraus, dass die Design-Projekte, konzipiert im Rahmen dieses Konzepts, f辰hig sind miteinander verbunden Empfindungen (d.h. multisensorisches Design) zu sch辰rfen und tragen mit ihnen einen immersive Atmosph辰re, in der der Verbraucher eine Beziehung von st辰rke Beteiligung mit den Designobjekten etabliert.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de informaci坦n gr叩fica y el lenguaje visual. Explica que la informaci坦n gr叩fica se compone de marcas que transmiten significado a trav辿s de su disposici坦n espacial. Luego identifica cuatro grupos de informaci坦n gr叩fica - diagramas, mapas, gr叩ficas e ilustraciones - dependiendo del contenido y formato que representan. Finalmente, detalla conceptos como la escala, los planos y las angulaciones utilizados en el lenguaje visual.
As presented at EUSEM 2015, this presentation discusses how venous blood gas analysis fits into clinical care in emergency departments. The evidence is correct as of Sept 2015
Visual Design soll Markenbotschaften kommunizieren. Interaction Design soll funktional und einfach sein. Dabei k旦nnen Interaktionen viel mehr und ebenso wie die Grafik auf die Marke einzahlen.
Der Vortrag erkl辰rt, warum und wie Interaction Design dazu beitragen kann, Marken noch besser zu kommunizieren und eine bessere Brand Experience zu erzeugen.
Dust is a common in process industries that manufacture, store and handle particulate material. More than 70% of dusts processed in industries are combustible. Dust explosion regularly occur in process industries, cause serious damage and live loss. Dust explosion was found in literature since 1785 and the records are available from the 20th century. Lot of experiments were done to control explosions occurring in coal mines and other processing industries, but stills explosions are occurring in different countries due to different dusts, these accidents disclose that there are still some technical problems unsolved. Industrial technology in India is similar to develop countries but information relevant to dust explosion occurring in India is almost negligible because in most accidents that occur in India the broad term explosion is used and recorded while the type of explosion goes unpublicized. It is impossible to eliminate dust explosion but it can be reduced by using different methods.
Mobile Patterns - Wie Apps und Co. digitale Interfaces revolutionierenMarkus Greve
Are venous and arterial blood gas analysis interchangeable in ED assessment o...kellyam18
The document discusses whether venous and arterial blood gas analysis are interchangeable for assessing acute respiratory disease in the emergency department. It finds that while pH agreement is good, pCO2 agreement has wide limits. Venous pCO2 can screen for hypercarbia but not rule it out. Clinical context is important. Venous values may monitor trends if considered with symptoms. New methods calculate arterial values from venous samples plus oximetry with promising validation results. However, evidence for mixed disorders is limited.
This document summarizes stroke treatment procedures at Beaumont Hospital from 2010-2013. It finds that 107 patients underwent mechanical thrombectomy for ischemic stroke, with 12 receiving general anesthesia. Risk factors for the GA patients included hypertension, smoking, and atrial fibrillation. Most strokes involved the middle cerebral or internal carotid arteries. Complications from the procedure included hemorrhage and low MRS scores at 3 months for GA patients. The need for GA may increase over time, requiring improved protocols to ensure safer anesthesia for high-risk stroke patients undergoing emergent clot retrieval.
This thesis describes a method to find a part of online data in an offline
document. This method is able to find the offline document that belongs
to the online data from a set of offline documents, or vice versa. In order to
optimize the mapping between the online and the offline data, an optimal rotation
and resizing of the online data is calculated. This is useful since it produces
a better mapping between online and offline data, which makes several methods
that are only applicable for online data available for offline data, and vice
Results show that this method can be used for finding the offline document that
belongs to certain online data, since it succeeded in 98.07% of the cases for
the used dataset. The results also show that computing the optimal rotation and
resize factor significantly improves the mapping between online and offline
data. This improvement is 6.56% for the used dataset.
The document discusses Ghana's economic relationship with the European Union and the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between Ghana and the EU. It provides background on past trade agreements between Ghana and the EU. It outlines concerns that the EPAs could negatively impact Ghana's economy by eliminating tariffs and exposing local industries to more competition. However, proponents argue the EPAs could increase regional trade, help integrate Ghana's economy globally, and increase funding to support development. The document recommends the EU provide more support and capacity building to help Ghana benefit from the trade agreements.
The title of my Bachelor\'s Thesis: "Maintaining Thermal Conditions in Exhibition of Russian Museum and Archive of Mikkeli".
Branded Interactions Digital Planning (APG Workshop)think moto GmbH
3 Thesen 5 Learnings.
These 1. Interaktive Medien haben das Business ver辰ndert.
These 2. Interaktive Medien haben die Marke ver辰ndert.
These 3. Interaktive Medien
haben das Leben der Menschen ver辰ndert.
Learning 1. Digitale Anwendungen sind mehr als Kommunikationsmanahmen.
Learning 2. Das Interface ist die Marke.
Learning 3. Das Nutzererlebnis ist das Markenerlebnis.
Learning 4. Die Prozesse und Rollen in interaktiven
Projekten ver辰ndern sich auf Kunden- und auf Agenturseite.
Learning 5. Digitales Planning ist nie zu Ende.
Was heit das f端r digitale Planner und Strategen?
1. Digitales Planning ist Experience Planning. Und f辰ngt beim Nutzer an! Wer es ernst meint mit der Planung digitaler Kommunikation, muss sich mit Themen wie User Experience und menschlichem Verhalten auseinandersetzen.
2. Digitales Planning ist Markenstrategie. Marken sind keine monolithischen Gebilde, sondern
offen, flexibel. Digitale Manahmen haben groen Impact auf die Wahrnehmung der Marke, wir mussen also antizipieren, wohin wir sie ver辰ndern wollen und welche Bedeutung wir herstellen wollen.
3. Digitales Planning ist Business Strategie. Wenn wir nachhaltig strategisch arbeiten, mussen wir in Gesch辰ftsprozesse hineingehen. Das ist vielleicht der gr旦te Unterschied zum klassischen (kommunikativen) Planning oder zu klassischer Markenstrategie.
Red Keds is a creative agency with 45 employees that has worked with many well-known brands. It aims to create outstanding projects and has developed websites for clients such as Honda, Infiniti, Coca-Cola, and Heineken. The agency uses strategies like insights research and trend analysis to create effective ideas for clients. It also supports social initiatives and has won several awards for its work.
This document summarizes the services of an award-winning creative agency. They specialize in branding, print design, digital campaigns, and website design. Through simple, user-focused design they help forward-thinking brands grow by capturing attention and delivering impactful messages. The portfolio showcases work across industries including patisserie chains, music festivals, and telecommunications companies.
FYM Marketing is a full-service marketing firm based in Chicago that offers services including marketing, PR, web design, branding, and mobile app development. The document provides examples of projects they have completed for clients in various industries, including logos, websites, packaging design, and advertising campaigns. It aims to introduce the company and showcase their creative work and experience working with international clients.
FYM Marketing is a full-service marketing firm based in Chicago that offers services including marketing, PR, web design, branding, and mobile app development. The document provides examples of projects they have completed for clients in various industries, including logos, websites, packaging design, and advertising campaigns. It aims to introduce the company and showcase their creative work and experience working with international clients.
This document provides a summary of Cre8mania, a creative digital agency in Lebanon. In its 17 years of operation, Cre8mania has crafted digital experiences for both consumers and businesses. It brings together a multidisciplinary team with expertise in areas such as design, programming, marketing, and content creation. Cre8mania offers a wide range of digital services including websites, mobile apps, branding, animation, social media, and more. It has worked with over 800 clients on diverse projects across multiple industries.
Brought together by knowledge-based passion, a team of creative artists, designers and marketers decided to make the best use of digital media through developing unique contents and engineering unlimited interactive concepts.
Cre8mania is a multidisciplinary digital agency in Lebanon that has been crafting timeless experiences for both consumers and market leaders for 16 consecutive years.
M.F.A. Media Designer Infographic Resume - Mahiette TarragoMahiette Tarrago
This document is a resume for Mahiette Tarrago, an award-winning senior graphic designer with over 15 years of experience. She has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Fine Arts and is proficient in programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects. Tarrago has worked for companies in various industries including advertising, healthcare, technology, and emergency services. She specializes in branding, web design, graphic design, and multimedia and has received numerous awards and recommendations for her creative work.
Ivan Gregory Roberts is a graphic designer who possesses strong design skills to create graphics with visual impact. He has experience developing corporate identity systems and understands branding. Roberts has adapted to changes in technology over the years, designing for print, digital formats, websites, and interactive kiosks with excellence.
We develop corporate identities, we animate, we illustrate. We set trends and break them with our design sensibilities and imaginative capabilities. We set high standards in everything we do. Most importantly we believe in what we do, we believe in our dreams.
Portfolio of Oliver Schneider, designer, creative director, art director and social entrepreneur. Founder of LoveWaves, earthfaves, Actual Colors May Vary, Local Colors May Vary and Pie in the sky.
"Trade Mark Leo Burnett Azerbaijan" is a full service advertising agency, representing Leo Burnett Worldwide in Azerbaijan. LEO BURNETT WORLDWIDE is one of the worlds largest agency networks a Human Kind communications company with a singular approach: it places a brands purpose at the heart of its communications to truly connect with people. Leo Burnett works with some of the worlds most valuable and respected brands; and presented in 85 countries with over 9,000 employees worldwide.
The document discusses strategies for creating destinations where people want to be through place branding and exceptional customer experiences. It provides examples of projects that delivered on this promise, such as transforming a sterile site into a community hub (Kaleidoscope) and leveraging the name power of an iconic brand (OZ). The changing consumer landscape and rise of social media are also addressed as both a challenge and opportunity to engage customers in new ways.
M辿o is a creative agency based in Hong Kong with offices in Shanghai and Singapore that provides marketing, communication, and design services. They have over 10 years of experience delivering successful projects for companies from startups to multinational corporations across Asia. Their services include consulting, design, digital solutions, and they have worked with clients across various industries such as fashion, hospitality, food and beverage, and more.
Great Crew multidisciplinary digital design, branding & marketing communica...Marie Saxon
Great Crew is a full service digital design and marketing agency established in 2011. They have expertise in branding, marketing, UX design, web development, print design and more. They have worked with over 67 clients across various industries and countries. Their holistic approach focuses on creating successful products and solutions through diverse knowledge and expertise in design and marketing. They are focused on developing efficient solutions that analyze audiences, markets and business objectives.
Sasha V is a design and branding consultancy that specializes in social media strategy, digital campaigns, and experiential marketing. They helped launch Twenty Grand Vodka in 2012 by creating cultural events and social media campaigns. For other clients like Jirafe, RT Fashion Events, and KollideTV, Sasha V improved their brands and grew their social media presence through new designs, strategies, and community management. Sasha V's work focuses on connecting brands to audiences through innovative and culturally relevant experiences online and in the real world.
This document summarizes the services provided by Wanderloft, an agency specializing in graphic communication design. They offer a wide range of design services including print design, branding, web design, outdoor graphics, signage, and more. They have worked with many brands across various industries to create visual content through different mediums that helps clients connect with audiences. The agency is made up of a team of creative professionals with expertise in areas such as design, copywriting, and project management. They strive to deliver creative and effective solutions driven by a passion for innovative design.
Cream of the Crop Design Agency provides various creative and digital marketing services including logo, website, and app design. They have a team of designers, developers, and strategists to help clients with print and digital collateral. Some of their services include branding, advertising, web development, and social media marketing. They follow a thorough process from initial consultation to project delivery and management. Their portfolio includes work for clients in various industries like education, food, and travel.
This document appears to be a presentation for rebranding a village called Royal Park located in Baku and Moscow. It discusses various branding strategies and concepts. It proposes developing a new village brand with relevant positioning to replace the Stonepay brand. It then presents four potential brand scenarios centered around themes of diversity, global connectivity, and unity. Design concepts are shown for logos, color schemes, and applying the new brand identity. The selected brand scenario and final branded appearance is then detailed.
This document appears to be a portfolio from a branding and marketing agency. It includes summaries of campaigns the agency worked on for various clients in 2015, including:
1) Creating personalized and limited edition t-shirts for the brand Cotton Jelly in partnership with Motorhead.
2) Rebranding efforts for the Miami Marlins baseball team including new uniforms, premium seating, and advertising campaigns.
3) Creating websites, print collateral, and advertising for Manhattan College to promote their brand and recruit new students.
Mary Kay Stam has over 25 years of experience as a creative director and art director. She has worked for various companies in Los Angeles and beyond, including Lodato Productions, eSalon, Rhader-Reymond, InLineos, Gaiam, and Kaiser Permanente. Her areas of expertise include branding, marketing, graphic design, web design, photography, and project management. She is currently the Creative Director at KayperGraphics in Pasadena, California.
L湛dica didactica (Report finale residenza Diego Alatorre Go_Innovation a Casa...Casa Netural
Go_Innovation is a special residency for social innovator held by Netural Coop in Gorizia, European Capital of Culture 2025.
L炭dica did叩ctica / Play to Connect is a provocation to think outside the box, a methodology to board uncomfortable topics in a respectful and joyful manner and an excuse to discuss unconventional solutions to contemporary challenges, where play is seen as an attitude and game design as a metaphor of creativity by which to imagine, experiment and learn about our surroundings.
Casa Netural residency in Gorizia offered Diego an opportunity to test the ideas that he has been developing over the past years and to enrich them by looking at them from a different and complementary perspective. In other words to put theory into practice.
Along the 4 weeks that he lived in Gorizia he realized how mature and innovative his own understanding of the ludic phenomenon, as most people he connected with, found the value of his research, but what was amazing for him is how much his project was fed back from completely different and complementary perspectives.
Along these days he crafter four game ideas, with different levels of complexity and currently in different stages of development. These are described in the final report.
Industrial Designer by CIDI UNAM and Master in Science of Design for Interaction by TU Delft, Diego ALatorre is currently doing a PhD in Contemporary Studies at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coimbra University.
His research explores the role of games in education: from a multimodal literacy perspective, he explores the creative process of writers, scientists, designers, artists, teachers and reflective players to learn how to critically read the world and creatively write.
Go_Innovation is a project designed and coordinated by Netural Coop Impresa Sociale within the framework of A THOUSAND YEARS OF HISTORY AT THE CENTER OF EUROPE: CASTLE BORGO CROCEVIA OF PEOPLES AND CULTURES, funded by PNRR - Next Generation EU, for the PNRR pilot project M1C3 Measure 2 Investment 2.1 line A - CUP F88F220000007
Crown Freak Of Philos Shirt Crown Freak Of Philos ShirtTeeFusion
Are you a fan of philosophy, royalty, and all things unique? The Crown Freak of Philos shirt is more than just a piece of clothingit's a bold fashion statement that combines intellect, power, and individuality. Whether youre a deep thinker, a literature enthusiast, or simply love standout graphic tees, this shirt is perfect for you!
Golf is a game of precision, patience, and sometimes, pure frustration. Every golfer knows the feeling of standing over a crucial putt, heart pounding, hoping not to miss. If youve ever felt the weight of a make-or-break moment on the green, the "If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself" Hat is the perfect accessory for you.
web design and development service designsumairrana3
Introduction to Storytelling Websites
Why storytelling matters in web design and how it enhances user engagement.
2. What Makes a Website a Storytelling Masterpiece?
Key elements like visuals, animations, and narrative flow.
3. Why Storytelling in Web Design is Effective
The psychology behind engaging users with stories.
4. The Power of Visual Storytelling
How images, videos, and illustrations create an immersive experience.
5. The Role of Animation in Storytelling Websites
Using motion effects to enhance engagement and interaction.
6. Typography as a Storytelling Element
How font choices affect mood and readability.
7. Color Theory in Storytelling Web Design
The impact of color schemes on emotions and brand identity.
8. Interactive Storytelling: Engaging the Audience
Examples of how interaction improves storytelling.
9. Parallax Scrolling for Narrative Depth
How this technique creates a dynamic storytelling experience.
Craft a logo that speaks volumes! Boost brand recognition & connect emotionally. Learn 5 ways to create a logo that resonates. Click to learn more!
UNIPAWS: Making Web3 More Human
Transforming complex blockchain experiences into intuitive, high-converting interfaces that drive measurable results.
Who We Are:
We're a strategic UI/UX design studio specializing in making Web3 and crypto products accessible, engaging, and conversion-focused.
Our Services:
Product Design Blending innovation with functionality
Web Design Strategic visual systems that engage users
Design Systems Consistent visual language for efficiency
MidJourney Art AI-driven visuals for modern interfaces
Motion Design Animations that enhance product storytelling
Featured Projects:
CYBRO AI-powered DeFi platform with 50K+ users
Roketo Gamified mini-app with 300K+ users in first month
BlastUP Launchpad driving $26M+ daily trading volume
Pawthereum Charity platform facilitating $480K+ in donations
DOGEN Memecoin UX with 133% price increase by phase 5
Our 4-step process ensures we transform complex Web3 mechanics into intuitive, accessible experiences that deliver measurable business results.
. Construction technology has genesis in Interplay of-- design, manpower, money, machinery, material, resources, software, quality, durability, environment, ecology
-- Technology used during construction helps push Construction industry forward,
-- for driving advancement / innovations/ increased efficiency in construction
New Technologies--Modular construction, Prefab const , Robotics, drone, Artificial intelligence, 3D printing, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality etc.,
--Technology Empowers people to work smarter/ more efficiently.
-- Technology Changing ways industry thinks, looks and operate at --production / construction.- From Construction to Production of Buildings involving making Building parts of a project off-site, to exact specifications and to Mass-produce pieces -- used repeatedly; taking Construction productivity to new level- overcoming labour shortages - increasing speed of construction,- making construction economical,
- promoting time- efficiencyMaking buildings cost effective- Making construction safe
- Addressing complicated /difficult situation -helping industry addressing larger challenges. Technology remains key to address major challenges & adapt to future.- making buildings lean, compact, smart,
Cost-effective, Timeefficient, Energy efficient, Material- efficient, Qualitative, Healthy, Durable, Eco-friendly, Sustainable
41. PIIP
60. UMEK