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       Kevin Olsen
  Bethany Veerman
Please choose the
    answer on screen
  that best describes
     your experience
     integrating CSR
activities into events
What is Corporate Social
Wikipedia.org Defines it as

 a concept whereby organizations
 consider the interests of society by taking
 responsibility for the impact of their
 activities on customers employeesas
 well as the environment.

                    voluntarily taking further steps to
               improve the quality of life for employees
                    and their families, as well as for the
                 local community and society at large.
What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

      Community-                    Fundraising
         based                       for outside
      development                   organization
        projects                      or cause

                                     Green business
    philanthropy       Accurate
                     reporting of
                      social and
Todays Focus

   Incorporating COMMUNITY
       GIVING into Events
What philanthropic
       activities are
 you incorporating
  into your events?
Why Should We Incorporate
     CSR into Events?
Why Should We Incorporate CSR?
  Chance to give back
  Helps attract and retain great employees
   66% of college grads say they will only interview with
    socially responsible companies (Tim Sanders)
  Opportunity for positive PR and increase
  investment potential
   Press releases
   Increasing numbers of investors are only investing in
    companies that are socially responsible
  Influence the policies and values of an organization
  as a whole!
Incorporating CSR
Effectively Incorporating CSR
  Select a charitable organization that is a good fit
   Ties to theme
   Corporate cause
   Needs of local community
  Examine your organizations products and services
   Products or skills that can benefit local community
   Strength in numbers
  Stay up on what other companies are doing
  Make sure the charity/organization is well-prepared
   The 4 Ss: Staff, Supplies, Space and Schedule
   Financial infrastructure to support large donations
  Make sure attendees are well-prepared
  Get marketing department involved to increase PR
  Spread the word!
What philanthropic
  activities are you
 incorporating into
      your events?
Promoting CSR &
Increasing Attendance
Promoting CSR and Increasing Attendance
  Get attendees involved in brainstorming
  & promotion
    Ownership and creative ideas
  Pre-event communication
    Announce charity and provide education
    Give opportunity to sign-up beforehand
  Invite representative from charity to speak
  Post-event wrap-up
    Describe impact that was made
    Be specific
Examples of
CSR Integration
Examples of CSR
 Off-property service project at local charity
 Toy or bike building workshop
   Donate end products to charity or hospital

 Local playground clean-up
 Donate products/items to benefit community
   Attendees help deliver products or are given the opportunity
    to donate
   Items leftover from event are donated
   Client example: Consulting firm made artwork donation after
    meeting in Colorado Springs
   Client example: Consulting firm donating childrens books to
    school in Beijing
Examples of CSR, contd
  Attendees bring something to the event to
  be donated
   Toys, non-perishable food items, school supplies,
    books, shoes, etc.
  Creation of a victory garden in conjunction
  with a local neighborhood
  Donations given to participate in mural or
  artwork creation
   Client example: Technology company encouraged
    donations through an American flag mural
   Client example: Investment company encouraged
    donations at trade show booth with mural
Examples of CSR, contd
 Create or participate in a fundraising
 event or 5K run/walk
   Add a 5K or fundraiser to the event agenda
   Participate in 5K and create a team
   Client example: Software company hosts 5K during
   incentive program and donates to local charity

      Y-ME 5K run/walk team that raised
           money to fight breast cancer
Examples of CSR, contd
 Silent Auction
   Items donated to auction
   Attendees bid and proceeds benefit local charity
 Promote/introduce corporate charity
   Stories told on stage or products to benefit

        Interviewing a Make-a-Wish family
            on stage at annual conference
Do you participate
  in philanthropic
        events as a
What philanthropic
    activities have
          you done
 as a department?
It Starts at
Promoting CSR in Your Department
  Service opportunities
  Fundraising events
  Holiday giving
   Gifts or food for
    families in need
   Company match
  Chefs for Charity                              One Smooth Stone
   Team member provides lunch         Christmas Gift Wrapping Party
    for department
   Donations are collected for charity of chefs choice
  Gather donation items
   Can/food/toy drive or hotel toiletries donated to
    homeless shelter
What philanthropic
    activities have
          you done
 as a department?
Additional CSR Resources
Charity Guide                 www.charityguide.org

Smart Volunteer               www.smartvolunteer.org

Habitat for Humanity          www.habitat.org

Idealist.org                  Idealist.org

Tim Sanders
   Saving the World at Work   www.timsanders.com
   Or contact Brian Palmer    www.nationalspeakers.com
One Smooth Stone Corporate Social Responsibility

  Follow-up survey
  A copy of the webinar slides and a link to
  the audio file will be sent
  Future Webinars
  Email topic ideas to

       Kevin Olsen
  Bethany Veerman

More Related Content

One Smooth Stone Corporate Social Responsibility

  • 1. Corporate Social Responsibility Kevin Olsen Bethany Veerman
  • 2. Please choose the answer on screen that best describes your experience integrating CSR activities into events
  • 3. What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
  • 4. Wikipedia.org Defines it as a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers employeesas well as the environment. voluntarily taking further steps to improve the quality of life for employees and their families, as well as for the local community and society at large.
  • 5. What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Community- Fundraising based for outside development organization projects or cause CSR Charitable Green business giving/ practices philanthropy Accurate reporting of social and environmental impact
  • 6. Todays Focus Incorporating COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & CHARITABLE GIVING into Events
  • 7. What philanthropic activities are you incorporating into your events?
  • 8. Why Should We Incorporate CSR into Events?
  • 9. Why Should We Incorporate CSR? Chance to give back Helps attract and retain great employees 66% of college grads say they will only interview with socially responsible companies (Tim Sanders) Opportunity for positive PR and increase investment potential Press releases Increasing numbers of investors are only investing in companies that are socially responsible Influence the policies and values of an organization as a whole!
  • 11. Effectively Incorporating CSR Select a charitable organization that is a good fit Ties to theme Corporate cause Needs of local community Examine your organizations products and services Products or skills that can benefit local community Strength in numbers Stay up on what other companies are doing Make sure the charity/organization is well-prepared The 4 Ss: Staff, Supplies, Space and Schedule Financial infrastructure to support large donations Make sure attendees are well-prepared Get marketing department involved to increase PR Spread the word!
  • 12. RESPONSES What philanthropic activities are you incorporating into your events?
  • 14. Promoting CSR and Increasing Attendance Get attendees involved in brainstorming & promotion Ownership and creative ideas Pre-event communication Announce charity and provide education Give opportunity to sign-up beforehand Invite representative from charity to speak Post-event wrap-up Describe impact that was made Be specific
  • 16. Examples of CSR Off-property service project at local charity Toy or bike building workshop Donate end products to charity or hospital Local playground clean-up Donate products/items to benefit community Attendees help deliver products or are given the opportunity to donate Items leftover from event are donated Client example: Consulting firm made artwork donation after meeting in Colorado Springs Client example: Consulting firm donating childrens books to school in Beijing
  • 17. Examples of CSR, contd Attendees bring something to the event to be donated Toys, non-perishable food items, school supplies, books, shoes, etc. Creation of a victory garden in conjunction with a local neighborhood Donations given to participate in mural or artwork creation Client example: Technology company encouraged donations through an American flag mural Client example: Investment company encouraged donations at trade show booth with mural
  • 18. Examples of CSR, contd Create or participate in a fundraising event or 5K run/walk Add a 5K or fundraiser to the event agenda Participate in 5K and create a team Client example: Software company hosts 5K during incentive program and donates to local charity Y-ME 5K run/walk team that raised money to fight breast cancer
  • 19. Examples of CSR, contd Silent Auction Items donated to auction Attendees bid and proceeds benefit local charity Promote/introduce corporate charity Stories told on stage or products to benefit Interviewing a Make-a-Wish family on stage at annual conference
  • 20. Do you participate in philanthropic events as a department?
  • 21. What philanthropic activities have you done as a department?
  • 22. It Starts at Home
  • 23. Promoting CSR in Your Department Service opportunities Fundraising events Holiday giving Gifts or food for families in need Company match Chefs for Charity One Smooth Stone Team member provides lunch Christmas Gift Wrapping Party for department Donations are collected for charity of chefs choice Gather donation items Can/food/toy drive or hotel toiletries donated to homeless shelter
  • 24. RESPONSES What philanthropic activities have you done as a department?
  • 26. Additional CSR Resources Charity Guide www.charityguide.org Smart Volunteer www.smartvolunteer.org Habitat for Humanity www.habitat.org Idealist.org Idealist.org Tim Sanders Saving the World at Work www.timsanders.com Or contact Brian Palmer www.nationalspeakers.com
  • 28. Follow-up Follow-up survey A copy of the webinar slides and a link to the audio file will be sent Future Webinars Email topic ideas to bveerman@onesmoothstone.com
  • 29. Corporate Social Responsibility Kevin Olsen Bethany Veerman