Dun try to understand me,if you do___ then either you ll go mad or you ll start loving me,so stay away...
Never underestimate me it only gives me the motivation to prove you wrong!
Yess, I'm a GIRL, who
*Pushes door that clearly say PULL ;)
*laughs harder when i try to xplain why i'm laughing :D
*walks into a room n forget why i was there :P
*counts on my fingers in Maths classes :P
*try to accomplish things with time still on the microwave :O
* lie sometimes to hide the pain :(
*cry a lot more than u think i do ;(
*not so strong as my smile seems to b :)
*gets attached to ppl who care even a little bout me :)
*and feels a Broken nail is as painful as a broken Heart ;)
*says itx a long s