well..bout mehhh....
em hamdha...itz ma official name ;) bt ma frndz nd family uzd to call meh hamduu :) :)...so uu gyzz cn olz call me hamdu..:). em frm kannur, kerala...born nd bght up frm al-ain, UAE...d plz vch i <3 d most...i miss uae...:( :'(
em a graduate in physcz.. :) opzz..sorii didnt tell bout ma college...i em a product of WIRAS...aka..."Wadihuda Institute of Research and Advanced Studies"... i hv loadZ nd lotZz of frendzz in nd out of d college...dey make mehh crazy.. :D currently em doin by MBA at CMS Mangatuparamba...bt still i wud lyk to tell dat i em a WIRASian.......i miss WIRAS a lot..!!!!!!!
wen uu c me at frst sight,,, u guyz nd galz vil thnk dat em a silent typ ;)..