The document lists and describes the top luxury hotels in Lahore, Pakistan. It discusses four hotels: the Pearl Continental Hotel, a five-star hotel located on Lahore's prominent boulevard owned by the Hashoo Group; the Avari Hotel Lahore, one of Pakistan's largest five-star hotels owned by Avari Hotels International; the Royaute Luxury Suites, located in Gulberg known for its award-winning interior design; and the Hospitality Inn, formerly known as Holiday Inn located in the center of Lahore near prominent historical buildings.
The document provides information about various hotels including Fortune Hotels, Shangri-La Hotels, and Shangri-La Hotel New Delhi. Fortune Hotels was established in 1995 as a subsidiary of ITC Ltd. and operates 40 hotels across India. Shangri-La Hotels was founded in 1971 with its first property in Singapore, and has since expanded globally. The founder, Robert Kuok, is a Malaysian businessman with an estimated net worth of $17.3 billion. Shangri-La Hotel New Delhi is located in the capital and offers 320 guestrooms along with restaurants, meeting spaces, and amenities like a swimming pool.
This document summarizes hotel options for business travelers working in satellite cities and districts outside of central Hong Kong. It describes several hotel options in areas like Lantau Island near the airport, the Western New Territories including Tsuen Wan, Sha Tin to the east, Kowloon Bay, and Hong Kong Island south near Aberdeen. For each area, it provides details on 2-3 hotel properties, including amenities and proximity to business or transportation hubs in the surrounding districts. The document aims to show business travelers that there are quality accommodation options outside of central Hong Kong that provide easy access to the burgeoning business centers in the outer regions.
Hotel Leela Ventures began in 1986 and has grown to include top-class hotels in India and abroad. It reported revenues of Rs. 660.54 crores in 2012-2013 but a total loss of Rs. 433.45 crores. The document analyzes Leela Ventures' marketing strategy after splitting from its long-time partner and expanding across India and internationally with new properties. It also provides an overview of the growing Indian hotel and tourism industry, which contributed Rs. 2.17 trillion to GDP in 2013 and is expected to reach Rs. 4.35 trillion by 2024.
This presentation is describing the true face of Pakistan. Pakistan isn't a poor country but it seems... View and download this presentation for more details.
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Company Profile of Amer Adnan AssociatesHamza Asif
AmerAdnan Associates, a leading architectural design firm in Pakistan, specializes in diverse yet chic interior designing along with 3D support prototyping throughout Pakistan. For details, call now at +92-42-36655262 and find out more on inspiring designing team at work here.
Rustic Interior Designs by Amer Adnan AssociatesHamza Asif
AmerAdnan Associates, a leading architectural design firm in Pakistan, specializes in diverse yet chic interior designing along with 3D support prototyping throughout Pakistan. For details, call now at +92-42-36655262 and find out more on inspiring designing team at work here.
Commercial Designs Profile of Amer Adnan AssociatesHamza Asif
AmerAdnan Associates, a leading architectural design firm in Pakistan, specializes in diverse yet chic interior designing along with 3D support prototyping throughout Pakistan. For details, call now at +92-42-36655262 and find out more on inspiring designing team at work here.
Modern Line Designs by Amer Adnan AssociatesHamza Asif
AmerAdnan Associates, a leading architectural design firm in Pakistan, specializes in diverse yet chic interior designing along with 3D support prototyping throughout Pakistan. For details, call now at +92-42-36655262 and find out more on inspiring designing team at work here.
5 of the world’s most amazing glass buildingsHamza Asif
Glass has always been one of the primary materials used in the construction of most amazing and awe-inspiring buildings around the world. In fact, glass plays significant role in the world of modern architecture and one can’t find a modern building without substantial use of glass.
Why to Choose Bamboo Furniture for your Outdoor?Hamza Asif
Most of the time we see bamboo furniture in the outdoor areas of a house, especially the lawn and patio. You must be wondering over why bamboo is the only consideration for outdoor places.
2015 list of 5 tallest buildings in pakistanHamza Asif
Pakistan is one of the rapidly developing nations in the continent of Asia. The country has witnessed rapid growth in all sectors which include Information Technology and Real Estate Development at the top of list alongside other industries. If we have a look at the modern architecture in Pakistan, we will be able to find out numerous hi-tech shopping malls and plazas across the metropolitan cities such as Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.
Relationship of interior design and furnitureHamza Asif
Do you think that interior design is merely curtailed to the flooring options, wall paints, false ceilings, and chandeliers? Certainly not, as interior design has an integral relationship with pattern, type and colour of furniture items as well.
Modern Line Designs by Amer Adnan AssociatesHamza Asif
AmerAdnan Associates, a leading architectural design firm in Pakistan, specializes in diverse yet chic interior designing along with 3D support prototyping throughout Pakistan. For details, call now at +92-42-36655262 and find out more on inspiring designing team at work here.
5 of the world’s most amazing glass buildingsHamza Asif
Glass has always been one of the primary materials used in the construction of most amazing and awe-inspiring buildings around the world. In fact, glass plays significant role in the world of modern architecture and one can’t find a modern building without substantial use of glass.
Why to Choose Bamboo Furniture for your Outdoor?Hamza Asif
Most of the time we see bamboo furniture in the outdoor areas of a house, especially the lawn and patio. You must be wondering over why bamboo is the only consideration for outdoor places.
2015 list of 5 tallest buildings in pakistanHamza Asif
Pakistan is one of the rapidly developing nations in the continent of Asia. The country has witnessed rapid growth in all sectors which include Information Technology and Real Estate Development at the top of list alongside other industries. If we have a look at the modern architecture in Pakistan, we will be able to find out numerous hi-tech shopping malls and plazas across the metropolitan cities such as Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.
Relationship of interior design and furnitureHamza Asif
Do you think that interior design is merely curtailed to the flooring options, wall paints, false ceilings, and chandeliers? Certainly not, as interior design has an integral relationship with pattern, type and colour of furniture items as well.
1. Top Luxury Hotels in Lahore
Lahore,the cultural heartof Pakistanandthe capital
cityof the province of Punjabisa home to some of
the most amazingentertainmentzonesinthe
country.The cityof Lahore boastsworldclass
opportunities andultra-luxuryhotels. The leading
architectsand interiordecorationcompanies inthe
countryhave done great contributiontowardsthe
landmark construction in Pakistan. Below isthe list
of the topluxuryhotelsinLahore,some of which
have evenwoninternational awardsforinterior
Pearl Continental Hotel
Pearl Continental Hotelisafive starhotel locatedonLahore’smostprominentboulevard‘The Mall’.PC
Lahore is undoubtedlyone of the largestandlavishhotelsof Pakistan.Itis oftena home tothe world’s
mostprominentpeopleontheirtriptoPakistan.The hotel isownedbyHashooGroup that ownsmany
otherhotelsandindustriesinthe country. The Pearl Continental Hotel issituatedoppositetothe Punjab
governor’shouse onthe mall roadalsoknownas Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam.Apartfromthe standard
roomsand luxurysuites,the hotel comprisesmeetingrooms,banquethallsandalot more.
Avari Hotel Lahore
Avari Lahore is one of the largestandtopnotchfive starhotelsof Pakistanownedby Avari Hotels
International,acompanythatownsand operateshotelsandotherpropertiesinPakistan, Dubai and
Toronto.The hotel wasfoundedbythe company’sCEODinshaw Avari andisnow ownedandmanaged
by hissonByram Dinshawji Avari. Avari Lahore issituatedonmall roadof Lahore opposite tothe Pearl
Continental Hotel onthe same road.
Royaute Luxury Suites
Thisamazinghotel islocatedonM.M AlamRoad Gulberg - the metropolitanareaof Lahore,Royaute
LuxurySuites&Hotel is a true example of landmarkconstruction in Lahore designedanddevelopedby
the leadinginteriordesign andarchitecture firmof Pakistan,AmerAdnanAssociates®.The hotel has
wonmany awardsfor itsimmaculate interiordesign includingthe AsiaPacificAwardfor Hotel Interiorin
Pakistan.The hotel’sdesignis meanttoprovide acomfortable experience to guestsinanartfully
arrangedsetting.The hotel intendstocaterto the needsof modernbusinessindividuals,holidaymakers,
youngfolkseagerforentertainmentandforanyone whoisseekingaccommodationinthe central
businessdistrictof Lahore City.
HospitalityInnis the franchise of MaverickInternational.The companyowns manyamazinghotels
across the country.The hospitalityinn wasformerlyknownasHolidayInn.The hotel liesinthe centerof
Lahore city on the Egerton Road nearbymall road.The hotel issurroundedbymanyprominentaswell
2. as historical buildingsof the cultural heartof Pakistan.The special intimate ambience of the hotel makes
anybodyfeel likebeinginaFlorentine home. The hospitalityinncomprisesall the facilitiesanybusiness
or leisure travel couldexpectincludingluxuryrooms,swimmingpools,livemusicanda lotmore.