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Top Luxury Hotels in Lahore
Lahore,the cultural heartof Pakistanandthe capital
cityof the province of Punjabisa home to some of
the most amazingentertainmentzonesinthe
country.The cityof Lahore boastsworldclass
opportunities andultra-luxuryhotels. The leading
architectsand interiordecorationcompanies inthe
countryhave done great contributiontowardsthe
landmark construction in Pakistan. Below isthe list
of the topluxuryhotelsinLahore,some of which
have evenwoninternational awardsforinterior
Pearl Continental Hotel
Pearl Continental Hotelisafive starhotel locatedonLahore’smostprominentboulevard‘The Mall’.PC
Lahore is undoubtedlyone of the largestandlavishhotelsof Pakistan.Itis oftena home tothe world’s
mostprominentpeopleontheirtriptoPakistan.The hotel isownedbyHashooGroup that ownsmany
otherhotelsandindustriesinthe country. The Pearl Continental Hotel issituatedoppositetothe Punjab
governor’shouse onthe mall roadalsoknownas Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam.Apartfromthe standard
roomsand luxurysuites,the hotel comprisesmeetingrooms,banquethallsandalot more.
Avari Hotel Lahore
Avari Lahore is one of the largestandtopnotchfive starhotelsof Pakistanownedby Avari Hotels
International,acompanythatownsand operateshotelsandotherpropertiesinPakistan, Dubai and
Toronto.The hotel wasfoundedbythe company’sCEODinshaw Avari andisnow ownedandmanaged
by hissonByram Dinshawji Avari. Avari Lahore issituatedonmall roadof Lahore opposite tothe Pearl
Continental Hotel onthe same road.
Royaute Luxury Suites
Thisamazinghotel islocatedonM.M AlamRoad Gulberg - the metropolitanareaof Lahore,Royaute
LuxurySuites&Hotel is a true example of landmarkconstruction in Lahore designedanddevelopedby
the leadinginteriordesign andarchitecture firmof Pakistan,AmerAdnanAssociates®.The hotel has
wonmany awardsfor itsimmaculate interiordesign includingthe AsiaPacificAwardfor Hotel Interiorin
Pakistan.The hotel’sdesignis meanttoprovide acomfortable experience to guestsinanartfully
arrangedsetting.The hotel intendstocaterto the needsof modernbusinessindividuals,holidaymakers,
youngfolkseagerforentertainmentandforanyone whoisseekingaccommodationinthe central
businessdistrictof Lahore City.
HospitalityInnis the franchise of MaverickInternational.The companyowns manyamazinghotels
across the country.The hospitalityinn wasformerlyknownasHolidayInn.The hotel liesinthe centerof
Lahore city on the Egerton Road nearbymall road.The hotel issurroundedbymanyprominentaswell
as historical buildingsof the cultural heartof Pakistan.The special intimate ambience of the hotel makes
anybodyfeel likebeinginaFlorentine home. The hospitalityinncomprisesall the facilitiesanybusiness
or leisure travel couldexpectincludingluxuryrooms,swimmingpools,livemusicanda lotmore.

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Top luxury hotels in lahore

  • 1. Top Luxury Hotels in Lahore Lahore,the cultural heartof Pakistanandthe capital cityof the province of Punjabisa home to some of the most amazingentertainmentzonesinthe country.The cityof Lahore boastsworldclass shoppingmalls,residentialsocieties,entertainment opportunities andultra-luxuryhotels. The leading architectsand interiordecorationcompanies inthe countryhave done great contributiontowardsthe landmark construction in Pakistan. Below isthe list of the topluxuryhotelsinLahore,some of which have evenwoninternational awardsforinterior designingandarchitecture. Pearl Continental Hotel Pearl Continental Hotelisafive starhotel locatedonLahore’smostprominentboulevard‘The Mall’.PC Lahore is undoubtedlyone of the largestandlavishhotelsof Pakistan.Itis oftena home tothe world’s mostprominentpeopleontheirtriptoPakistan.The hotel isownedbyHashooGroup that ownsmany otherhotelsandindustriesinthe country. The Pearl Continental Hotel issituatedoppositetothe Punjab governor’shouse onthe mall roadalsoknownas Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam.Apartfromthe standard roomsand luxurysuites,the hotel comprisesmeetingrooms,banquethallsandalot more. Avari Hotel Lahore Avari Lahore is one of the largestandtopnotchfive starhotelsof Pakistanownedby Avari Hotels International,acompanythatownsand operateshotelsandotherpropertiesinPakistan, Dubai and Toronto.The hotel wasfoundedbythe company’sCEODinshaw Avari andisnow ownedandmanaged by hissonByram Dinshawji Avari. Avari Lahore issituatedonmall roadof Lahore opposite tothe Pearl Continental Hotel onthe same road. Royaute Luxury Suites Thisamazinghotel islocatedonM.M AlamRoad Gulberg - the metropolitanareaof Lahore,Royaute LuxurySuites&Hotel is a true example of landmarkconstruction in Lahore designedanddevelopedby the leadinginteriordesign andarchitecture firmof Pakistan,AmerAdnanAssociates®.The hotel has wonmany awardsfor itsimmaculate interiordesign includingthe AsiaPacificAwardfor Hotel Interiorin Pakistan.The hotel’sdesignis meanttoprovide acomfortable experience to guestsinanartfully arrangedsetting.The hotel intendstocaterto the needsof modernbusinessindividuals,holidaymakers, youngfolkseagerforentertainmentandforanyone whoisseekingaccommodationinthe central businessdistrictof Lahore City. HospitalityInn HospitalityInnis the franchise of MaverickInternational.The companyowns manyamazinghotels across the country.The hospitalityinn wasformerlyknownasHolidayInn.The hotel liesinthe centerof Lahore city on the Egerton Road nearbymall road.The hotel issurroundedbymanyprominentaswell
  • 2. as historical buildingsof the cultural heartof Pakistan.The special intimate ambience of the hotel makes anybodyfeel likebeinginaFlorentine home. The hospitalityinncomprisesall the facilitiesanybusiness or leisure travel couldexpectincludingluxuryrooms,swimmingpools,livemusicanda lotmore.