"im hariharan,am coolguy and st.frwd person..
Am doing my graduation in EEE Stream...frnds cl me HJ,hari...i dnt like d ppl who talk bck of me..
Frnds and dr f'dshp matters me alot..i love my frns alot..! In my spare time i like 2 listen mj sngs and whn am bored i like 2 cook ...i like 2 hang out with frns alot..
Hope u undrstand me if nt u cn leave d page,..thanx fr readng my info :-D i thnk u got that ,i have a gud sense of humour..."
And 1thng
" DoNt TrY tO uNdErStAnD mE iF u Do
So EiThEr U gO mAd oR U'll StArT lIkInG
mE mOrE "
...H.A.R.I H.A.R.A.N...
iam gr8 fan of mj