Shonima S is seeking a challenging opportunity to explore her talents. She has been working as a Process Associate for Tata Consultancy Services since June 2015, where her roles include coordinating with teams to permanently fix known errors and updating colleagues on project and process changes. Previously, she worked for 15 months at CitiBank in trade operations, document checking, and as backup support. She has strengths in analytical skills, learning quickly, self-motivation, teamwork, flexibility, and a positive attitude. Shonima holds a B.Com degree in Information Systems Management and has experience with Windows operating systems, Microsoft Office, and programming languages like Visual Basic, C, and C++.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Mobile Email from Litmus & HubSpotHubSpot
The document discusses key insights about mobile email usage and optimization. It shows that mobile email opens have grown 600% from 2011-2016, with over 70% of emails now being opened on mobile devices. When emails look bad on mobile, over 80% of users will still read them. The document provides tips for optimizing elements like preview text, links, text sizes, touch targets, and layouts for mobile. It also discusses different mobile email design approaches and resources for templates.
The document announces the 2017 ACC Europe Annual Conference to take place from 7-9 May in Cascais, Portugal. The conference will explore what it means to Lead Yourself, Lead the Law, and Lead the Business. Attendees can network with colleagues, strengthen contacts with service providers, and participate in interactive workshops led by experts on topics such as making impressions, using LinkedIn, public speaking, negotiations, drafting contracts, technology, leading teams, and expectations of legal teams.
El documento describe los antecedentes de los estudios para el metro de Bogotá. Se?ala que en 1996 se aprobó la Ley 310, también conocida como la "Ley de Metros", la cual estableció que la nación y el distrito financiarían entre el 40-70% del metro. En 1998, el Presidente Samper y el Alcalde Pe?alosa firmaron un acuerdo para la construcción del metro, con la nación y el distrito aportando el 70% y 30% respectivamente. El metro tendría una longitud inicial de 29 km y se esperaba que movilizara 30,000
The effect of the Himalayan Orogeny on the Cenozoic climate (J.Standing 2014) John Standing
The Himalayan Orogeny, which began around 50 million years ago due to the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates, led to several changes that impacted the Cenozoic climate. Uplift of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau created atmospheric circulation patterns that strengthened the Asian monsoon and caused widespread aridity. Increased erosion of the mountains enhanced chemical weathering, lowering atmospheric CO2 levels from over 1000 ppm to around 170 ppm. Proxy records indicate this reduction in CO2 contributed to the shift from a warm "greenhouse" climate to a cooler "icehouse" climate with permanent polar ice sheets. Growing ice sheets further increased planetary albedo and strengthened a positive feedback loop of
AG2R LA MONDIALE et Voisins Solidaires ont créé le programme ? Génération Voisins ? afin de contribuer au
maintien à domicile des Personnes ?gées.
L’objectif est de mettre le voisin au coeur des enjeux du vieillissement et de la perte d’autonomie.
Parallèlement, ils ont mis en place l’Observatoire du voisinage intergénérationnel. En collectant des données et
des résultats, celui-ci éclaire les décisions publiques tout en nourrissant les futurs supports du programme.
IBM CAPIの概要です。
この資料は、「IBM CAPIのシミュレーション環境」を説明した資料の最初の部分です。
「IBM CAPIのシミュレーション環境」では、Ubuntu 14.04 + ModelSim ASE 10.4dでソフトウェアとハードウェアとのコ?シミュレーションを実際に経験できるような構成になっています。
An overview of IBM CAPI.
This document is the first part of the document that describes "IBM CAPI simulation environment".
"IBM CAPI simulation environment" is configured so that you can actually experience co-simulation of software and hardware with Ubuntu 14.04 + ModelSim ASE 10.4 d.
Credentials and Capabilities presentation for brand and marketing agency, Zeke Creative.
Experts in creative communication for high-end interior and lifestyle businesses. Helping brand owners achieve their ambition by becoming more visible, distinguished and desirable.
出典:Zhengqi Li, Richard Tucker, Noah Snavely, Aleksander Holynski: Generative Image Dynamics, Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (2024)
【DLゼミ】XFeat: Accelerated Features for Lightweight Image Matchingharmonylab
出典:Guilherme Potje, Felipe Cadar, Andre Araujo, Renato Martins, Erickson R. ascimento: XFeat: Accelerated Features for Lightweight Image Matching, Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (2023)
概要:リソース効率に優れた特徴点マッチングのための軽量なアーキテクチャ「XFeat(Accelerated Features)」を提案します。手法は、局所的な特徴点の検出、抽出、マッチングのための畳み込みニューラルネットワークの基本的な設計を再検討します。特に、リソースが限られたデバイス向けに迅速かつ堅牢なアルゴリズムが必要とされるため、解像度を可能な限り高く保ちながら、ネットワークのチャネル数を制限します。さらに、スパース下でのマッチングを選択できる設計となっており、ナビゲーションやARなどのアプリケーションに適しています。XFeatは、高速かつ同等以上の精度を実現し、一般的なラップトップのCPU上でリアルタイムで動作します。
A Study on Decision Support System for Snow Removal Dispatch using Road Surfa...harmonylab
This study focuses on addressing the challenges associated with decision-making in winter road snow removal operations, aiming to alleviate the burden on snow removal personnel. Specifically, we propose an approach to develop a system that collects and visualizes information on road snow conditions and weather data to support decision-making by personnel. Additionally, by sharing the collected information, we aim to facilitate the sharing of premonitions about changes in decision-making among snow removal personnel, reducing the need for physical inspections.We have validated the effectiveness of the system and confirmed its efficacy.
AG2R LA MONDIALE et Voisins Solidaires ont créé le programme ? Génération Voisins ? afin de contribuer au
maintien à domicile des Personnes ?gées.
L’objectif est de mettre le voisin au coeur des enjeux du vieillissement et de la perte d’autonomie.
Parallèlement, ils ont mis en place l’Observatoire du voisinage intergénérationnel. En collectant des données et
des résultats, celui-ci éclaire les décisions publiques tout en nourrissant les futurs supports du programme.
IBM CAPIの概要です。
この資料は、「IBM CAPIのシミュレーション環境」を説明した資料の最初の部分です。
「IBM CAPIのシミュレーション環境」では、Ubuntu 14.04 + ModelSim ASE 10.4dでソフトウェアとハードウェアとのコ?シミュレーションを実際に経験できるような構成になっています。
An overview of IBM CAPI.
This document is the first part of the document that describes "IBM CAPI simulation environment".
"IBM CAPI simulation environment" is configured so that you can actually experience co-simulation of software and hardware with Ubuntu 14.04 + ModelSim ASE 10.4 d.
Credentials and Capabilities presentation for brand and marketing agency, Zeke Creative.
Experts in creative communication for high-end interior and lifestyle businesses. Helping brand owners achieve their ambition by becoming more visible, distinguished and desirable.
出典:Zhengqi Li, Richard Tucker, Noah Snavely, Aleksander Holynski: Generative Image Dynamics, Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (2024)
【DLゼミ】XFeat: Accelerated Features for Lightweight Image Matchingharmonylab
出典:Guilherme Potje, Felipe Cadar, Andre Araujo, Renato Martins, Erickson R. ascimento: XFeat: Accelerated Features for Lightweight Image Matching, Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (2023)
概要:リソース効率に優れた特徴点マッチングのための軽量なアーキテクチャ「XFeat(Accelerated Features)」を提案します。手法は、局所的な特徴点の検出、抽出、マッチングのための畳み込みニューラルネットワークの基本的な設計を再検討します。特に、リソースが限られたデバイス向けに迅速かつ堅牢なアルゴリズムが必要とされるため、解像度を可能な限り高く保ちながら、ネットワークのチャネル数を制限します。さらに、スパース下でのマッチングを選択できる設計となっており、ナビゲーションやARなどのアプリケーションに適しています。XFeatは、高速かつ同等以上の精度を実現し、一般的なラップトップのCPU上でリアルタイムで動作します。
A Study on Decision Support System for Snow Removal Dispatch using Road Surfa...harmonylab
This study focuses on addressing the challenges associated with decision-making in winter road snow removal operations, aiming to alleviate the burden on snow removal personnel. Specifically, we propose an approach to develop a system that collects and visualizes information on road snow conditions and weather data to support decision-making by personnel. Additionally, by sharing the collected information, we aim to facilitate the sharing of premonitions about changes in decision-making among snow removal personnel, reducing the need for physical inspections.We have validated the effectiveness of the system and confirmed its efficacy.
DLゼミ: MobileOne: An Improved One millisecond Mobile Backboneharmonylab
出典:Vasu, Pavan Kumar Anasosalu, et al.: MobileOne: An Improved One Millisecond Mobile Backbone, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2023)