Honeywell Global Tracking Emergency Management Products (EMP) help governments process COSPAS-SARSAT beacon data and increase their technical capabilities, thereby enhancing their abilities to save more & more lives. Honeywell Global Tracking\'s Search and Rescue equipment and software receive and process distress beacon data (from COSPAS-SARSAT satellites), pinpoints accurate emergency locations, and distributes appropriately, Search and Rescue data.
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Honeywell Search And Rescue (SAR) Solutions
1. Plan and manage Search and
Rescue (SaR) operations more
effectively from start to finish.
StReamline effoRtS from
distress alert to rapid deployment
with integrated maps, incident
logs, databases and resource
incReaSe efficiency and
reduce critical distress time.
aSSiSt those in distress, protect
those who rescue them.
you need an integrated software solution
Emergency situations can arise and equipment, logs, records, every stage.
anywhere at any time. Real-time and reporting are vital aspects of
access to critical information coordinating a successful Imagine maps, logs and resource
is vital to planning operations, SAR operation. listings in the same package. It
deploying resources, and to can be deployed as an integrated
SARMaster software from EMS solution using COSPAS-SARSAT
successfully saving lives.
GLOBAL TRACKING is the ideal data feeds, or independently as a
You require timely access to solution for search and rescue stand-alone coordination and
critical data to make informed coordination. EMS GLOBAL management tool. And
decisions that will impact TRACKING has taken the SARMaster generates a variety
those in distress, and the rescue five stages of SAR and put them of reports for media and
team. Effective planning and into an integrated application. commander's briefings,
co-ordination of rescue SARMaster is flexible and lets and post-mission analysis.
operations means making you share information in real-
efficient use of the resources at time. It puts all the resources
hand. Rescue Coordination that are traditionally in a variety
Centers (RCCs) with the ability to of locations into one easy-to-use
rapidly deploy resources, save package. From alert, to initial
time and more lives. Managing action, to planning operations,
information, personnel, assets conclusion and post mission
analysis, SARMaster gives you
the tools to address each and
2. EMS GLOBAL TRACKING is a pioneer in Search and Rescue (SAR)
applications. The company’s history extends back to the SAR
industry’s beginnings in 1978, and this is reflected in the number
of systems deployed by the company worldwide. The company
commercialized the first complete, end-to-end SAR solution—
from the detection and location of distress beacons by satellite
ground stations (Local User Terminals), to transmission through
Operations Control Centers (OCCs) to Mission Control Centers
(MCC) and Rescue Coordination Centers (RCCs). With a majority
of COSPAS-SARSAT member countries using its equipment, EMS
GLOBAL TRACKING has developed both equipment and software
for the management of SAR operations that has saved thousands
of lives.
400 Maple Grove Road
Ottawa, ON K2V 1B8 Canada
1 800 600-9759 (North America)
1 613 591-1043 (Worldwide)
Sales Information:
4. EMS GLOBAL TRACKING’s SARMaster software gives you the ability to react
more quickly, be more efficient, and more responsive. It gives you everything
you need to save lives right where you need it—at your fingertips. SARMaster
organizes, integrates and shares all the information you need to effectively
run a SAR operation.
The EMS GLOBAL TRACKING SARMaster team has been involved in SAR
installations around the world. SARMaster was developed from the team’s
functional expertise along with input from and collaboration with SAR
professionals. Regular User Group Meetings are conducted to add new
features to ensure SARMaster continues to be a leading-edge tool to help you
save lives.
the solution
In short, SARMaster is the SARMaster is fully automated
only integrated SAR software and can be completely integrated
solution available, and if you are with COSPAS-SARSAT alerts.
without it, you are at a significant The automated logging feature
operational disadvantage. produces an exhaustive and
permanent electronic and hard
The SARMaster software brings
copy paper-trail of the incident.
together all of the information into
It produces automatic commander’s
one manageable, accessible
briefings, press briefings,
application—giving you
and incorporates the capabilities
everything you need. As a
required to coordinate a broad
distributed solution, it facilitates
range of SAR operations.
the easy sharing of real-time
information, so you always have
the most accurate and up-to-date
data available. Multiple controllers
at various locations can
simultaneously record log entries,
update and view incident logs.
5. how it works Key Benefits
• Places all the data needed in one
convenient place: incident logs, GIS
data, resources and reports—what
you need, when you need it, where
you need it.
• Easy to use—gets you
up-and-running quickly.
• Saves time—critical to helping
you save more lives.
• Flexible and scalable—easily
integrates with COSPAS-SARSAT
or works stand-alone.
• Makes managing a SAR operation
much easier and more efficient.
• Provides SAR personnel with a single
resource of collected data
so that informed decisions can be
the comp
made quickly.
system details
SARMaster was designed to meet the Search Planning and Management—
specialized needs of SAR professionals search and task areas and patterns
and RCCs around the world. It comes based on international standards, with
with the tools you need: forms that use IAMSAR methodology.
Electronic Logging—record information Reporting—generate paper-based
received, actions taken, decisions made or electronic reports to meet
both in real-time and post-action. Logs requirements such as general and daily
can be updated by multiple personnel. incident summaries, commander’s
briefing, and media reports.
Data Entry—reduce the amount
of data entry required with shortcut SARMaster is available with additional
tools and dropdown lists that provide specialized modules including:
access to checklists and easy-to-find
Cold Exposure Survival Module
resource data.
(CESM)—predict survival times for cold
COSPAS-SARSAT Alerts—receive and air exposure and cold water immersion.
view elemental and composite solution
Translation Utility—localize graphical
data from a Mission Control Center
user interfaces, documents and reports
to your local language.
6. the right tool at the right time
SARMaster features
GIS data and logs, and its
dropdown menus make
accessing resources easy.
plete software
Vessel Management System—
the bottom line
How many SaR events are
monitor vessels, and obtain current
information such as vessel type,
you going to deal with today?
size, ownership, course and speed; can you easily access the tools
track and assign or unassign to
you need? What would saving
your operation.
time mean to your operation?
SARMaster features completely
integrated GIS data, incident
logs, reports and critical resource
lists—all at your fingertips. With
SARMaster you can easily click
to the resources you need without
having to open and close other
SARMaster Integrated SAR software
puts all the information you need—
just mouse-clicks away.