Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Alexandria, Egypt
Sona3 el 7yah ( Ensan Project )
I wrOte sOmething here befOre,, but I decided to change it as much as I had changed ....
abOut me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
No One Can understands me cUz even nOw I cant understand myself
I am sOmetimes Funy and some Other Try 2 Read my MoOd..
i can't say i have a great life But I am satisfied El7
i have alot of friends in my real life But unfortunately Most of them Are Fake
I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.
it's My faCeboOk page
& It’s nOt my ReaL Life Or my whOle life,
There’s A lOt you dOn’t knOw abOut me,
sO dOn’t make assumptiOns
I Share what I wanna share
& keep priv
Users following Heba Eldien