This document discusses personal knowledge management (PKM). It begins by explaining the importance of PKM, noting that the human memory has a large capacity but poor retrieval, while working memory can only hold 7 items. It then discusses tools and techniques to support complex problem solving and reduce cognitive load. These include methods for externalizing and organizing knowledge as well as cognitive tools. Finally, it addresses the costs and benefits of PKM and compares organizational vs. personal knowledge management.
3. Agenda
3.1 Why and What is PKM
3.2 PKM Tools
3.3 Soft Skills, Practices
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4. Agenda
3.1 Why and What is PKM
3.2 PKM Tools
3.3 Soft Skills, Practices
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5. The most important contribution of management in the 20th
century was to increase manual worker productivity fifty-
The most important contribution of management in the 21st
century will be to increase knowledge worker productivity
hopefully by the same percentage. []
The methods, however, are totally different from those that
increased the productivity of manual workers.
Peter F. Drucker, 1958
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6. Why Personal Knowledge Management?
Human long-term memory has giant capacity
huge amounts of information are stored
memory retrieval is the bottleneck
Working memory is very limited
Only 7賊2 items can be held in working memory simultaneously
(G. A. Miller, 1956)
Dealing with complex subjects, this is a problem
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7. Complex Problem Solving
networked thinking
Frederic Vester The Art of Networked Thinking
Dietrich D旦rner The Logic of Failure
Heinz v. Foerster (Cybernetik)
reducing complexity
clustering, modularisation
pattern recognition
activating and relating to prior knowledge
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8. Cognitive Adequacy
Evolution did not optimise our brains for the kinds and
amounts of knowledge we deal with nowadays.
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9. Cognitive Adequacy
To support knowledge work, we need
methods and techniques
mnemonics (memory techniques)
meta cognition (thinking about thinking)
meditation (practicing the mind)
cognitive tools
Gedankenst端tzen, Denkwerkzeug
reduce cognitive load / cognitive overhead
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10. Recapitulation: Core activities of holistic KM
according to Probst, Raub, Romhardt
Knowledge Feedback Knowledge
Goals Assessment
Knowledge Knowledge
Identification Utilization
Knowledge Knowledge
Acquisition Preservation
Knowledge Knowledge
Development Distribution
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13. Personal Knowledge Processes
Creation (Organise, Formalize,
1 Externalisation Refine)
5 (search own + others)
Model by Max V旦lkel ( ) based on: Marc E. Nissen, 2006, WM Potsdam
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14. Re-Use Your Own Knowledge
Externalisation Internalisation
Note-taking is communication with yourself
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15. Degrees of Formality
Knowledge Cue (Wissenshinweis)
undetailled, degree of structuredness/explictness/formality detailed,
raw, exact,
short, explicit,
needs prior knowledge common language,
Me Me Me (2 years later) general public
(now) (later)
others that I know well
others that dont
know the subject
others that know
the subject
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16. Cost and Benefit of PKM
Total costs C = CE + CR
Benefit B = ?
Personal KM is always gambling:
Will I ever need this knowledge again? In what context?
Is it cheaper to recreate the knowledge? CC < CE + CR
What value will it have? How much effort to structure and
formalize is justified? B > CE + CR
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17. Organisationales WM vs. Pers旦nliches WM
Organisationales WM Pers旦nliches WM
Perspektive Unternehmen Individuum
Top-Down Bottom-Up
Ver辰nderungen Fluktuation der Mitarbeiter Wechsel des Arbeitgebers
Ziel Produktivit辰t steigern
Formalit辰tsgrad Expliziter (Ver旦ffentlichung) Informaler (Notiz)
Kontext Beruf Beruf und Privat
Geschwindigkeit der Ca. 10 Jahre Ca. 1 Jahr
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18. Status of the Topic
By far less ....
heavily researched on
... than other KM areas (groups, organizations, processes, ...)
Nevertheless, central to KM !
Differentiation from surrounding areas a bit fuzzy
eLearning, Skill Management
Personal information management (PIM)
Community knowledge management
Personal task and self management
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19. Agenda
3.1 Why and What is PKM
3.2 PKM Tools
3.3 Soft Skills, Practices
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20. Agenda
3.1 Why and What is PKM
3.2 PKM Tools
3.3 Soft Skills, Practices
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21. Cognitive Tools
Personal knowledge media
representing problems
supporting memory
knowledge modelling
organising resources
extracortical organizers of thought (Vygotsky, 1978)
We cant manage knowledge, only cues to knowledge.
Knowledge cues are things (symbols, words, artefacts), that help us
reconstruct the original knowledge structures associated with them.
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22. Conventional Tools
paper-based tools
are well-established
but have shortcomings
especially for complex contents,
computer-based tools have valuable possibilities
full text search / filtering
linking / browsing
interactive editing / refining
easy sharing / collaborating
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23. PKM Pioneers
Vannevar Bush (1945): Douglas Engelbart Niklas Luhmann
MEMEX (1963): (1992)
enlarged intimate AUGMENT used Zettelkasten for
supplement first hypertext 26 years:
to his memory system
Als Ergebnis l辰ngerer
Arbeit mit dieser Technik
[dem Zettelkasten]
entsteht eine Art
Zweitged辰chtnis, ein
Alter ego, mit dem man
laufend kommunizieren
Vannevar Bush: As we may think, Atlantic Monthly, 1945, 176, 101-108
Engelbart, D: A Conceptual Framework for the Augmentation of Mans Intellect,
Vistas in Information Handling, Spartan Books: Washington, DC: London, 1963, 1-29
Niklas Luhmann: Kommunikation mit Zettelk辰sten. Ein Erfahrungsbericht. In: ders.: Universit辰t als Milieu.
Kleine Schriften. Haux Verlag, Bielefeld: 1992, S.53-61. ISBN 3-925471-13-8
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24. The MEMEX by Vannevar Bush
Copyright by:
24 20.11.2009 Vorlesung Wissensmanagement WS 2009/2010 Institut AIFB & FZI
Taken from
25. Zettelkasten
no queries / text search
no automation
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26. PIM Personal Information Management
specific application areas
address book
task planer
(communications, feeds (mail, RSS etc.))
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27. PIM Personal Information Management Tools
iCal, Address Book (Mac)
Kontact, Kalendar (KDE)
Sunbird (Mozilla)
Lotus Organizer
Novell Evolution
google (-calendar, -contacts, -notebook, -bookmarks, -Web History,
remember the milk and many others (task planer)
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28. PIM vs. PKM Overview
concept mapping
mind mapping
personal wikis wikis
note taking
PIM groupware ...
task planer
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30. Example of an Outliner (Gliederungseditor)
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31. Example of an Outliner (Gliederungseditor)
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32. Outliners can be used
as an aid for writing long / complex texts
as a personal knowledge repository like a Zettelkasten
for task/project planning
siehe auch
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34. Personal Wiki Use
using standard (multi-user) wikis online as single user
pro: easy to set up
(Wiki-Farms e.g.,,
con: no offline use, limited control over personal data
using standard (multi-user) wikis locally
e.g. JSPWiki, (Semantic) MediaWiki
pro: stable, well-known environment, own your data
con: does not (automatically) sync with other devices (e.g. mobile)
con: requires additional software, e.g. a Web server, (L)AMP
personal editions of standard wikis
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35. Personal Wiki Engines
additional features
tree views
drag and drop for external content (images, text, video, )
OLE wikis as relational superstructures for desktop documents
con: usually no syncing to other places of use
see also
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36. Voodoo Pad screen shot shows dragged in images
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37. Personal Wikis Conclusion
Wikis can be used locally as personal wikis.
Have proven to be very efficient for PKM
interlinking information units (pages)
categories, tags, keywords
full-text search
structured and unstructured contents
scalable (some people have several thousand pages)
But dont allow to see overall structure
no overview
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38. Visual PKM Tools why?
Our sense of spatial orientation is highly efficient and
Automated actions do not interfere with conscious tasks.
(Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977)
Using our spatial sense to deal with knowledge helps
orientation in our knowledge space very efficiently.
Visual representations are easier turned into mental
models because they bare the structure of the content
matter (see next slide)
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39. Analysis of Map of
symbol Organisation analogue
structures structures
model construction
mental model
representation model inspection
[Source : Schmotz & Bannert, 1999]
perception /
Verbal Pictorial
Organisation Organisation
text picture / diagram
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43. Concept Mapping Tools
commercial, widely used
easy to use
cMap Tools
from Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC)
free (but not open source)
many graphic programs...
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44. Example: Spatial Hypertext
MindMeister Axxon
ConceptDraw SmartDraw
Mindmap Pro
Visual Mind
The Brain
Mind Mapper
Ygnius VKB Tinderbox
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45. Example: Spatial Hypertext
Concept Mapping Tools
Spatial Hypertext taugliche Tools
Tools die Mind-Mapping unterst端tzen Knowledge
MindMeister Axxon
ConceptDraw SmartDraw
Tools ohne freie Positionierung Mindmap Pro
Visual Mind
The Brain
Mind Mapper
Ygnius VKB Tinderbox
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46. Spatial Hypertext Tools
commercial, widely used
Mac only
Visual Knowledge Builder
working research prototype
free but dead
research prototype (under construction) by FZI
deep zooming
semantic desktop
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47. Mapping Techniques in Comparison
Mind-Mapping (see T. Buzan)
easy, fast
but vague
Concept Mapping (see J.D. Novak)
expressive, stresses structure
but need more effort
Spatial Hypertext (see F. M. Shipman)
constructive ambiguity
but no explicit relations
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48. why not have maps of maps?
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