The book Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk provides advice for monetizing one's passion online. It encourages readers to follow their DNA, create great content, build their personal brand, and develop an online community. While new platforms will emerge, the keys to success are having passion for one's work and hustling to engage others.
2. 1. Passion is everything 3
2. success is in your Dna 5
3. BuilD your Personal BranD 7
4. a whole new worlD 9
5. create great content 11
6. choose your Platform 13
7. KeeP it real very real 16
8. create community: Digging your 18
internet trench
9. the Best marKeting strategy ever 20
10. maKe the worlD listen 21
11. start monetizing 23
12. roll with it 25
13. legacy is greater than currency 27
14. conclusion 29
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3. Why does it make sense to be advertising through online
What are some obstacles presented with monetizing a
passion? Are there possible solutions to those obstacles?
Facebook and Twitter are tools within social media, not
strategies. Whats the difference?
1: Passion is EvErything
4. online
Eyeballs moving from traditional media to online - business follows
Also cheaper (Garys example of < $15,000)
obstacles - solutions
Passion not retail friendly - doesnt have to be sexy
Poor economy - recessions only bad for mediocre businesses
Need steady income - keep the day job, invest personal time
Dont have a specific skill/knowledge - team up
Differentiate Between tools and strategy
Facebook/Twitter are new and innovative ways to spread message
now, but who knows where social media will be in the future
Strategies lead towards a goal by utilizing tools and resources, no
matter their current incarnation
1: Passion is EvErything
5. How has the internet lowered the entry barriers to
monetizing on passion?
What are some examples of successful online properties
that didnt hide their personalities?
2: succEss is in your Dna
6. how?
Unique and specialized markets have an audience
Follow Your DNA - doing what you love is naturally easy
The internet is a great equalizer:
Majority of services are free, everything is cheaper than traditional
The person who works the hardest will win
Tim Ferriss, Ramit Sethi, Tucker Max
2: succEss is in your Dna
7. Why is personal branding the key to monetizing passion
How has the process of building ones brand changed in
an online environment?
3: BuilD your PErsonal BranD
8. the key to monetizing online
Allows differentiation from others in niche
Takes advantage of genuine personality
The more developed ones personal brand is, the greater the
awareness, the greater the business opportunities available
1. mediums and cost
Then: newspapers, television, movies, radio, etc.
Now: blogging, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Now: No gatekeepers, word of mouth on steroids
2. transparency
Consumers want truth, business and personal brand must be the
It has become increasingly difficult to hide things from the public,
especially on the internet
3: BuilD your PErsonal BranD
9. As more and more readers utilize online resources for
news and stories, how will the journalism and reporting
industries be affected?
4: a wholE nEw worlD
10. Journalism: The internet allows talent to win
No longer need to play in traditional structures
Top performers can break off and earn fair value
Middlemen are being eliminated
More readers online Advertisement money goes online Journalists go online
4: a wholE nEw worlD
11. Great content exists as a result of passion plus expertise,
but what are some ways to optimize that content
specifically for online platforms? How does one decide
which medium of communication should be utilized?
How does the lure and lasso approach work?
5: crEatE grEat contEnt
12. content
Absorb every resource-other websites, books, conferences, etc
Storytelling is key - makes your content relatable to the visitor
Strive for self-awareness, dont delude the visitor
Choose your medium based on your DNA:
Introverted? Start with writing
Extroverted? Try podcasts
Animated? Utilize videos
lure and lasso
Native content encourages visitors to frequent your online property
Provide content by inserting yourself into existing conversations
- create reasons for your audience to follow you back to your
5: crEatE grEat contEnt
13. How are blogs used for personal branding?
There are many different social networking platforms being
utilized to distribute content. What are some of more
popular ones and what unique benefits do they each
One of the most important aspects of a blog is its user
interface. Specifically, why are call-to-action and sharing
functions effective for buildingbrand?
6: choosE your Platform
14. 1. Blogs: effective central location for storing content and building
Wordpress - advanced features/options, great search capabilities
Tumblr - low entry barriers, re-blog feature, free domain hosting
2. Platforms
Facebook: the most popular social network
Fan Page - builds community, no limit on fans (unlike friends)
Ability to reach all fans in one shot - mini feed creates viral
Twitter - lure people to your real content, incredible endorsement
Flickr - photo-centric, loads of search capabilities, active community
6: choosE your Platform
15. Youtube/Viddler - video-centric, Viddler allows earmarking, tags,
UStream - live video with chat functionality (interactive) - can be used to update over 30 social networking sites at
TubeMogul - same thing, but for video networking sites
3. Blog interface
Call-to-action - Subscribe, Follow Me, Become a Fan, etc - encourage
users to prolong interaction with your brand, convert a blog visit into
Share functions - Word of mouth on steroids - empower users to
easily distribute content
6: choosE your Platform
16. Why is authenticity important for a personal branding in
social media?
What costs should new social media entrepreneurs expect
to face (both monetary and personal)?
7: KEEP it rEal
17. authenticity
Social media has increased exposure
People want to connect with real people
Being authentic makes it easier to hustle - no wasting time on trivial
and frivolous tasks
smart investment
Dont pay for fancy equipment/services
One exception: web design
Much less personal time - your passion will make it easier to put in the
necessary hustle
You come last: invest in your future
7: KEEP it rEal
18. While creating content is important, its developing the
community afterwards where the bulk of ones time
should be invested. What are some methods for creating
and growing that community?
8: crEatE community: Digging your intErnEt trEnch
19. community foundation
create Blog first - establish a home Base
twitter search
Search for mentions of your topic
Comment on every relevant blog, forum post, tweet, etc
Become an expert
Post regularly on other sites in your community
Valuable opinions, not spam, will lead people to your site
Build credibility on and off your site
Become sticky
Make sure you have powerful content on your site to hold eyeballs
Give readers call-to-action buttons to follow you and your site
8: crEatE community: Digging your intErnEt trEnch
20. 1:Care
Why would your community care if you dont?
9: thE BEst marKEting stratEgy, EvEr
21. Why is a good design the only thing worth a significant
price tag?
What are some important steps to take during the start of a
online property venture?
10: maKE thE worlD listEn
22. Design
Website without a design = Store without a floor plan
A proper user interface is a worthwhile investment
step by step
Purchase a .com and .tv domain for your venture
Control your brand name on all platforms
Put out as much quality content as possible, utilize all the different
Keep tabs on discussion revolving around your topic
additional steps
Give path to biz dev, even though its unlikely that there will be
opportunities early on
Dont jump at first monetizing option, be patient
10: maKE thE worlD listEn
23. What are some potential revenue methods for online
11: start monEtizing
25. Willingness to practice reactionary business is important
for an entrepreneurs success. What are some instances
where it was necessary?
What are some reactionary business methods that can be
used to help protect, or advance, personal brand?
12: roll with it
26. reactionary Business
Nothing ever goes exactly the way you expect it to - Embrace
unplanned business and be ready to adapt
Take on negative press head on - Put out the fires
Cristal - Ostracized a large segment of their market
Dominoes - Great reactionary video on YouTube
Protect/advance your Brand
Use storytelling - The fact that people can talk about you is a blessing,
not a curse - you can talk back by leveraging platforms
Trend-spotting - Not starting trends, but recognizing which ones are
important and reacting early.
12: roll with it
27. How does the social media industry create legacy?
What is the most effective way of developing that legacy?
13: lEgacy is grEatEr than currEncy
28. legacy
The internet makes everything permanent
Everything is archived, everything is searchable
What you output will be attached to you
improve legacy
Respect the power of people
Never know where a conversation can lead you
Make the extra effort, show genuine appreciation, it will be
13: lEgacy is grEatEr than currEncy
29. conclusion
Nothing in this book is set in stone
Follow your DNA/trust your instincts
Three Simple Rules:
1. Love Your Family
2. Work Hard
3. Pursue Your Passion
Regardless of changes in platforms, these
rules never die
14: thE conclusion
30. CRUSH IT! the book: Copyright 息 2009 by Gary Vaynerchuk.
Classroom guide by the Vaynermedia team and Alex Mann.
E-Book and guide designed by Chris Whitmore.
gary vaynerchuk
gary has captured attention with his pioneering, multi-faceted approach to personal branding and
business. in crush it! why now is the time to cash in on your Passion he shares with business
owners how they can boost sales using the internet. he shows audiences how to find their passion, then
step by step how to turn it into a flourishing, monetized business.
find gary on facebook, twitter and tumblr. find vaynermedia on twitter and facebook.
alex J. mann
alex is an entrepreneur, writer and consultant for various emerging startups. his most recent venture is
an analytics service, which is funded and based out of Berkeley, california. he has previously started
ventures in the online dining and travel management sectors.
Buy the BooK
get more details or
buy a copy of garys his official blog is located at, where he writes essays on entrepreneurship, culture and
crush it! technology.
find alex on facebook, twitter and tumblr.
chris whitmore
chris designs graphics, videos and photos that make entrepreneurs look good. he has worked
with high-traffic bloggers, rising tech startups, and expanding brick-and-mortar shops to help grow
businesses through design. chris credits his creative success to finding his passion in design, film, and
photo at an early age, seizing it with his whole life, and never letting go.
find chris on facebook, twitter, and on
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