EzSploit is a Linux bash script that automates the use of Metasploit to hack Linux systems. It allows easy generation of backdoors for Linux, Windows, and Android by compiling payloads and files to target specific platforms. The document outlines how to use EzSploit to create payloads, set up a multi-handler on Kali Linux to receive the payload, install the payload on a target Linux system, and then issue commands through Metasploit's meterpreter shell to control the victim system. It concludes by advising users to keep their systems updated and use antivirus software to protect against backdoors created by tools like EzSploit.
Kali Linux
Penetration testing
The EZsploit
Introduction to The EZsploit
Advantages & Disadvantages
Steps to Hacking Linux with EZsploit
Payload File Creation
Sending payload To the Target
Commands to exploits victims Linux
Debian-basedLinuxdistributionaimedat advanced PenetrationTestingand Security
ReleaseDate:March13th, 2013.
Security-focusedversionof Linux that offers a large numberof toolsto seekoutweaknesses
and secure your network.
Kali containsseveraltools
Information security tasks
ComputerForensicsand ReverseEngineering
4. Also called pentesting
Testing a computer system/network /Web application to find
Intelligently manage vulnerabilities
Avoid the cost of network downtime
Meet regulatory requirements
6. EZsploit
EZsploit :
Linux bash script automation for Metasploit.
Metasploit Framework :
Based on Ruby modular penetration testing platform
Enables to write, test, and execute exploit code.
It contains a suite of tools that you can use to test security
vulnerabilities, enumerate networks, execute attacks, and evade
It provide a complete environment for penetration testing and
exploit development.
7. Easy tool to generate backdoor for Linux, windows and Android
The tool is able to compile the viruses with popular payloads and then
compile the resulting file to run a specific platform Linux,Microsoft
Windows, Android
In addition all malware which have been crafted by The ezsploit can
bypass many of the popular anti-virus software protection features.
The malware that created with this tool also have an ability to bypass
most AV software
8. Advantages &Disadvantages
Open source
Frequently updated
Easy to deploy
Difficult to learn
Can crash your system if not used wisely
Requires deep knowledge for exploit development
9. Some other tools Related to:
FATRAT (taken by Jithu(Linux)
ARMITAGE(taken by Ayana(Linux))
EASYSPLOIT (taken by Merin Babu(Linux))
10. HACKING Linux
STEP 1. You need to download ezsploit
git clone https://github.com/rand0m1ze/ezsploit.git
11. STEP2 . execute the command
cd ezsploit
Setting the permission
chmod +x ezsploit.sh
Now you can run this tool easily
15. STEP 6: Install payload on another system
STEP 7: Set the multi/handler
msf > use exploit/multi/handler
Payload Handlerisa module that provides all the featuresof the metasploit
payload systemto exploit.
STEP 8:Set the payload
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set payload/
16. STEP 9: Set the Local Host
The IP address you want your listener to bind to
msf exploit(handler) > set LHOST
STEP 10: Set the Local Port
msf exploit(handler) > set LPORT 6666
17. STEP 13: enter the command Exploit
We can now interact with the victim & perform different commands.
Keep your System up to date.
Installing antivirus software on your system.
The backdoor application when installed and turned
on the system allows attacker to read, write and
modify data. Cautions are: