
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
     (theres life beyond the CRUD)

Making software since
 the 90s
Retired startup guy

"the design of systems that
perceive their environment and
take actions to maximize its
chances of success"
                     -John McCarthy (1956)

End goal: achieve superhuman
 intelligence in a machine
The "golden dream" of the 80's
The holy grail of the Singularitarians
                      Pick the most cost-effective combination of flights
Genetic algorithms
                                   between NYC and Tashkent*

Natural Language
                                "Siri, call me sexy!" (iPhone)

 Machine Vision         Unlock your Android phone just by looking at it

 Neural networks     "automatically detect and flag NSFW pictures" (Flickr)

                          "I got a high fever and my knees hurt. Am I
                                        dying?" (WebMD)

                                                           * thats in uzbekistan, if youre asking
But thats all SO COMPLICATED
Isnt there anything a bit more
                  - some pragmatic programmer
Basic techniques
Far from intelligent, still very useful

                   classify blogs in categories based
 Data clustering
                      on their content (Flipboard)

  Recommendation     people who watched The X-Files
     engines                 also liked...


Collect ratings/preferences from users (eg.:
 reviews, likes)
Compare people to other people based on what
 they like
Offer stuff similar people already liked
Boil preferences down to numbers*
 User liked a game = 0.5 point
 User purchased a game = 1 point
 User played a game = 2 points
 User reviewed a game = 3 points
 User liked, purchased, played and
  reviewed a game = 6.5 points

* Resist the urge to use 1-5 star ratings
   Entity.new('Lisa', {
     'Prince of Persia' => 2.5, 'Doom' => 3.5, 'Castle Wolfenstein' => 3.0, 'Rise of the Triad' => 3.5, 'Commander Keen' =>
2.5, 'Duke Nukem' => 3.0
  Entity.new('Larry', {
     'Prince of Persia' => 3.0, 'Doom' => 3.5, 'Castle Wolfenstein' => 1.5, 'Rise of the Triad' => 5.0, 'Duke Nukem' => 3.0,
'Commander Keen' => 3.5
  Entity.new('Robert', {
     'Prince of Persia' => 2.5, 'Doom' => 3.0, 'Rise of the Triad' => 3.5, 'Duke Nukem' => 4.0
  Entity.new('Claudia', {
     'Doom' => 3.5, 'Castle Wolfenstein' => 3.0, 'Duke Nukem' => 4.5, 'Rise of the Triad' => 4.0, 'Commander Keen' => 2.5
  Entity.new('Mark', {
     'Prince of Persia' => 3.0, 'Doom' => 4.0, 'Castle Wolfenstein' => 2.0, 'Rise of the Triad' => 3.0, 'Duke Nukem' => 3.0,
'Commander Keen' => 2.0
  Entity.new('Jane', {
     'Prince of Persia' => 3.0, 'Doom' => 4.0, 'Duke Nukem' => 3.0, 'Rise of the Triad' => 5.0, 'Commander Keen' => 3.5
  Entity.new('John', {
     'Doom' => 4.5, 'Commander Keen' => 1.0, 'Rise of the Triad' => 4.0
 Compare each person to one another, generating a
  similarity score

 Euclidian distance between each pair of ratings:

 Many other distance calculation algorithms exist: linear distance, jaccard,
  manhattan, tanimoto, etc
 Better algorithm = more interesting results
# Returns the euclidian distance between person1 and person2
def distance(person1, person2)
  rated_by_both = person1.ratings.select { |game| person2.ratings[game] }

 # if they have no ratings in common, return 0
 return 0.0 if rated_by_both.empty?

 # add up the squares of all the differences
 sum_of_squares = 0.0
 person1.ratings.collect do |game, score|
   person2_score = person2.ratings[game]
   next if !person2_score
   sum_of_squares += ((score - person2_score) ** 2)

  1.0 / (1.0 + sum_of_squares)

    Grab the n users with the
   highest level of similarity
  (in other words, the people closest to you,
according to the distance algorithm from step 2)
# Returns the 5 best matching people (most similar preferences)
def top_matches(person, all_ratings)
  other_people = all_ratings.select { |person2| person2.name != person.name }
  other_people.collect do |other_person|
      distance(person, other_person) # change this to use other algorithms
  end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse[0..5]
#   People similar to John:
#   Mark (30% match)
#   Robert (28% match)
#   Claudia (23% match)
#   Lisa (22% match)
#   Jane (11% match)
#   Larry (10% match)
# Returns the 5 best matching people (most similar preferences)
def top_matches(person, all_ratings)
  other_people = all_ratings.select { |person2| person2.name != person.name }
  other_people.collect do |other_person|
      distance(person, other_person) # change this to use other algorithms
  end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse[0..5]
#   People similar to John:
#   Mark (30% match)
#   Robert (28% match)

#   Claudia (23% match)

                                  Achievement unlocked
#   Lisa (22% match)
#   Jane (11% match)
#   Larry (10% match)

                                  people you should follow: John, Mary

Grab each users ratings to games you
 havent rated
Multiply that by how similar the other
 user is to you(opinions from people similar to you weight more)

Grab the highest numbers
# Gets recommendations for a person by using a weighted average of every other user's ratings
def recommendations(person, other_people)
  similarities = {}

  other_people.each do |other_person|
    similarity = distance(person, other_person)

   # ignore scores of zero or lower
   next if similarity <= 0

    other_person.ratings.each do |other_person_game, other_person_score|
      # only score what I haven't rated yet
      next if person.ratings[other_person_game]

      similarity_for_game = similarities[other_person_game] ||= { :weighted => 0, :sum => 0 }

     # sum of weighted rating times similarity and total similarity
     similarity_for_game[:weighted] += other_person.ratings[other_person_game] * similarity
     similarity_for_game[:sum] += similarity

  # normalize list and sort by highest scores first                                     #   Recommended games for John:
  similarities.collect do |game_name, score|                                            #   Duke Nukem
    [ game_name, (score[:weighted] / score[:sum]) ]
  end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse                                                  #   Prince of Persia
end                                                                                     #   Castle Wolfenstein
# Gets recommendations for a person by using a weighted average of every other user's ratings
def recommendations(person, other_people)
  similarities = {}

  other_people.each do |other_person|
    similarity = distance(person, other_person)

   # ignore scores of zero or lower
   next if similarity <= 0

    other_person.ratings.each do |other_person_game, other_person_score|
      # only score what I haven't rated yet
      next if person.ratings[other_person_game]

      similarity_for_game = similarities[other_person_game] ||= { :weighted => 0, :sum => 0 }

     # sum of weighted rating times similarity and total similarity
     similarity_for_game[:weighted] += other_person.ratings[other_person_game] * similarity
     similarity_for_game[:sum] += similarity

                               !         Achievement unlocked                        # Recommended games for John:
  # normalize list and sort by highest scores first
  similarities.collect do |game_name, score|                                         # Duke Nukem
    [ game_name, (score[:weighted] / score[:sum]) ]
  end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse   games recommended to                 John: #Pac Man,Persia 3
                                                                                       Prince of   Doom
end                                                                                  # Castle Wolfenstein
 Invert users x preferences, then use the exact same algorithm as
  step 1 to find similar games based solely on peoples
  interactions (item-based filtering).
                # User has many ratings
                "Larry" => { "Prince of Persia" => 3.0, "Doom" => 3.5, "Castle Wolfenstein" => 1.5 },
                "Robert" => { "Prince of Persia" => 2.5, "Doom" => 3.0 },
                "Jane" => { "Prince of Persia" => 3.0, "Doom" => 4.0 },
                "John" => { "Doom" => 4.5 }

                # Game rated by many users
                "Prince of Persia" => { "Larry"=>3.0, "Robert"=>2.5, "Jane"=>3.0 },
                "Doom" => { "Larry"=>3.5, "Robert"=>3.0, "Jane"=>4.0, "John"=>4.5 },
                "Castle Wolfenstein" => { "Larry"=>1.5, "Mark"=>2.0 }

 Cross-compare everything. This might take a very long time for a
   large number of games
Hint: save this data on a persistent storage will lead to very fast recommendation lookups
  (thats what most recommendation engines save, in fact)
# Create a dictionary of games showing which other games they
# are most similar to. This should be run often and cached for reuse
def calculate_similar_games(game_ratings)
  Hash[game_ratings.collect do |game|
      top_matches(game, game_ratings)
#   Similar games:
#   Prince of Persia: Commander Keen (40%), Duke Nukem (28%), Castle Wolfenstein (22%), Doom (22%), Rise of the Triad (9%)
#   Doom: Prince of Persia (22%), Duke Nukem (18%), Rise of the Triad (16%), Castle Wolfenstein (10%), Commander Keen (5%)
#   Castle Wolfenstein: Prince of Persia (22%), Commander Keen (18%), Duke Nukem (15%), Doom (10%), Rise of the Triad (6%)
#   Rise of the Triad: Doom (16%), Duke Nukem (10%), Prince of Persia (9%), Castle Wolfenstein (6%), Commander Keen (5%)
#   Commander Keen: Prince of Persia (40%), Castle Wolfenstein (18%), Duke Nukem (14%), Rise of the Triad (5%), Doom (5%)
#   Duke Nukem: Prince of Persia (28%), Doom (18%), Castle Wolfenstein (15%), Commander Keen (14%), Rise of the Triad (10%)
# Create a dictionary of games showing which other games they
# are most similar to. This should be run often and cached for reuse
def calculate_similar_games(game_ratings)
  Hash[game_ratings.collect do |game|
      top_matches(game, game_ratings)

#   Similar games:

                                            Achievement unlocked
#   Prince of Persia: Commander Keen (40%), Duke Nukem (28%), Castle Wolfenstein (22%), Doom (22%), Rise of the Triad (9%)
#   Doom: Prince of Persia (22%), Duke Nukem (18%), Rise of the Triad (16%), Castle Wolfenstein (10%), Commander Keen (5%)
#   Castle Wolfenstein: Prince of Persia (22%), Commander Keen (18%), Duke Nukem (15%), Doom (10%), Rise of the Triad (6%)
#   Rise of the Triad: Doom (16%), Duke Nukem (10%), Prince of Persia (9%), Castle Wolfenstein (6%), Commander Keen (5%)
#                                           Doom is similar to Daikatana and Quake
    Commander Keen: Prince of Persia (40%), Castle Wolfenstein (18%), Duke Nukem (14%), Rise of the Triad (5%), Doom (5%)
#   Duke Nukem: Prince of Persia (28%), Doom (18%), Castle Wolfenstein (15%), Commander Keen (14%), Rise of the Triad (10%)
               (if youre still with me)

A slightly tweaked version of the algorithm
 on step 2: just use the pre-calculated
 similarities instead of doing distances in
 the loop
Up to 10x faster in a pure Ruby
                                              (if youre still with me)

# this is very similar to the recommendations() algorithm,
# except we use a pre-calculated similar_games_matrix instead of
# calculating distances here
def recommended_games(similar_games_matrix, user)
  similarities = {}
  user.ratings.each do |game_name, user_rating|
    # Loop over pre-cached game similarities to the current game
    similar_games_matrix[game_name].each do |game, similarity|
      # Ignore if this user has already rated this similar game
      next if user.ratings[game.name]

      score_for_game = similarities[game.name] ||= { :weighted => 0, :sum => 0 }

     # Weighted sum of rating times similarity and sum of similarities
     score_for_game[:weighted] += similarity * user_rating
     score_for_game[:sum] += similarity

  # Divide each total score by total weighting to get an average
  # Return the rankings from highest to lowest
  similarities.collect do |game_name, score|
    [ game_name, (score[:weighted] / score[:sum]) ]
  end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse
                                              (if youre still with me)

# this is very similar to the recommendations() algorithm,
# except we use a pre-calculated similar_games_matrix instead of
# calculating distances here
def recommended_games(similar_games_matrix, user)
  similarities = {}
  user.ratings.each do |game_name, user_rating|
    # Loop over pre-cached game similarities to the current game
    similar_games_matrix[game_name].each do |game, similarity|
      # Ignore if this user has already rated this similar game
      next if user.ratings[game.name]

      score_for_game = similarities[game.name] ||= { :weighted => 0, :sum => 0 }

     # Weighted sum of rating times similarity and sum of similarities
     score_for_game[:weighted] += similarity * user_rating
     score_for_game[:sum] += similarity

  # Divide each total score by total weighting to get an average

  # Return the rankings from highest to lowest
  similarities.collect do |game_name, score|

  end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse
                                          Achievement unlocked
    [ game_name, (score[:weighted] / score[:sum]) ]

                                          EPIC WIN!
Recommendation engines
Thats awesome and stuff, but...
do these come in little boxes?
                  - that pragmatic programmer
Yes, we have RubyGems

                       top choice according to

  recommendable          Rails-compatible

                      doesnt require Redis (not
                          actively maintained)
class GameRecommender < Recommendify::Base
    # store only the top 10 neighbors per item
    max_neighbors 10

      # define an input data set "game_ratings". we'll add "user_id->game_id"
      # pairs to this input and use the jaccard coefficient to retrieve a
      # "users that liked game i1 also liked game i2" list
      input_matrix :game_ratings,
      :similarity_func => :jaccard,
      :weight => 5.0

recommender = GameRecommender.new

# add `order_id->product_id` interactions to the order_item_sim input
# you can add data incrementally and call RecommendedItem.process! to update
# the similarity matrix at any time.
recommender.game_ratings.add_set("John", ["Duke Nukem", "Doom", "Quake"])
recommender.game_ratings.add_set("Mary", ["Prince of Persia", "Doom"])

# Calculate all elements of the similarity matrix

# retrieve similar games to "Doom"
=> [ <Recommendify::Neighbor item_id:"Duke Nukem" similarity:0.23>, (...) ]
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  recommends :books, :movies, :games

>>   friend.like(Movie.where(:name => "2001: A Space Odyssey").first)
>>   friend.like(Book.where(:title => "A Clockwork Orange").first)
>>   friend.like(Book.where(:title => "Brave New World").first)
>>   friend.like(Book.where(:title => "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next").first)
>>   user.like(Book.where(:title => "A Clockwork Orange").first)

>> user.recommended_books
=> [#<Book title: "Brave New World">, #<Book title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's

>> user.recommended_movies
=> [#<Movie name: "A Clockwork Orange">]

Gems are cool, but youll have to dive into
 the code for better results
Crossing social filtering with other AI
 techniques (e.g.: content classification)
 produces dramatically better results
Code from this presentation: https://gist.github.com/herval/4992503

Stuff to read:
 AI Application Programming: http://ai-app-prog.rubyforge.org
 Programming Collective Intelligence: http://amzn.to/XtANMl
 (great book for noobs)

Ready-to-use Gems

Serious AI algorithms in Ruby

More Related Content

Recommendation engines

  • 1. RECOMMENDING STUFF IN RUBY (theres life beyond the CRUD) @herval
  • 2. ABOUT ME Making software since the 90s Retired startup guy Pivot
  • 3. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE "the design of systems that perceive their environment and take actions to maximize its chances of success" -John McCarthy (1956)
  • 4. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE End goal: achieve superhuman intelligence in a machine The "golden dream" of the 80's The holy grail of the Singularitarians
  • 7. BUT WHAT SHOULD I USE AI FOR...? Pick the most cost-effective combination of flights Genetic algorithms between NYC and Tashkent* Natural Language "Siri, call me sexy!" (iPhone) Processing Machine Vision Unlock your Android phone just by looking at it Neural networks "automatically detect and flag NSFW pictures" (Flickr) "I got a high fever and my knees hurt. Am I Classifiers dying?" (WebMD) * thats in uzbekistan, if youre asking
  • 8. But thats all SO COMPLICATED Isnt there anything a bit more practical? - some pragmatic programmer
  • 9. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Basic techniques Far from intelligent, still very useful classify blogs in categories based Data clustering on their content (Flipboard) Recommendation people who watched The X-Files engines also liked...
  • 11. IN A NUTSHELL... Collect ratings/preferences from users (eg.: reviews, likes) Compare people to other people based on what they like Offer stuff similar people already liked
  • 12. STEP 1: BUILD A DATASET Boil preferences down to numbers* User liked a game = 0.5 point User purchased a game = 1 point User played a game = 2 points User reviewed a game = 3 points User liked, purchased, played and reviewed a game = 6.5 points * Resist the urge to use 1-5 star ratings
  • 13. STEP 1: BUILD A DATASET [ Entity.new('Lisa', { 'Prince of Persia' => 2.5, 'Doom' => 3.5, 'Castle Wolfenstein' => 3.0, 'Rise of the Triad' => 3.5, 'Commander Keen' => 2.5, 'Duke Nukem' => 3.0 }), Entity.new('Larry', { 'Prince of Persia' => 3.0, 'Doom' => 3.5, 'Castle Wolfenstein' => 1.5, 'Rise of the Triad' => 5.0, 'Duke Nukem' => 3.0, 'Commander Keen' => 3.5 }), Entity.new('Robert', { 'Prince of Persia' => 2.5, 'Doom' => 3.0, 'Rise of the Triad' => 3.5, 'Duke Nukem' => 4.0 }), Entity.new('Claudia', { 'Doom' => 3.5, 'Castle Wolfenstein' => 3.0, 'Duke Nukem' => 4.5, 'Rise of the Triad' => 4.0, 'Commander Keen' => 2.5 }), Entity.new('Mark', { 'Prince of Persia' => 3.0, 'Doom' => 4.0, 'Castle Wolfenstein' => 2.0, 'Rise of the Triad' => 3.0, 'Duke Nukem' => 3.0, 'Commander Keen' => 2.0 }), Entity.new('Jane', { 'Prince of Persia' => 3.0, 'Doom' => 4.0, 'Duke Nukem' => 3.0, 'Rise of the Triad' => 5.0, 'Commander Keen' => 3.5 }), Entity.new('John', { 'Doom' => 4.5, 'Commander Keen' => 1.0, 'Rise of the Triad' => 4.0 }) ]
  • 14. STEP 2: COMPARE PEOPLE Compare each person to one another, generating a similarity score Euclidian distance between each pair of ratings: Many other distance calculation algorithms exist: linear distance, jaccard, manhattan, tanimoto, etc Better algorithm = more interesting results
  • 15. STEP 2: COMPARE PEOPLE # Returns the euclidian distance between person1 and person2 def distance(person1, person2) rated_by_both = person1.ratings.select { |game| person2.ratings[game] } # if they have no ratings in common, return 0 return 0.0 if rated_by_both.empty? # add up the squares of all the differences sum_of_squares = 0.0 person1.ratings.collect do |game, score| person2_score = person2.ratings[game] next if !person2_score sum_of_squares += ((score - person2_score) ** 2) end 1.0 / (1.0 + sum_of_squares) end
  • 16. STEP 3: SIMILAR USERS Grab the n users with the highest level of similarity (in other words, the people closest to you, according to the distance algorithm from step 2)
  • 17. STEP 3: SIMILAR USERS # Returns the 5 best matching people (most similar preferences) def top_matches(person, all_ratings) other_people = all_ratings.select { |person2| person2.name != person.name } other_people.collect do |other_person| [ other_person, distance(person, other_person) # change this to use other algorithms ] end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse[0..5] end # People similar to John: # Mark (30% match) # Robert (28% match) # Claudia (23% match) # Lisa (22% match) # Jane (11% match) # Larry (10% match)
  • 18. STEP 3: SIMILAR USERS # Returns the 5 best matching people (most similar preferences) def top_matches(person, all_ratings) other_people = all_ratings.select { |person2| person2.name != person.name } other_people.collect do |other_person| [ other_person, distance(person, other_person) # change this to use other algorithms ] end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse[0..5] end # People similar to John: # Mark (30% match) # Robert (28% match) ! # Claudia (23% match) Achievement unlocked # Lisa (22% match) # Jane (11% match) # Larry (10% match) people you should follow: John, Mary
  • 19. STEP 4: RECOMMENDING A GAME Grab each users ratings to games you havent rated Multiply that by how similar the other user is to you(opinions from people similar to you weight more) Grab the highest numbers
  • 20. STEP 4: RECOMMENDING A GAME # Gets recommendations for a person by using a weighted average of every other user's ratings def recommendations(person, other_people) similarities = {} other_people.each do |other_person| similarity = distance(person, other_person) # ignore scores of zero or lower next if similarity <= 0 other_person.ratings.each do |other_person_game, other_person_score| # only score what I haven't rated yet next if person.ratings[other_person_game] similarity_for_game = similarities[other_person_game] ||= { :weighted => 0, :sum => 0 } # sum of weighted rating times similarity and total similarity similarity_for_game[:weighted] += other_person.ratings[other_person_game] * similarity similarity_for_game[:sum] += similarity end end # normalize list and sort by highest scores first # Recommended games for John: similarities.collect do |game_name, score| # Duke Nukem [ game_name, (score[:weighted] / score[:sum]) ] end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse # Prince of Persia end # Castle Wolfenstein
  • 21. STEP 4: RECOMMENDING A GAME # Gets recommendations for a person by using a weighted average of every other user's ratings def recommendations(person, other_people) similarities = {} other_people.each do |other_person| similarity = distance(person, other_person) # ignore scores of zero or lower next if similarity <= 0 other_person.ratings.each do |other_person_game, other_person_score| # only score what I haven't rated yet next if person.ratings[other_person_game] similarity_for_game = similarities[other_person_game] ||= { :weighted => 0, :sum => 0 } # sum of weighted rating times similarity and total similarity similarity_for_game[:weighted] += other_person.ratings[other_person_game] * similarity similarity_for_game[:sum] += similarity end end ! Achievement unlocked # Recommended games for John: # normalize list and sort by highest scores first similarities.collect do |game_name, score| # Duke Nukem [ game_name, (score[:weighted] / score[:sum]) ] end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse games recommended to John: #Pac Man,Persia 3 Prince of Doom end # Castle Wolfenstein
  • 22. STEP 5: SIMILAR GAMES Invert users x preferences, then use the exact same algorithm as step 1 to find similar games based solely on peoples interactions (item-based filtering). # User has many ratings "Larry" => { "Prince of Persia" => 3.0, "Doom" => 3.5, "Castle Wolfenstein" => 1.5 }, "Robert" => { "Prince of Persia" => 2.5, "Doom" => 3.0 }, "Jane" => { "Prince of Persia" => 3.0, "Doom" => 4.0 }, "John" => { "Doom" => 4.5 } # Game rated by many users "Prince of Persia" => { "Larry"=>3.0, "Robert"=>2.5, "Jane"=>3.0 }, "Doom" => { "Larry"=>3.5, "Robert"=>3.0, "Jane"=>4.0, "John"=>4.5 }, "Castle Wolfenstein" => { "Larry"=>1.5, "Mark"=>2.0 } Cross-compare everything. This might take a very long time for a large number of games Hint: save this data on a persistent storage will lead to very fast recommendation lookups (thats what most recommendation engines save, in fact)
  • 23. STEP 5: SIMILAR GAMES # Create a dictionary of games showing which other games they # are most similar to. This should be run often and cached for reuse def calculate_similar_games(game_ratings) Hash[game_ratings.collect do |game| [ game.name, top_matches(game, game_ratings) ] end] end # Similar games: # Prince of Persia: Commander Keen (40%), Duke Nukem (28%), Castle Wolfenstein (22%), Doom (22%), Rise of the Triad (9%) # Doom: Prince of Persia (22%), Duke Nukem (18%), Rise of the Triad (16%), Castle Wolfenstein (10%), Commander Keen (5%) # Castle Wolfenstein: Prince of Persia (22%), Commander Keen (18%), Duke Nukem (15%), Doom (10%), Rise of the Triad (6%) # Rise of the Triad: Doom (16%), Duke Nukem (10%), Prince of Persia (9%), Castle Wolfenstein (6%), Commander Keen (5%) # Commander Keen: Prince of Persia (40%), Castle Wolfenstein (18%), Duke Nukem (14%), Rise of the Triad (5%), Doom (5%) # Duke Nukem: Prince of Persia (28%), Doom (18%), Castle Wolfenstein (15%), Commander Keen (14%), Rise of the Triad (10%)
  • 24. STEP 5: SIMILAR GAMES # Create a dictionary of games showing which other games they # are most similar to. This should be run often and cached for reuse def calculate_similar_games(game_ratings) Hash[game_ratings.collect do |game| [ game.name, top_matches(game, game_ratings) ] end] end ! # Similar games: Achievement unlocked # Prince of Persia: Commander Keen (40%), Duke Nukem (28%), Castle Wolfenstein (22%), Doom (22%), Rise of the Triad (9%) # Doom: Prince of Persia (22%), Duke Nukem (18%), Rise of the Triad (16%), Castle Wolfenstein (10%), Commander Keen (5%) # Castle Wolfenstein: Prince of Persia (22%), Commander Keen (18%), Duke Nukem (15%), Doom (10%), Rise of the Triad (6%) # Rise of the Triad: Doom (16%), Duke Nukem (10%), Prince of Persia (9%), Castle Wolfenstein (6%), Commander Keen (5%) # Doom is similar to Daikatana and Quake Commander Keen: Prince of Persia (40%), Castle Wolfenstein (18%), Duke Nukem (14%), Rise of the Triad (5%), Doom (5%) # Duke Nukem: Prince of Persia (28%), Doom (18%), Castle Wolfenstein (15%), Commander Keen (14%), Rise of the Triad (10%)
  • 25. BONUS STAGE: FASTER RECOMMENDATIONS (if youre still with me) A slightly tweaked version of the algorithm on step 2: just use the pre-calculated similarities instead of doing distances in the loop Up to 10x faster in a pure Ruby implementation
  • 26. BONUS STAGE: FASTER RECOMMENDATIONS (if youre still with me) # this is very similar to the recommendations() algorithm, # except we use a pre-calculated similar_games_matrix instead of # calculating distances here def recommended_games(similar_games_matrix, user) similarities = {} user.ratings.each do |game_name, user_rating| # Loop over pre-cached game similarities to the current game similar_games_matrix[game_name].each do |game, similarity| # Ignore if this user has already rated this similar game next if user.ratings[game.name] score_for_game = similarities[game.name] ||= { :weighted => 0, :sum => 0 } # Weighted sum of rating times similarity and sum of similarities score_for_game[:weighted] += similarity * user_rating score_for_game[:sum] += similarity end end # Divide each total score by total weighting to get an average # Return the rankings from highest to lowest similarities.collect do |game_name, score| [ game_name, (score[:weighted] / score[:sum]) ] end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse end
  • 27. BONUS STAGE: FASTER RECOMMENDATIONS (if youre still with me) # this is very similar to the recommendations() algorithm, # except we use a pre-calculated similar_games_matrix instead of # calculating distances here def recommended_games(similar_games_matrix, user) similarities = {} user.ratings.each do |game_name, user_rating| # Loop over pre-cached game similarities to the current game similar_games_matrix[game_name].each do |game, similarity| # Ignore if this user has already rated this similar game next if user.ratings[game.name] score_for_game = similarities[game.name] ||= { :weighted => 0, :sum => 0 } # Weighted sum of rating times similarity and sum of similarities score_for_game[:weighted] += similarity * user_rating score_for_game[:sum] += similarity end end # Divide each total score by total weighting to get an average ! # Return the rankings from highest to lowest similarities.collect do |game_name, score| end.sort_by { |sim| sim[1] }.reverse end Achievement unlocked [ game_name, (score[:weighted] / score[:sum]) ] EPIC WIN!
  • 29. Thats awesome and stuff, but... do these come in little boxes? - that pragmatic programmer
  • 30. Yes, we have RubyGems top choice according to recommendify RubyToolbox recommendable Rails-compatible doesnt require Redis (not acts_as_recommended actively maintained)
  • 31. RECOMMENDIFY EXAMPLE class GameRecommender < Recommendify::Base # store only the top 10 neighbors per item max_neighbors 10 # define an input data set "game_ratings". we'll add "user_id->game_id" # pairs to this input and use the jaccard coefficient to retrieve a # "users that liked game i1 also liked game i2" list input_matrix :game_ratings, :similarity_func => :jaccard, :weight => 5.0 end recommender = GameRecommender.new # add `order_id->product_id` interactions to the order_item_sim input # you can add data incrementally and call RecommendedItem.process! to update # the similarity matrix at any time. recommender.game_ratings.add_set("John", ["Duke Nukem", "Doom", "Quake"]) recommender.game_ratings.add_set("Mary", ["Prince of Persia", "Doom"]) # Calculate all elements of the similarity matrix recommender.process! # retrieve similar games to "Doom" recommender.for("Doom") => [ <Recommendify::Neighbor item_id:"Duke Nukem" similarity:0.23>, (...) ]
  • 32. RECOMMENDABLE EXAMPLE class User < ActiveRecord::Base recommends :books, :movies, :games end >> friend.like(Movie.where(:name => "2001: A Space Odyssey").first) >> friend.like(Book.where(:title => "A Clockwork Orange").first) >> friend.like(Book.where(:title => "Brave New World").first) >> friend.like(Book.where(:title => "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next").first) >> user.like(Book.where(:title => "A Clockwork Orange").first) >> user.recommended_books => [#<Book title: "Brave New World">, #<Book title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest">] >> user.recommended_movies => [#<Movie name: "A Clockwork Orange">]
  • 33. CLOSING REMARKS Gems are cool, but youll have to dive into the code for better results Crossing social filtering with other AI techniques (e.g.: content classification) produces dramatically better results
  • 34. ZOMG I NEED TO KNOW MORE Code from this presentation: https://gist.github.com/herval/4992503 Stuff to read: AI Application Programming: http://ai-app-prog.rubyforge.org Programming Collective Intelligence: http://amzn.to/XtANMl (great book for noobs) Ready-to-use Gems https://github.com/paulasmuth/recommendify https://github.com/davidcelis/recommendable https://github.com/Draiken/acts_as_recommended Serious AI algorithms in Ruby https://github.com/SergioFierens/ai4r http://web.media.mit.edu/~dustin/papers/ai_ruby_plugins/ https://github.com/kanwei/algorithms