- Friendly lawyer wanabe GeCkO....
- can oso be called AMY....
- Luv 2 ♥ & be ♥'ed...
-treasure family n friends...
- <3 her mother so much
- <3 her sister, nanak so much
- <3 her father so much
- <3 her sister, noy so much
- <3 her brother, awg so much
♥=cloths + food + sleep + music + cleanin house + havin good time wit bff + giv helpin hand...
-A strange person who can be so hyper-actively happy 4 a period of time n den be sad n depressed 4 period of time...
-have her own ideology on how the world works <3 <3 <3
- Can only ♥ 1 person wit ol her heart w/out wanting anything in return...
- Dazed, confused n out of place...