1. F c s o Wa
ou n ht
Mt e s Ms :
atr ot
Goin Yu
rw g or
ui es
2. TdysAed
oa gna
Gr o wi n g Yo u r Bu s i n e s s
Ch al l e n g e s t o Gr o wi n g Yo u r
Bu s i n e s s
I n d u s t r y S n ap s h o t
Th e Jo u r n e y t o Gr o wi n g
Yo u r Bu s i n e s s
L e t s S t ar t Yo u r Jo u r n e y
To d ay
4. T e e a e mn d f e e t wy
hr r ay i frn as
go yu bsns.
rw or ui es
S o me e x amp l e s :
nei g Epnin
xad g G t i n mr
et g oe Atatn
trci g
e yu
or wr f o
ok rm nw
mr e s
akt. apictos
pl ai n eisin
x t g csoes
u t mr .
n csoes
u t mr .
ev e.
5. H wd y u g o y u b s n s ?
o o o rw or ui es
G o i n y u b s n s r q i r s a l n -t r
rw g or ui es eu e og em
srtg t dfeetaeyusl inte
taey o i frni t oref h
mr e p a e a d p o i d
aktlc n rv e
vlet yu csoes
a u o o r u t mr .
6. Calne t goin yu
hlegs o rw g or
ui es
Ec o n o mi c p r e s s u r e s
Ex p an d i n g b u s i n e s s wi t h
c u r r e n t c u s t o me r s
Mar k e t i n g an d s e l l i n g t o
n e w c u s t o me r s
S t ayi n g
c o mp e t i t i ve / i n n o vat i ve
En ab l i n g s t af f t o
e n h an c e
thei r s ki l l s
Br e ak i n g i n t o n e w
mar k e t s
8. TdysOpruite: Idsr
oa potn i s nuty
Nal 8%o pi n poesoasi ni ctd
ery 0 f r t rfsi nl d ae
d g t l p i n h s i n r a e t e r c ma y s
i i a r t a cesd hi opn
rf s
* P o u t o S f wr I v s mn O t o k I nf o T r e n d s , 2 1
rdci n otae netet ulo, 01
P e s i n i c t y u l v l o a r e e t t t e f l o i n s a e e t .
l a e d a e o r e e f g e mn o h o l w g t t mn s
9. TdysOpruite: Idsr
oa potn i s nuty
Acri n t NP, 7%o pi n
cod g o AL 0 f r t
poesoasaeepcin sls
rfsi nl r xet g ae
t inrae*
o ces.
I 20, 7.9o pin
n 09 2 %f r t C n e s l , 2010 s wt a
ovrey a ht
sric poidr epce
ev e rv es xetd 54. 1%
r v n e d c i n s wi l o l
eeu el e h e ny o pin sric poidr
f r t ev e rv es
1.2 epce arvne
8 % xetd eeu epce rvne
xetd eeu
inrae* *
ces. inrae.* *
* N P , S a e o t e I d s r , N v me 2 1
AL tt f h nuty oebr 00
* * P o u t o S f wr I v s mn O t o k I n f o T r e nd s , 201 0
rdci n otae netet ulo,
& 201 1
Wa i s y u c ma y s y a -o e -y a t t l r v n e o t o k (v .
ht or opn er vr er oa eeu ulo s
l s y a )?
at er
10. TdysOpruite: Idsr
oa potn i s nuty
To p s o f t war e i n ve s t me n t s
wi t h i n t h e n e x t 1 2
mo n t h s . *
D at a An al yt i c s
Mu l t i - Ch an n e l
Co mmu n i c at i o n s
W b - t o - Pr i n t S o l u t i o n s
c i o S f wr I v s mn O t o k I n f o T r e n d s , 2 1
t n otae netet ulo, 01
e i n i c t y u c r e t s f wr o n r h p i n t e f l o i n s f wr s l t o c t g r e .
d a e o r u r n o t a e we s i h olw g otae oui n aeoi s
11. TdysOpruite: Idsr
oa potn i s nuty
S c a md a
oi l ei
i s b c mn
eoi g
mr p o i n n
oe rm et
ta ee.*
hn vr
Ar e you c ur r ent l y us i ng 3.0
7 %
s oc i al m a i n your
edi 3.9
3 %
bus i nes s ?
Yes 3.0
7 %
No, but c ons i der i ng
3 %
No 2.1
8 %
Don t know
. %
. % 2.1
8 %
P o u t o S f wr I v s mn O t o k I nf o T r e n d s , 2 1
rdci n otae netet ulo, 01
A e y u c r e t y u i n s c a md a i n y u b s n s ?
r o urnl s g oi l ei or ui es
12. W r d d c t d t h l i n y u
e e ei ae o ep g o
go yu
rw or
b s n s e e y s e o t e wy
ui es vr tp f h a.
14. Hlin yuscedeeyse o
ep g o uce vr tp f
t e wy
h a.
Re vi e w Bu s i n e s s g o al s
I mp r o ve Al t e r n at i ve
Par t n e r s s ol ut i ons
hi p Pl an n i n g f o r
s ucces s
O t mz
pi i Ass
Bu s i n e s s
or I n t e g r at i o n
d e ve l o p me n t Tr ai n i n g
Ap p l i c at i o n s Te c h n i c al
e x p an s i o n re s ource s
Ed u c at i o n
eeo Ipee
ml mn
Qu al i t y o u t p u t
S mo o t h
o p e r at i o n s
Te c h n i c al
s upport
15. F c s o wa mt e s ms :
ou n ht atr ot
Gr o wing y o ur b us ine s s .
W r c mi t e t h l i n y u s c e d
e e om td o ep g o uce
e e y s e o t e wy wt o r p wr u
vr tp f h a i h u oefl
prfloo sltos
otoi f oui n:
Re vi e w Bu s i n e s s g o al s
I mp r o ve Al t e r n at i ve
Par t n e r s s ol ut i ons
hi p Pl an n i n g f o r
Mr e -L a i n T c n l g
akt ed g ehooy
s ucce s s
O t mz
pi i Ass
A a d i n i n Wr f o
wr -W n g o k l w
A t mt o
uoai n
Bu s i n e s s
or I n t e g r at i o n Rsls eeain Bsns
e u t -G n r t g u i e s
ore Dvlpet
e e o mn
d e ve l o p me n t Tr ai n i n g
Ap p l i c at i o n Te c h n i c al
s e x p an s i o n re s ource s
Ed u c at i o n
eeo Ipee
ml mn Poe Pouto Cnutn
rvn rdci n osli g
t Srics
ev e
Qu al i t y o u t p u t
S mo o t h
o p e r at i o n s
Te c h n i c al
s upport
16. Ass
O t mz
pi i e Ass
eeo Ipeet
ml mn
Tgte w epoeyu
oehr e xlr or Gasepoaio
ol xlrt n
c r e t c p b l t e a d
urn aai i i s n G p a s s mn
a seset
or F n n i a md l n
i ac l oei g
bsns ojcivs
ui es bet e. Slto
oui n
utm ai n
17. Ipeet
ml mn
O t mz
pi i e Ass
eeo Ipee
ml mn
T g t e w i ml mn a
oehr e peet Pann
lni g
s l t o t a me s y u
oui n ht et or Isalto
ntlai n
g a s a d i n e r t s wt
ol n tgae i h Itgaio
nert n
ri i g
yu eisin
or x t g
n i o mn .
18. Poue
O t mz
pi i e Ass
eeo Ipee
ml mn
W spotyu slto
e upr or oui n Apicto
pl ai n
n dvlpet
e e o mn
esr itdlvr te
nue ei es h Pouto spot
rdci n upr
r s l s t a me y u
eut ht et or Sric spot
ev e upr
r q i r mn s
eu eet.
19. Dvlp
O t mz
pi i e Ass
eeo Ipee
ml mn
W l o f r wy t
e ok o as o S l s a d mr e i n
ae n akt g
mx mz
ai i e spot
y u r s l s e p n y u B s n s d v l p e t
o r e u t , x a d o r u i e s e e o mn
ofrnsadinrae Pouto cnutn
fei g n ces rdci n osli g
y u mr e i n
or akt g srics
ev e
e9f c i v n s .
1f e t e e s Euaio
dct n
20. O t mz
pi i e
O t mz
pi i e Ass
eeo Ipee
ml mn
W r g l r y me t
e eual et o Ogin rves
no g ei w
esr yu bsns
nue or ui es Mt i c e a u t o
er s vlai n
o j c i v s a e b i n mt I p o e e t p a s
bet e r e g e mr v mn l n
n ot uul
i mr v d
22. Csoe Sces Lsrrkd
u t mr u c s : a e T y . k
Ch al l e n g e :
G i n g e t r mr e s a e i n t e r r g o .
a rae akt hr hi ei n
O f r a n w h g -q a i t s r i c , mk n t e r b s n s s a d
fe e, i h ul y ev e ai g hi ui es tn
o t f o t e o f e c me i t o .
u rm h fst opt i n
Sol ut i on:
Addgtlbo pouto t terls o
d i i a ok rdci n o hi i t f
fei g.
Isalafeto Xrx dgtlpesst
ntl le f eo速 i i a rse o
d g t l y p i n b o s wt t e l o a d f e o
i i al r t ok i h h ok n el f
taitoa ofe.
rd i nl fst
U e X: r x F e F o 速 P o e s Mn g r t a t mt
Re s s t se o
relw rcs aae速 o uoae
wr f o s
o k l w.
O t t n i n p i n q a i t p o u e i n c s -e f c i v
usad g r t ul y rdcd ot fet e
s o t r n , e a l n a n wb s n s md l f r b o s
hr us nbi g e ui es oe o ok.
I c e s d b s n s g o t wt i n a s n l y a ,
n r a e u i e s r wh i h i ge er
b i n i n i n 5 , 0 0 p r mn h a d i n r a i n
r g g 10 0 e ot n ces g
v l ms 7 0 t 1 p i n s p r mn h
oue 0K o M r t e ot.
23. Xrxcnhl yusatgoin
eo a ep o tr rw g
yu bsns tdy
or ui es oa.
W of f e r:
Mr e -L a i n T c n l g
akt ed g ehooy
A a d i n i n Wr f o
wr -W n g o k l w
A t mt o
uoai n
Rsls eeain Bsns
e u t -G n r t g u i e s
e e o mn
Poe Pouto Cnutn
rvn rdci n osli g
ev e Br o ad r an g e o f s o l u t i o n s f o r
X r x i s y u c mi t e
eo or om td
c r o s s - me d i a c amp ai g n s .
Pr o d u c t i o n c ap ab i l i t i e s t o e x p an d
prnrta cnhl yu
ate ht a ep o i n t o n e w mar k e t s , s u c h as d i g i t al
scedeeyse o te
uce vr tp f h p ac k ag i n g .
a. I n n o vat i ve mar k e t i n g t o o l s an d
e f f e c t i ve
s al e s t r ai n i n g .
W d e p o r t f o l i o o f ap p l i c at i o n
d e ve l o p me n t r e s o u r c e s .
27. Csoe Sces Brsae
u t mr u c s : a k d l
Sho Prrit
col ota s
Ch al l e n g e :
E i mn t o t o r i n o d g t l y p i n e y a b o s a d mmr
l i ae usuc g f i i al r td erok n eoy
A d d g t l t c n l g t a mt h g -q a i t d mn .
d i i a ehooy ht e i h ul y ead
Sol ut i on:
Aqir aXrx iGn速 10DgtlPouto
cu e eo速 e3 1 i i a rdci n
Pesfrit sed
rs o s pe,
d t c c e a d i mg q a i t .
uy yl n ae ul y
U e X r x F e F o 速 P i n S r e t a t mt p g
s eo速 relw r t evr o uoae ae
i mo i t o .
ps i n
G i nst e a i l t t o f r a n wp r f l o o
Re s a t : h b i y o f e
ul e otoi f
poo ae srics
h t -b s d e v e .
Gnrtd3%oealana rvnegot,
e e a e 0 v r l n u l e e u r wh
fu yasinarw
or er o.
Duldbsns got inyabo
o b e u i e s r wh erok
rdci n
Icesdailt t ofrarneo
nrae b i y o fe ag f
poitbedgtlpin srics
rf al i i a r t ev e.
Ahee csoe rtnio gas
c i v d u t mr e e t n o l .
Editor's Notes
#2: Hello, and welcome to Real Business Live. My name is [Presenter takes a moment to introduce himself/herself and details some of his/her background.] And today were going to talk about helping digital print professionals like you focus on what matters most: growing your business. [OR if this is not the first RBL presentation the audience is seeing:] Hello, and welcome back to Real Business Live. Freedom to Perform. My name is [Presenter takes a moment to introduce himself/herself and details some of his/her background.] Continuing now, were going to talk about helping digital print professionals like you focus on what matters most: growing your business.
#3: Heres a quick look at what were going to cover today. Were going to start by talking about what goes into growing a business and then examine some of the challenges facing print service providers who want to grow in todays economic climate. After that, well take a closer look at recent trends in the printing industry and talk about what they mean and how they relate to real-world print operations. Then were going to explore the steps involved in growing your business, and demonstrate how we can help you every step of the way. Finally, were going to show you how to get started and get the results youre looking for: Real business. Real performance. Real growth. Thats a fair amount for 30 minutes, so lets get started.
#4: Weve been working with print service professionals for a long time now. Decades. And if theres one thing we understand all too well, its that you have a lot of things on your mind. Day-to-day operations. Inventory. Marketing. Staffing. Any others? [Presenter takes a moment to acknowledge a few answers from the audience.] So, as you can see, there are a ton of distractions. But most of them are necessary in one way or the other. Its just a part of doing business. But what if there were a way you could focus more on your core objectives instead of all of these distracting day-to-day matters? Well, when you partner with us, thats just what we enable you to do. We can give you a hand with marketing, training, advice and more in a broad range of areas. That leaves you the time to focus on printing. On customer service. On making every job perfect. On making your operation grow.
#5: Now, lets talk about what business growth entails for a moment. We all have a pretty good idea what goes into this, but every operation has a slightly different take on which aspect is the most important. So, lets get some basics down. Business growth can entail: Entering new markets. Offering services targeted to specific industries can open up whole new business areas for you. Expanding your applications and services. Adding new capabilities and offering more services increases your market appeal and your pool of potential customers. Getting more work from existing customers. Your current customers already know your capabilities and quality, so it makes sense to see what other work you can do for them. Attracting new customers. A steady influx of new customers will keep your business healthy and growing. Those are some basics. Are there any other examples? [Presenter takes 3060 seconds to get some top-level thoughts from the audience.] Those are all goodand it shows theres a lot that goes into the definition of the simple phrase grow your business.
#6: Now, it may be a simple phrase, but it brings up a more complicated question: Just how do you grow your business? Growing your business isnt just about attracting customers and getting more revenuethough those are both very important aspects. Its an ongoing process that requires a long-term strategy to differentiate yourself in the marketplace, break into new markets, learn about and use the latest printing innovations, and attract new customers all while providing value to your existing customer base and keeping them satisfied.
#7: And there are challenges and obstacles to growing your business, too. The first is economic . Nowadays, its challenging to gain a larger market share in just about any region. Part of the problem is that there is actually less of it to gain. In 1995, there were 62,000 print shops in the U.S. In 2009, there were 35,000. Thats a 43 percent drop. And theres a similar trend in Europe. Whats behind that drop? Competition. Consolidation. Even technology to some degree, which has enabled print shops to be more productive and take on more work. That means you have to try harder to expand business with your current customers . These individuals and companies are already familiar with your work, your quality and your capabilities so it makes sense to see what other jobs you can do for them. Problem is, you may not be able to take on the other work they have without adding some new capabilities. Or they simply dont have any additional work for you to do. So, that means you have to market and sell your capabilities to new customers. I dont have to tell you that can be just as tough, too. Competition for customers has become increasingly difficult. In fact, its part of the reason there are 43 percent fewer print shops around today compared to the last decade. And its not going to get any easier. Staying competitive and innovative is another tricky area. Nowadays, customers simply expect more out of print service providers. From marketing to analytics to creative services, your customers have fast-changing needs and to compete you have to meet them. Oftentimes that means learning about new services you can offer or applications you can create before they even ask. We often hear that enabling sales teams to enhance their skills is another major challenge at many print shops. In the face of simply managing your day-to-day workload, which can include unexpected fast-turnaround jobs, carving out time for training can be difficult-even though the benefits are clear. Breaking into new markets is a great strategy for growing your business. But it brings up an important question. Who do you think customers would go to first: a print shop that just started to work in the healthcare industry or a print shop that has been producing materials for the healthcare industry for years? Experience matters and lacking it is sometimes difficult to overcome when establishing yourself in a new market. Are there any other obstacles to growing your business that we havent talked about? [Presenter: take a moment or two to let the audience respond, acknowledge the responses, and if able talk briefly to what they bring up.] Seems like a lot, doesnt it? [Presenter acknowledges nods from the audience] Well, it is. Luckily, in spite of these challenges, Ive got some good news about growth.
#8: Before we get into some of most recent industry stats, Id like to do a very quick survey. How many here think that digital printing has increased your companys profits? [Presenter: Make note of count.]
#9: Thats fairly in line with some of the latest data from InfoTrends. According to InfoTrends, nearly 80 percent of print professionals indicated that digital printing has increased their companys profits. That is a significant consensusand it shows just how powerful adding this capability to your operation can be for growing your business. But what about the economy? The printing industry is emerging from the toughest recession in recent history, soregardless of whether an operation has digital printing or notjust how likely are print service providers to see increased profitability and growth in the coming months?
#10: Well, Ive got good news for you. According to NAPLs State of the Industry Report, 70 percent of those surveyed were expecting sales increases. Whats more, the Print Business Index for November 2010 exceeded 50% for the first time in three years, recovering from a record low of 21.2% in March 2009. Another sign that things are improving comes from InfoTrends. In 2009, an incredible 72.9 percent of print service providers expected revenue declines. Makes sense, too2009 was a difficult year across the business world. In contrast, 2010 saw a distinct upswing that industry analysts say will continue throughout 2011. Its a solid increase and it signals a rebound in the print industry. These statistics all add up to one fact: its an ideal time to tool up for growth.
#11: What are print professionals like you looking to invest in over the next 12 months to take advantage of this rebound? One key area is softwareparticularly software that enhances your services and capabilities. According to InfoTrends, three categories rise to the top: Data Analytics, Multi-Channel Communications and Web-to-Print solutions. This shows that more and more printers are looking to expand their operations and attract more customersin a nutshell, grow their business by offering new capabilities and better service. And it makes sense. But having those capabilities is only part of the equation. You have to let customers and prospects know that you have these new services. So what are printers doing to get the word out?
#12: In a phrase: social media. By social media, we mean things like blogs, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. The big attraction for these online avenues is that you can interact directly with customers from just about anywhere. Even better, the entry price is low. In fact, most of the examples I just mentioned are free, meaning that you can connect with a greater number of prospects and customers for very little marketing money. What are the top objectives of printers who use social media? The same objectives as with traditional marketingpromoting business, connecting with customers and generating leads. This may be a completely new area for you. Thats okayits still a relatively new area for direct marketing, but it is growing by leaps and bounds. While this will hardly replace traditional marketing outlets, as a new tactic to grow your business, its definitely one to add.
#13: What does this all mean? In a nutshell, with the economy improving, print providers adding new services and capabilities to their operations, and with new, far-reaching ways to market these capabilities, it really is a good time to profit from digital printing and a good time to grow your business. Okay, so growth is possible. The data backs it up. But how can you really do it? Well, in the process of discovering what goals mattered most to print professionals, we confirmed its not just the objective thats important to focus on. The journey that each print service provider goes through to reach their objectives is just as important. We believe the most effective business partners are the ones who can help you succeed every step of the way on this journey. This includes meeting your objectives as they change. Thats actually one of the keys to success, after all: having flexibility in your operation to embrace new technology, incorporate new ideas and adapt to new circumstances. We have the experience, resources and commitment to help you on every stage of this journey to grow your business. And thats what were going to talk about next.
#14: To start, Im going to show you something a little different. When it comes to growing your business, every print service provider is in a different place. Some operations are relatively new in the market. Others have been providing print services for years, even decades. What Im going to show you takes an typical print shop and illustrates how we can help you grow through each step of this important journey. Lets check it out. [This video lasts three minutes.]
#15: Very methodical, isnt it? Thats because when we partner with you, we go through a thorough process to ensure your experience with Xerox delivers the results you want for your specific situation. Again, these stages are: Assess Implement Produce Develop Optimize Each of these steps is uniquely tailored to your operation. Whats more, we also make sure that were with you every step of the way to help hone any solution implemented and to make each one the best success possible.
#16: And for each of these steps, we have a vast portfolio of solutions to help you meet your objectives. This portfolio includes: Market-leading technology Award-winning workflow automation Results-generating business development Proven consulting services We leverage these four areas as needed at each point in your journey, ensuring you get the solutions and expertise you need when you need it. Thats what the Xerox promise is all about. Partnering with you to help you succeed and grow, now and in the future. Lets take a closer look at what goes into this journey.
#17: The first step in this journey is the assessment . Here, we work with you to understand your business needs. For instance, how are you looking to grow your business? Is it by increasing revenue? Attracting more customers? Getting more work from your current customers? This is where we identify what you want and start to explore how well help you get there. [Click for transition] Our Xerox Sales Teamsales execs, advanced solution experts, business development consultantswill sit down with you and review a number of options and opportunities. Together, well see how each will work with your business model. Well take a look at your applications, substrates, current capabilitiesanything that can contribute to the best solution to deliver the growth you want. Well also utilize a number of powerful tools to give you hard numbers for each of our solutions. For instance, we can conduct a Digital Readiness Assessment to see how best to add digital printing capabilities to your operation. Or a Gap assessment to compare your current performance to your potential performance. Or we can use our ProfitQuick Investment Planner to help you understand the true cost of doing business to maximize your revenue. And these are just some of the tools we have at our disposal. There are a lot more and theyre all geared toward giving you real-world data to base your decisions on. Once we have a solid picture of your operation and your local marketplace, we make a number of recommendations for you to consider. These options could entail new digital printing production technology so you can expand into new markets, workflow solutions for cross-media campaigns, application development resourcesbasically, whatever makes the most sense to your operation and our mutual goal of growing your business.
#18: Next is the implement step. Here we establish our joint plan which includes key success metrics to ensure measurable results. That is, well agree on a growth targetsuch as number of new customers or number of new jobsand then smoothly transition in the solutions you selected in the assess step. Our team, which includes analysts and service professionals, will integrate any software or workflow needed for your solution and make sure that everything is installed and operates seamlessly within your existing environment. A trainer will then work with you and your staff to show you how to best leverage your investment to meet your business objectives. For example, if youre jumping into the fast-growing packaging or photo-specialty markets, well take you through our Introduction to Digital Color Program. If youre adding FreeFlow Workflow solutions to streamline the production of cross-media campaigns, our specialists will show you how to incorporate it into your current environment. Or if youre integrating a digital press, such as the iGen4, into your operation well show you how you can offer more applications than ever to attract even more customers. Whatever solution youve decided on, well be right there with you to share all the best practices so you get the most out of your investment from the very first day. Youll never have to do any of this alone as well be there every step of the way.
#19: The produce step is when we put your solution to work. Hardware, software, workflow, new substrates, finishing optionswhatever your solution entails, we stay close at hand to ensure that everything runs smoothly, meets your quality standards and contributes to the growth you want. This could include some of our higher-end digital production presses, such as the iGen4 or the Xerox Color 800/1000 Pressesor smaller devices such as the Color 550 Printer. On the software front, this is when we make sure that solutions such as web-to-finish deliver as promised, or FreeFlow Process Manager automates your workflows as anticipated and much more. Well also work with you to develop new applications that make the best use of your new solution, whether its leveraging expanded sheet sizes or variable data printing. Regardless of the new capabilities you add, well find the best way to use them to attract more customers and more work. Due to their robust design, our digital presses on average produce much higher volumes than any of our competitors equipment, so youll have uptime you can count on. But if any problems do arise, our break-fix services are some of the best in the industry, receiving the J.D. Power Award for Service Excellence five years in a row. For even more hints and tips, the online support services on xerox.com are available 24/7 at your convenience. To help you make the best use of your solution, we also have turnkey toolssuch as our ProfitQuick Job Estimation Toolto help you see which of your shops equipment is the most cost-effective for a specific job. Youll be able to quickly compare the costs of various job production scenarios to help you easily determine the best production path. Its a nice addition and just another way we can work with you at every step to help you grow.
#20: Once we know that production is going smoothly, its time to develop your business and market your new capabilities for maximum growth. This could take any number of forms. We can help you develop a marketing plan to target the industries or customers where you see the most potential growth. We can help you organize and host an open house at your facility so you can show off your capabilities and services. We can even help you create a social media strategy to increase your marketplace exposure. There are a lot of options and we make sure we customize each strategy for you. Well also give you access to a library of business development resources and marketing tools to help you grow your business and make it more profitable. These resources include application sample kits to spark ideas for new offerings, and workshops to help educate your sales force on the best ways to sell specific capabilities, such as book publishing, packaging, transpromo and more. And we wont just throw these materials at you to figure out for yourself. Well partner with you to show you what we think may work best for your operation and your growth goals. In short, well help you make marketing and sales decisions that make sense for your business.
#21: Finally, we regularly meet with you to discuss ways to optimize your solution to ensure it delivers the business growth you want. This can take the form of a workflow assessment to discover places where we can streamline your processes to maximize profits, or any number of other analyses to give you a full picture of your current state in relation to the growth metrics we set at the beginning. Well see where you are in terms of new customers, customer loyalty, increased revenuewhatever metrics you set at the start of this journeyand well help you meet or exceed every target. If we dont, our jobs not done and well work with you until it is. Our relationship doesnt have a start or stop point, but is an ongoing partnership committed to help you focus on what matters most to your business. By this point, we may also have new ideas or opportunities to share with you that could benefit your business. As we all know, new developments, applications and technology are always on the horizon and we pay close attention to each advancement to see how it can help our customers and more importantly, help your business grow.
#22: As you can see, we follow a very thorough process in helping you grow your business. Thats all well and good, but does this play out in the real world? With real businesses? Well, Im going to show you a short video about how this process has worked with one of our customers: LaserTryk.dk. Based in Denmark, LaserTryk.dk offers offset and digital printing, large format production and creative design services, making them one of the largest print service providers in their country. However, they were still eager to grow so they took a look at expanding their operation into an entirely new area. Lets see what they have to say.
#23: *THIS IS A PLACEHOLDER SLIDE IN CASE THE VIDEO IS UNABLE TO BE RUN* Their challenge LaserTryk wanted a bigger slice of market share in their regionand that meant offering a production capability that made their company stand out from the sea of offset competition. After carefully considering their options and opportunities, they chose to add book production to their already long list of high-quality services. Offset printers, of course, had been producing books in their area for years, so LaserTryk.dk knew they had some competition ahead of them. Their solution Publishing books through digital print production offered significant advantages over offset production, which was why LaserTryk.dk chose Xerox digital presses to accomplish their goal. Not only was the print quality outstandingoffering the look and feel of traditional offset-printed booksbut it enabled LaserTryk.dk to compete in the area that customers noticed most: price. Unlike their offset rivals which would print 1,500 copies of one title, LaserTryk.dk could produce 300 copies of five completely different titles for exactly the same price per book, leveraging Xerox FreeFlow Process Manager to automate workflows and keep costs down. Their results When LaserTryk.dk started out, they had no customers for their new book business. But leveraging the outstanding print quality and cost-effective short runs, they were quickly able to establish a new business model for books. After a single year, the book publishing division now pulls in 150,000 per month with massive growth forecast on the horizon. Whats more, c olor print volumes have also increased by approximately 700,000 to 1,000,000 A4 prints per month. Publishers are exceptionally happy with this service as it means that they no longer needed to overprint copies and tie up their money in warehouse stock. For LaserTryk.dk, the potential is enormous and the company plans to continue capitalizing on this lucrative trend.
#24: Thats a great story, isnt it? In a lot of ways, it captures what Real Business Live is all aboutunlocking the performance potential of a businesss digital printing investment and providing the tools and support they need to succeed with it. So how can you get started today? Easy. Just talk to us. Ill be around and available for the rest of this event if youd like to do just that. But for the moment, Id like to open up this discussion to answer any questions you have right now. Could be on a specific aspect of the five-step journey we just covered. Some follow-up on one of the challenges to growing your business. Or a general comment about the outlook of digital printing and the industry today. [Spend a moment or as much time permits to answer some questions. If there are none or few, move on to the next slide.] To summarize, were committed to help you achieve your goals at every step of your journey. And we can do this through our powerful range of solutions: Market-leading technology Award-winning workflow Results-generating business development Proven consulting services Combining these tools with our long-standing expertise in the digital printing industry, we can help you overcome your challenges every step of the way with: Broad range of solutions for cross-media campaigns. Production capabilities to expand into new markets, such as digital packaging. Innovative marketing tools and effective sales training. Wide portfolio of application development resources. So why choose Xerox? Because everything we do will be with your primary goal in mind: growing your business. And you can be sure that will be our focus just as much as it is yours.
#25: I want to thank you all for giving me your attention today. And I want to remind you that by attending today, you have a chance to win a trip for two to see a Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas. This will include airfare and lodging for three days and two nights, transportation to the show, $200 spending money and tickets for the performance of your choice. Its a nice packageand itll be a great experience. Just register today at the URL you were provided earlier today to enter.
#26: In conclusion, when it comes to growing your business, every print service provider here today is in a unique situation. But with Xerox, you have a partner who not only understands this but can help you at each step so you can focus on what matters most. I hope you enjoy the rest of the event.
#28: *THIS IS THE IN-PLANT CASE STUDY* Their challenge A few years ago, Barksdale School Portraits began replacing damaged or missing portraits in photo orders by printing the small quantities on digital printers. Pleased with the results, the company soon began offering digitally printed yearbooks and memory books, produced by an outsourcer. In doing so, however, they learned that they needed more control over this part of their business. That meant taking a significant leap: acquiring a digital press and leveraging their knowledge of color management and digital technology to produce the work themselves. Their solution After in-depth research, Barksdale acquired a Xerox iGen3 110 Digital Production Press citing its speed, duty cycle, image quality and support. The company also purchased a Xerox FreeFlow Print Server to automate yearbook page imposition and speed production. Now the company provides a litany of photo-based services that complement school portraits, including custom calendars, desk blotters, academic planners and library/ID cards. Their results This range of profitable new services helped generate 30 percent growth in annual revenues for four straight years. In its first year with the new press, the company nearly doubled its yearbook production to 97 jobs from 55 outsourced projects. Barksdale now has a target of 500 yearbooks. The services have also helped Barksdale reach its customer retention goals and has increased their ability to offer an even greater range of digital print services at their operation.