Sultan Hashim appealed to the British Crown for help in 1887 due to fears of further territorial losses of Brunei. In response, the British sent Sir Hugh Low to negotiate a new Treaty of Protection in 1888. Under the terms of the treaty, Brunei became a British protectorate. The British guaranteed protection from foreign attacks and took responsibility for Brunei's external affairs. However, the treaty did not prevent further territorial losses, as the British did not consider Charles Brooke of Sarawak to be a foreigner.
7. Ruled in 1888Treaty of Protection 1888Sultan Hashim appealed by letter to British Crown in 1887
8. In 1888 Sir Hugh Low was send to negotiate and an new treaty have been signed in 17 Sept 1888Reason for the appealed:To prevent either partition or further losses of Brunei Territory.Reason for the British responded:British worried about both the French and the Germans capturing territory in Asia.
9. Further loss of Territories:He inherited small kingdom consist of Modern Brunei plus Limbang and Pandaruan Districts.
10. He knew that Brunei cannot stop the expansion of Brookes and BNBC from taking Brunei territory , therefore, he agreed to cede Terusan to Sarawak.Reason for not fight both BNBC and Brooke:Brunei was not strong enough to stop them.Reason for ceded:He thought that Charles Brooke will satisfied with Terusan treaty and no longer threaten Brunei.
11. Treaty of Protection 1888Terms of the treaty:British status was change to British Protectorate.
13. Brunei could not ceded any territories without British permission.
14. British took all responsibility for Brunei external affairs. (Foreign matters) Brunei thought that this treaty of Protection would save it from any foreign intervention especially from Charles Brooke.However, this was not happen, because as far as British concerned, Charles Brooke was not foreigner but a British.