The document discusses different methods for taking effective notes, including the Cornell method, outlining method, charting method, and mapping method. It emphasizes that note taking helps students remember class material and can aid in assignments and test preparation. The document also notes that a significant percentage of information will be forgotten if not written down, and provides tips for before, during, and after taking notes, such as leaving space for additions, jotting down keywords, and reviewing notes soon after class. Effective note making involves identifying main ideas and supporting details, and can be improved by students revising their own notes.
4. Note taking helps
students remember
what is said in class.
A good set of notes
can help students
work on assignments
and prepare for tests
outside of the
5. If you do not write anything down,
42% of the information will be
forgotten after 20 minutes
56% after 1 hour
66% after 1 day
75% after 1 week
80% after 1 month
6. Before Taking Notes
Be sure of your purpose
and the speaker's
Generate enthusiasm
and interest
Be ready to understand
and remember
Anticipate what is to
come, and evaluate how
well you were able to do
7. While Taking Notes
Use form to indicate relative importance of
Leave plenty of white space for later
Jot down words or phrases, not entire
Listen carefully to what is being said
8. After Taking Notes
Review and reword them as
soon as possible
Don't reject what seems
strange or incorrect. Check it
Don't just recopy or type
Don't swallow everything
uncritically .
Compare the information with
your own experience.
9. Note making is an important reading
It involves the identification of
main idea or Governing Thought,
supported by relevant data and
specific information.
Students review their notes and re-
organize them in a way that makes
more sense or leads to more obvious
connections between points.
12. NOTE MAKING(cont.)
Effective note making can make the
difference between passing and
When students review and revise
their own notes, the notes become
more meaningful and useful
13. You will learn to:
Decide what it is you want to find out.
How to choose the KEY WORDS and
PHRASES to underline or highlight in the text.