House sales customer_satisfaction_surveyjsembiring
This document summarizes a survey of customers who applied to purchase their home from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive but did not complete the purchase. Key findings include:
- Most respondents were female, aged 45-65, and receiving benefits such as housing benefits and disability benefits.
- Over 70% had been Housing Executive tenants for over 15 years and most lived in houses.
- Around 70% withdrew their application after receiving the formal offer due to the high price of the property.
- Respondents were generally satisfied with the application process and communication from the Housing Executive, but the majority cited financial reasons for not completing the purchase.
This document discusses redox reactions and concepts related to oxidation states. It defines redox reactions as electron transfer reactions where oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously. It describes how oxidation states are assigned to atoms to indicate their relative oxidation or reduction levels. Common oxidizing and reducing agents are listed along with examples of species being oxidized or reduced. Disproportionation reactions are defined as redox reactions where an atom undergoes simultaneous oxidation and reduction, changing its oxidation state.
Introduction to IP for Business AdvisorsJane Lambert
This document provides an introduction to intellectual property for business advisors. It defines intellectual property as the collective rights protecting investments in brands, design, technology, and arts. These rights include monopolies on patents and registered trademarks, as well as protections from copying for copyright and confidential information. Intellectual property is important for promoting innovation, participating in global trade, and balancing public and private interests. The document outlines various intellectual property rights and considerations for acquiring, enforcing, and obtaining assistance with intellectual property.
Rule Imc Records Management & Discovery Offering Q109 V2mikelines
The document is a presentation by Rule Financial on electronic discovery best practices. It was prepared in Q1 2009. The presentation discusses the challenges of increasing litigation volumes and discovery obligations, as well as the fragmented software vendor landscape. It promotes adopting the Electronic Discovery Reference Model process and bringing discovery management in-house through strategic investment in people, processes, and technology.
The UK patent box tax regime provides a 10% corporate tax rate on profits attributable to patents and other qualifying intellectual property. The regime is being phased in over 5 years, starting at a 16.7% tax rate in 2013 and decreasing to the final 10% rate by 2017. To qualify for the patent box, a company must hold patents or exclusive licenses and meet development criteria or active ownership tests. Patent box profits are calculated in 3 stages - identifying qualifying IP income, extracting a routine profit amount, and removing an amount related to marketing assets. The regime provides tax benefits for UK companies developing and exploiting their patent portfolios.
This document provides guidance for teachers in developing a new curriculum for Key Stage 3 geography. It outlines key principles for selecting content, including focusing on places, themes, and issues that are geographically significant based on factors like scale of impact, importance over time, and relevance to students. Example units are provided on topics connected to Africa, China, Britain, water resources, the Olympics, landscapes, climate change, population changes, and how geographers can make a difference. Teachers are encouraged to ask questions to promote inquiry, address controversial topics, and make lessons personally relevant through real-world case studies.
Michael Sandys: "The Good The Bad and The Ugly Regarding Licensing & Enforcem...Jane Lambert
Michael Sandys of QualitySolicitors Jackson & Canter gave a talk on licensing intellectual property. He discussed the benefits of licensing IP as a way to commercialize it while retaining ownership. Key considerations for licensing agreements include having terms in writing, defining the scope of the license, exclusivity provisions, royalty structures, improvements, termination rights, applicable law, and dispute resolution. Joint ventures require additional attention to corporate structure. Manufacturing licenses also require terms governing R&D, prototypes, IP control, indemnification, and sales. Diligence should be done on potential licensees, and lawyers can help draft agreements to properly protect IP and plan for disputes.
Michael Sandys's presentation to our Patent Box Workshop at Liverpool in London on 12 July 2013. The presentation deals with why commercialize IP, licensing IP, types of licences, licence terms, joint ventures and manufacturing licence agreements. It also contains a number of handy tips,
These are the slides for a seminar on creative output that I gave on 30 Oct 2013.
"Creative output" for these purposes means works of art and literature and design. Works of art and literature connote visual and literary arts and performing arts. Investment in visual and literary arts are protected by copyright and performing arts by rights in performances.
Design means the design of products that are likely to be reproduced though not necessarily in a large scale, Design can be functional or ornamental. Functional designs are protected by unregistered design right. Ornamental designs that are new and have individual character can be protected by registration as registered designs or as registered Community designs. There is also 3 year protection throughout the EU against copying for designs that could be registered as registered or registered Community designs.
This presentation considers copyright: subsistence, qualification, title, duration, infringement, economic and moral rights. It also touches on rights in performances, design rights, registered designs and registered and unregistered Community designs.
The Patents County Court Small Claims TrackJane Lambert
On 1 Oct 2012 CPR Part 63 was amended to create a new small claims track for the Patents County Court. This presentation explains why these rule changes are important and show how they may be operated.
Building an Academic Library Website in WordPresschaefele
This document provides recommendations and resources for building an academic library website using WordPress. It suggests hosting platforms priced between $9-99 per month and lists themes and plugins that could be useful, including for Akismet, Google Analytics, and media library assistance. Guidelines are also referenced for establishing building policies at UNC Chapel Hill.
The document discusses the development of a learning journey about landscapes. It talks about including pedagogically adventurous ideas that allow for creativity. It asks which landscapes would be essential to include and how to ensure it is not the same as typical GCSE landscapes. It then describes including coastal erosion, farming, and mountain landscapes as well as Milford Sound, New Zealand in the journey. It discusses engaging students to describe, explore, experience, and respond to landscapes and also shares an idea using landscapes bingo to encourage creativity.
The High Line, an elevated park located on Manhattan's West Side, was originally constructed in the 1930s to lift dangerous freight trains off the streets. It is now a mile-and-a-half-long park built on the structure of what was once an elevated railway. The document discusses the history and development of the High Line park.
See how New York city landmarks and buildings went red in February 2008 in a show to help fight heart disease, the No. 1 killer of women and men in this country.
Bearcat Search: Implementing Federated Searching at the Newman LibraryNewman Library
A presentation by Michael Waldman, Lisa Ellis, Stephen Francoeur, Joseph Hartnett, and Rita Ormsby at the Teaching & Technology Conference, 28 March 2008, Baruch College, New York, NY
This document provides an overview of key concepts in memory psychology including the three stages of memory (encoding, storage, retrieval), models of memory processing that compare the human brain to a computer, different types of long-term and short-term memory, factors that influence memory like emotions and sleep, common memory errors and biases, strategies to improve memory like repetition and active recall, and examples of exceptional memories in savants.
The UK patent box tax regime provides a 10% corporate tax rate on profits attributable to patents and other qualifying intellectual property. The regime is being phased in over 5 years, starting at a 16.7% tax rate in 2013 and decreasing to the final 10% rate by 2017. To qualify for the patent box, a company must hold patents or exclusive licenses and meet development criteria or active ownership tests. Patent box profits are calculated in 3 stages - identifying qualifying IP income, extracting a routine profit amount, and removing an amount related to marketing assets. The regime provides tax benefits for UK companies developing and exploiting their patent portfolios.
This document provides guidance for teachers in developing a new curriculum for Key Stage 3 geography. It outlines key principles for selecting content, including focusing on places, themes, and issues that are geographically significant based on factors like scale of impact, importance over time, and relevance to students. Example units are provided on topics connected to Africa, China, Britain, water resources, the Olympics, landscapes, climate change, population changes, and how geographers can make a difference. Teachers are encouraged to ask questions to promote inquiry, address controversial topics, and make lessons personally relevant through real-world case studies.
Michael Sandys: "The Good The Bad and The Ugly Regarding Licensing & Enforcem...Jane Lambert
Michael Sandys of QualitySolicitors Jackson & Canter gave a talk on licensing intellectual property. He discussed the benefits of licensing IP as a way to commercialize it while retaining ownership. Key considerations for licensing agreements include having terms in writing, defining the scope of the license, exclusivity provisions, royalty structures, improvements, termination rights, applicable law, and dispute resolution. Joint ventures require additional attention to corporate structure. Manufacturing licenses also require terms governing R&D, prototypes, IP control, indemnification, and sales. Diligence should be done on potential licensees, and lawyers can help draft agreements to properly protect IP and plan for disputes.
Michael Sandys's presentation to our Patent Box Workshop at Liverpool in London on 12 July 2013. The presentation deals with why commercialize IP, licensing IP, types of licences, licence terms, joint ventures and manufacturing licence agreements. It also contains a number of handy tips,
These are the slides for a seminar on creative output that I gave on 30 Oct 2013.
"Creative output" for these purposes means works of art and literature and design. Works of art and literature connote visual and literary arts and performing arts. Investment in visual and literary arts are protected by copyright and performing arts by rights in performances.
Design means the design of products that are likely to be reproduced though not necessarily in a large scale, Design can be functional or ornamental. Functional designs are protected by unregistered design right. Ornamental designs that are new and have individual character can be protected by registration as registered designs or as registered Community designs. There is also 3 year protection throughout the EU against copying for designs that could be registered as registered or registered Community designs.
This presentation considers copyright: subsistence, qualification, title, duration, infringement, economic and moral rights. It also touches on rights in performances, design rights, registered designs and registered and unregistered Community designs.
The Patents County Court Small Claims TrackJane Lambert
On 1 Oct 2012 CPR Part 63 was amended to create a new small claims track for the Patents County Court. This presentation explains why these rule changes are important and show how they may be operated.
Building an Academic Library Website in WordPresschaefele
This document provides recommendations and resources for building an academic library website using WordPress. It suggests hosting platforms priced between $9-99 per month and lists themes and plugins that could be useful, including for Akismet, Google Analytics, and media library assistance. Guidelines are also referenced for establishing building policies at UNC Chapel Hill.
The document discusses the development of a learning journey about landscapes. It talks about including pedagogically adventurous ideas that allow for creativity. It asks which landscapes would be essential to include and how to ensure it is not the same as typical GCSE landscapes. It then describes including coastal erosion, farming, and mountain landscapes as well as Milford Sound, New Zealand in the journey. It discusses engaging students to describe, explore, experience, and respond to landscapes and also shares an idea using landscapes bingo to encourage creativity.
The High Line, an elevated park located on Manhattan's West Side, was originally constructed in the 1930s to lift dangerous freight trains off the streets. It is now a mile-and-a-half-long park built on the structure of what was once an elevated railway. The document discusses the history and development of the High Line park.
See how New York city landmarks and buildings went red in February 2008 in a show to help fight heart disease, the No. 1 killer of women and men in this country.
Bearcat Search: Implementing Federated Searching at the Newman LibraryNewman Library
A presentation by Michael Waldman, Lisa Ellis, Stephen Francoeur, Joseph Hartnett, and Rita Ormsby at the Teaching & Technology Conference, 28 March 2008, Baruch College, New York, NY
This document provides an overview of key concepts in memory psychology including the three stages of memory (encoding, storage, retrieval), models of memory processing that compare the human brain to a computer, different types of long-term and short-term memory, factors that influence memory like emotions and sleep, common memory errors and biases, strategies to improve memory like repetition and active recall, and examples of exceptional memories in savants.
This document appears to be a slide presentation about the 2011 PC Conference with slides containing only the text "2011 PC Conference" repeated multiple times along with occasional additional text like URLs, hashtags, and Twitter handles. The document seems to be promoting the 2011 PC Conference but provides minimal informative content beyond repeating the conference name.
The document contains information about the website and its related domains and social media profiles. It lists the URLs,,, and It also lists the Twitter handle @shokuto and content management systems that can be used to build a website like Nucleus CMS, Movable Type, WordPress, and Jimdo.
32. W
? 変化に対応しなきゃ??と思うと大変
? これは考えようによってはチャンス!
33. W
1. テープからディスクへ
? デジタルだから複製も編集も容易に
2. 物理メディアからWebへ
? 教材の表現力は増して直接配布も不要に
3. デスクトップからモバイルへ
? いつでもどこでも使ってもらえるように
34. W
? より価値のあるものが作りやすくなった
? 学習者にとって価値あるものを作れば
35. W
看護 介護に関わる人たちのための
36. W
? 看護や介護の仕事をする人たちのための
? ターゲットはフィリピンやインドネシア
44. W
? スマホを意識して教材を作ることで
? 日常生活まで含めた利用機会の拡大
? より大きな枠組みでの学習支援が可能に
50. W
? 海外の学習者の個人学習の支援
? 新しく教材を1つ開発するより
? Web教材は見つけにくいという現状
51. W
53. W
? 教材はWebサイトからアプリ*の形へ
? 内容がシンプルで明快なものが多く、
? サイトに比べ収益化もしやすい
54. W
? FacebookやTwitterの普及
? アプリはサイトよりも説明がしやすく
60. W
? これまでの教材は 授業で使わせるもの
? スマホの普及によって教材は
? これからの教材は 学習者が選ぶもの
61. W
? ITを教師都合でなく学習者都合で考える
? 教材も、授業も、教師も、日本語も
これからは学習者から「選ばれる」 時代
? 目の前の学習者に支持される教材は