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Chlorpyrifos affects specific types of zebrafish larval behavior if administered during
                        distinct developmental time periods
                                                                            Holly Richendrfer and Robbert Créton
                                                   Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry; Brown University, Providence, RI, USA.

                         SUMMARY                                                          RESULTS                                                           4-6 dpf treatment
A large percentage of the population has been diagnosed
with neurobehavioral disorders such as anxiety, ADHD, and
autism. The role that environmental toxicants play on their
development is concerning. We found that exposure to the
organophosphate pesticide (OP), chlorpyrifos, during
different periods of development had distinctive effects on                                                                                  A                       B
zebrafish larval behavior when assessed at 7dpf.
                                                                      Figure 1 – Behavioral assay setup. A) 15 minutes of
                     INTRODUCTION                                     blank background and B) 15 minutes of a moving red
•OPs are highly ubiquitous pesticides and are used on millions of     bar
acres of farm land in the US alone every year.
                                                                                       0-6 dpf treatment                                     C                       D
•The role that chronic low levels of OPs have on the development of
                                                                                                                                                                      Figure 4 – Results from larvae
neurobehavioral disorders is still largely unknown.                                                                                                                   treated with CPF from 4-6 dpf
•OPs have been implicated in the development of ADHD, autism                                                                                                          that showed significant
                                                                                                                                                                      differences. A) Percent
and anxiety in humans, rats and mice.                                                                                                                                 down, B) Percent on edge of
•Zebrafish larvae are ideally suited for high-throughput studies of                                                                                                   lane, C) Percent on the Side, D)
                                                                        A                         B                                                                   Swim speed, E) Percent rest.
vertebrate behavior because large numbers of embryos can be                                                                                  E
collected daily and directly exposed to chemicals.
•A novel high-throughput assay was created in our lab for                                                                                                  DISCUSSION
behavioral analyses of zebrafish larvae to measure thigmotaxis                                                                  •We found significant differences in behavioral measures such as
and avoidance behavior a (common anxiety measures).                                                                             avoidance, thigmotaxis (preference for the side, end or edge of the lane),
                                                                       C                          D
Previously, our lab has verified that anxiety can be detected by                                                                and speed of movement depending upon the days of CPF treatment
thigmotaxis behavior in our assay.                                                                                              during larval development.
                         METHODS                                                                                                •There is an indication that the longer treatment period (0-6 dpf) affects
                                                                                                                                larvae administered the two higher concentrations of CPF (fig 2 c, d, f,
•Larvae were exposed to egg water (EW), DMSO and three                                                                          and g) which was not found in shorter treatment periods (fig 3 and 4)
concentrations of chlorpyrifos (CPF) (from 0.001- 0.1 µM)              E                          F
                                                                                                  Figure 2 – Results from       (which only affected larvae treated with 0.1 µM CPF).
during different time points in development. On days larvae                                       larvae treated with CPF       •Larvae treated with 0.1 µM CPF from 6-7 dpf showed less of a response
were not treated, all groups were housed in egg water.                                            from 0-6 dpf.                 to the moving bar, and preferred to be on the edge less compared to all
Behavioral analysis was always performed when larvae were at
7dpf. Both Acute (1-2 days) and sub-chronic (6 day) treatments
                                                                                                                                other groups (figure 3) which could be attributed to lower swim speeds
of pesticides were administered to the larvae.                         G                                                        (fig 3 C) or be indicative of anxiolytic properties of CPF.
• Five larvae were placed in each lane in 5 lane plates which                          6-7 dpf treatment                        •Measures of edge, side, and end seem to be most affected when larvae
were positioned on top of a laptop screen. Behavioral assays                                                                    are treated later in development (fig 4) indicating that CPF has different
were all performed on the 7th day of development regardless of                                                                  effects during restricted developmental days.
treatment days. The assays were used to analyze                                                                                 •Speed and rest behavior were all significantly affected by 0.1µM CPF
thigmotaxis, avoidance behavior, rest, and swim speed. The                                                                      whether or not it was acute or sub-chronic and even when the larvae
assay utilized a PowerPoint presentation shown to the larvae for        A                          B                            were not in the pesticides during behavioral testing, indicating that CPF
30 minutes (five fish per well) (Fig 1).                                                                                        affects developmental processes. These results have implications in
•For the first half of the assay there were no visual stimuli                                                                   neurobehavioral disorders that affect activity levels.
(1A), in the second half a red moving bar was shown to the                                                                      •Follow up studies will be performed to image the developing brain of
larvae (1B).                                                                                                                    larvae that are treated with pesticides in order to determine if there are
•Time lapse imaging was used to capture larval placement within         C                         D                             any neural structure abnormalities.
the wells .                                                            Figure 3 – Results from larvae treated with CPF from
                                                                       6-7 dpf that indicated significant differences. A)
                                                                       Percent down, B) Percent on edge of lane, C) Swim
                                                                       speed, D) Percent rest. There were no significant        This work was supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human
                                                                       differences in fish-fish distance, End or Side of lane   Development, R01 HD060647 and the National Institute of Environmental Health
                                                                                                                                Sciences and F32 ES021342.

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  • 1. Chlorpyrifos affects specific types of zebrafish larval behavior if administered during distinct developmental time periods Holly Richendrfer and Robbert Créton Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry; Brown University, Providence, RI, USA. SUMMARY RESULTS 4-6 dpf treatment A large percentage of the population has been diagnosed with neurobehavioral disorders such as anxiety, ADHD, and autism. The role that environmental toxicants play on their development is concerning. We found that exposure to the organophosphate pesticide (OP), chlorpyrifos, during different periods of development had distinctive effects on A B zebrafish larval behavior when assessed at 7dpf. Figure 1 – Behavioral assay setup. A) 15 minutes of INTRODUCTION blank background and B) 15 minutes of a moving red •OPs are highly ubiquitous pesticides and are used on millions of bar acres of farm land in the US alone every year. 0-6 dpf treatment C D •The role that chronic low levels of OPs have on the development of Figure 4 – Results from larvae neurobehavioral disorders is still largely unknown. treated with CPF from 4-6 dpf •OPs have been implicated in the development of ADHD, autism that showed significant differences. A) Percent and anxiety in humans, rats and mice. down, B) Percent on edge of •Zebrafish larvae are ideally suited for high-throughput studies of lane, C) Percent on the Side, D) A B Swim speed, E) Percent rest. vertebrate behavior because large numbers of embryos can be E collected daily and directly exposed to chemicals. •A novel high-throughput assay was created in our lab for DISCUSSION behavioral analyses of zebrafish larvae to measure thigmotaxis •We found significant differences in behavioral measures such as and avoidance behavior a (common anxiety measures). avoidance, thigmotaxis (preference for the side, end or edge of the lane), C D Previously, our lab has verified that anxiety can be detected by and speed of movement depending upon the days of CPF treatment thigmotaxis behavior in our assay. during larval development. METHODS •There is an indication that the longer treatment period (0-6 dpf) affects larvae administered the two higher concentrations of CPF (fig 2 c, d, f, •Larvae were exposed to egg water (EW), DMSO and three and g) which was not found in shorter treatment periods (fig 3 and 4) concentrations of chlorpyrifos (CPF) (from 0.001- 0.1 µM) E F Figure 2 – Results from (which only affected larvae treated with 0.1 µM CPF). during different time points in development. On days larvae larvae treated with CPF •Larvae treated with 0.1 µM CPF from 6-7 dpf showed less of a response were not treated, all groups were housed in egg water. from 0-6 dpf. to the moving bar, and preferred to be on the edge less compared to all Behavioral analysis was always performed when larvae were at 7dpf. Both Acute (1-2 days) and sub-chronic (6 day) treatments other groups (figure 3) which could be attributed to lower swim speeds of pesticides were administered to the larvae. G (fig 3 C) or be indicative of anxiolytic properties of CPF. • Five larvae were placed in each lane in 5 lane plates which 6-7 dpf treatment •Measures of edge, side, and end seem to be most affected when larvae were positioned on top of a laptop screen. Behavioral assays are treated later in development (fig 4) indicating that CPF has different were all performed on the 7th day of development regardless of effects during restricted developmental days. treatment days. The assays were used to analyze •Speed and rest behavior were all significantly affected by 0.1µM CPF thigmotaxis, avoidance behavior, rest, and swim speed. The whether or not it was acute or sub-chronic and even when the larvae assay utilized a PowerPoint presentation shown to the larvae for A B were not in the pesticides during behavioral testing, indicating that CPF 30 minutes (five fish per well) (Fig 1). affects developmental processes. These results have implications in •For the first half of the assay there were no visual stimuli neurobehavioral disorders that affect activity levels. (1A), in the second half a red moving bar was shown to the •Follow up studies will be performed to image the developing brain of larvae (1B). larvae that are treated with pesticides in order to determine if there are •Time lapse imaging was used to capture larval placement within C D any neural structure abnormalities. the wells . Figure 3 – Results from larvae treated with CPF from 6-7 dpf that indicated significant differences. A) Percent down, B) Percent on edge of lane, C) Swim speed, D) Percent rest. There were no significant This work was supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human differences in fish-fish distance, End or Side of lane Development, R01 HD060647 and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and F32 ES021342.