Having 9 years Professional experience in "G.P.S Technology, Cad, GIS & Remote Sensing" by using AutoCAD, Arc/info, ArcGIS 9.3 and 10.2, Arc/View 3.2, ERDAS Imagine 2011, Google Earth, Quantum GIS-2, ILWIS and OPENJUMP, Ground Truth survey with the help of SOI toposheets & hand held GPS. Professional presentation skills in Microsoft office( Excel, PowerPoint. WORD).
C# arc objects.
Arc GIS (Map composition, Buffering, Network analysis, Vector analysis, Raster analysis, Digitization, Topology.)
Arc Swat (preparation of Swat Model).
ERDAS IMAGINE (Image Interpretation, Geo-referencing, Merging, Re-Projection, Mosaic, Subset, DEM generation, Supervise & Unsupervise Classification, Ortho rec...