The document summarizes key topics from a workshop on social networks. It discusses 1) the best age to start using social networks and the importance of parental control, 2) how parents can monitor their children's social media usage, 3) debates around using social media in education, 4) privacy concerns with communicating online, and 5) the risk of getting addicted to social networks and the importance of balance. The workshop encouraged group discussions on both benefits and risks of different social media topics.
2. Introduction
Can you recognize these logos?
Facebook foursquare
Second Life
World Of
Amazon Warcraft
Flickr Wikipedia
tumblr Instagram
Deviant Art Twitter Goodreads
3. Introduction
What do they all have in common? What are
social networks? Who can register on social
- definition Social networks are websites on
which anyone can register, create content,
communicate with others users etc.
4. Group work
team work everyone can contribute to the
consider both the good and the bad sides of
your topic
dont be afraid to ask
5. 1. The best age to start using social
We think that children younger than 12 need to learn
how too use a computer in a good way.
We think that children younger than 10 shouldnt use
social networks without parents control.
We think that parents should control the younger kids
usage of social networks.
If a website would be made for kids, we think games
would be good to have. As well as a center of
the website, where people could post what they're
6. 2. Parents control
It is good when parents know what are social
Some of us have parents for friend on
Facebook, but some of us don't have
our parents for friends because they want to
control what we do
Our parents don't have our passwords
because we need privacy
Rules for 13-year-old children:1. Do not give
your adress
7. 2. Accepts only people do you know
3. Not be on Internet more than one hour
4. Don't share your pesonal information with
people that you doesn't know
8. 3. Social networks in education
The use of social networks could have a good
or bad imapact for eduction. Good impack:
the school is evoluating in technologie and is
realizing that facebook has become a pert of
teir life.
Bad impact: the students will think that
because the school is installing facebook, they
will go more on it.
9. 4. Communication online, privacy
It is not risky to talk to strangers, its risky
when we are going to meet strangers
We should keep our privacy
10. 5. Getting addicted to social
Most of the social networks serve for fun, then for school
and job.
Our friends think that if we dont have any social network,
we arent strange.
Someone who spends lot of time on social networks, they
become stupid.
We suggest our friends who spend lot of time on social
networks that they must moving. For example: doing
sports, ride a bike, playing football etc.