2. about me
Hasan Hosgel
Twitter: @alosdev
Github: alosdev
G+: Hasan Hosgel
Senior Developer
Mobile enthusiast
3. Current Scenario
Product Management, Designer & Developer
has created a new screen with a button for an
Android application.
They can't decide on two Variants, which
position should be the button.
6. Current Scenario
Already a published application in the
=> make a so called AB-Test
It is a Test on a live application, where
an amount of users get one variant
and the others another. Depending on
the success ratio you have now the
best fitting solution.
7. Development Part
Create switches depending on a business logic
and create a proprietary solution, which is not
Republish the application and hope everybody
will update after the test to the final solution.
9. Customer's Choice
a lightweight Android library for making simple
usability tests on a live application
10. Usage
add the library (*.jar) to your project
CustomersChoice.getVariant("Variant name");
returns the chosen variant for the test and
reports the test start
CustomersChoice.reachesGoal("Variant name");
for reporting the goal
14. Configuration of Variants
JSON string in resources
configuration file on the SD card
configuration file in the network
For testing purpose over a Broadcast Intent
with overwriting.
15. Attributes for a Variant
Name (required)
startTime in Milliseconds
endTime in Milliseconds
spreading, int definition for ratio of
different Variants
"startTime": 768997,
"endTime": 3787789,
"spreading": [1,2,1],
"name": "Variant name"},