The document discusses the standard and non-standard implementations of Oracle's BI Publisher tool within Oracle EBS applications. It provides an overview of the standard data model, layout templates, report creation, and delivery methods. Examples are also given of variations seen in applications like Advanced Collections, Advanced Procurement, and Payables.
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Many Faces Of Bi Publisher In Oracle Ebs
1. The Many Faces of BI Publisher in
Oracle EBS
Brent Lowe
Manager of Product Development
STR Software
2. About STR Software
STR Software
Located in Richmond, VA
Focused on document delivery solutions since 1988
Over 1,230 licenses of AventX in 47 states and 19 countries
Over 94% customer retention
Oracle Gold Partner with staff of Oracle Certified Professionals
OAUG 3-star partner for 2010
Brent Lowe
Manager of Product Development
BS in Computer Science from College of William and Mary
804-897-1600 ext. 132 and
3. Agenda Faces of BIP
Standard Implementation
Deviations from the Standard
Wrap-up and Q&A
5. Intro: Standard vs. Non Standard
My own definition
Standard Generic implementation provided by ATG that
majority of EBS applications can utilize. Functionality native
to XML Publisher Adminstrator responsibility and Concurrent
Non Standard Application specific implementations.
Common between the 2 All built on the same API!
10. Data Model: Oracle Reports
Demo How to setup Oracle Reports to output XML
11. Data Model: Data Template
Native BI Publisher Concept Exists as XML based
Serves two functions.
Retrieve Data using SQL queries.
Define how the data is to be formatted as XML.
Why Use Data Template over Oracle Report?
Removes duplicity of layout
13. Data Model: Data Template >
Concurrent Program
Concurrent Manager must have Program Definition
to generate output!
Set Executable to XDODTEXE
14. Data Model -> Data Definition
Regardless of Oracle Report or Data Template, must
register a Data Definition.
XML Publisher Administrator Responsibility
16. Layout Templates
Define the look and feel of the finished output.
Layout Templates can be created in a number of
formats including eText, PDF, RTF, XSL-FO, XSL-
BI Publisher Desktop
17. Layout Template -> Registration
XML Publisher Administrator Responsibility ->
Upload Template, Associate with Data Definition,
Assign Locale, Preview Finished Report.
21. Bursting Control Files
A bursting control file is an XML based file that
defines the answers to 4 main questions.
1. How do I burst the document?
2. How do I deliver the burst file?
3. Where do I deliver the burst file?
4. What should the delivered file look like?
23. Bursting Control File - Registration
Upload Bursting Control File to Data Definition
24. Invoke Bursting
2 Step Process
Step 1: Run Concurrent Request to Generate Data.
Step 2: Run XML Publisher Report Bursting Program
25. Bursting Status Report
XML Publisher Report Bursting Program creates its
own Report -> Bursting Status Report.
How document was burst
How documents were delivered
Status of delivery
27. Delivery Engine
Allows for dynamic Recipient, CC, BCC, Subject, Message Body
Single Attachment The report that was generated.
Utilizes IPP to print to CUPS based printers.
Depending on printer, specify tray, duplex, copies, etc
Utilizes IPP to print to CUPS based printers that communicate with Fax Modems.
Allows for dynamic fax number.
Status determined based on print job, not final outcome of fax.
Output data to named file on file system.
Send data to remote machine.
29. Variations from the Standard
Advanced Collections
Advanced Procurement
30. Advanced Collections
11iEX.H Rollup 4/R12 Oracle One-To-
One Fulfillment Server replaced by BI
Template/Data Definition Pairs
XML Generation
Report Generation and Delivery
31. Advanced Collections Template/Data
Definition Pair
Templates are registered via the standard
All Advanced Collections Templates reference a
generic dummy Data Definition: Collections XML
Data Source
32. Advanced Collections XML Generation
Does not use Oracle Reports or Data Templates.
Uses Queries setup within Apps: Collections
Administrator Responsibility -> Administration ->
Manage Templates Query
33. Advanced Collections: Report
Generation and Delivery
Collections notices are meant to be delivered.
Collections Agent -> Collections
34. Advanced Procurement
PO Approval Process Release Purchase Orders
based on workflow process.
XML Generation & Layout Templates
Report Generation & Delivery
35. Advanced Procurement
Purchasing Super User Responsibility -> Setup -> Organizations
-> Purchasing Options
36. Advanced Procurement
Associate Templates with Document Types
Purchasing Super User -> Setup -> Purchasing -> Document
38. Advanced Procurement
XML Generation
XML is generated from packages/views
PO_****_XML views
Layout Templates
11i10 Default to XSL-FO only templates
Patch 4670662 Allows for RTF based templates!
39. Advanced Procurement
Report Generation and Delivery
Once PO gets final approval (via workflow rules) the PO output
gets created programmatically and delivered based on rules
associated with PO Approval/Tools->Communicate.
Email Workflow Mailer
Print Concurrent Output (PO Output for Delivery)
Fax Concurrent Output (PO Output for Delivery)
42. Payables
Separate Remittance Advice Starting in R12,
completely re-written to utilize BI Publisher.
New Program: Send Separate Remittance Advice
XML Generation
Layout Template Setup
43. Payables
SRA XML Generation
Dummy Data Definition is setup with the required code of
44. Payables
SRA Layout Template Setup
Layouts setup as normal in XML Publisher Administrator but associated
with Payment Profile in Payables.
Payables Manager Responsibility -> Setup -> Payment -> Payment
46. Payables
Send Separate Remittance Advice Conc Program
Generates XML
Applies configured template
Figures out whether to fax, email or print document
Uses BIP Delivery Manager to deliver
47. Conclusion
BI Publisher is a powerful tool
Because built on set of APIs, its flexible.
Not all applications are utilizing what is considered
to be the standard.
Hopefully was able to shed some light on variations.