BASE Storage の申し込みから、ownCloudのセットアップを行います。最後に、ownCloudの拡張ストレージに Amazon S3 や、さくら BASE Storage を認識させます。
Masahito Zembutsu Feb 19, 2013
第14回さくらの夕べ Lightning Talk
The vesper of SAKURA #14 LT at Shinjuku, Tokyo
『OpenStackの導入事例/検証事例のご紹介』 NTTドコモ様 検証事例:OpenStack Summit 2014 Paris 講演「Design ...VirtualTech Japan Inc.
『OpenStackの導入事例/検証事例のご紹介』NTTドコモ様 検証事例:OpenStack Summit 2014 Paris 講演「Design and Operation of OpenStack Cloud on 100 Physical Servers (NTT DOCOMO)」
講師:伊藤 宏通(日本仮想化技術 CTO)
先日パリで開催したOpenStack Summit 2014 Parisで講演した内容を日本語でお伝えいたします。
You will face many problems when you start designing your OpenStack Cloud because of a lack of full design architecture information. For example, there are many Neutron plugins, but it is difficult to choose the best plugin and its configuration to get a high throughput of a Virtual Machine (VM) and achieve a High Availability (HA) of L3 Agent. Also, we couldn’t find information for how much computing resource (CPU, Memory and HDD) is required for management and operation servers (e.g. API, RabbitMQ, MySQL and Monitoring etc.).
We built OpenStack Icehouse Cloud on 100 physical servers (1600 physical cores) without using commecial software, and did several performance and long-run tests to address these problems.
In this talk, we will present performance comparison of Neutron ML2 plugin implementations (Open vSwitch and Linux Bridge), tunnelling protocols (GRE and VXLAN) and physical network configurations (Network Interface Bonding and Server Side Equal Cost Multi Path) to achieve 10Gbps at a VM, and the L3 Agent HA we implemented. Also, we will present how much computing resource we used and each server loads to operate the cloud. Finaly, we will share our Ansible Based OpenStack deployment and management tool.
Key topics include:
- Performance comparison of OSS Neutron ML2 plugins (Open vSwitch and Linux Bridge) and tunneling protocols (GRE and VXLAN)
- Performance comparision of redundant network configurations (Network Interface Bonding and Server Side Equal Cost Multi Path)
- HA of L3 Agent (ACT/STBY) we implemented
- Ansible based deployment/operation tools
- Items we must watch for OpenStack operation
- Hardware specifications and resources we used to operate the Cloud
We will share a full design architecture and hardware sizing information for a large scale cloud and prove OSS based Neutron can handle a hundred servers.
IoT(internet of things) devices may be very dangerous for society. IoT cyber security Counter measurement will be proposed. Before study, check some slides, youtube movies and/or quiita contents. Main part will be announced at the room. HAZOP study for security analysis will be introduced today. Electric power source, harmonic generation, smoking, firing, wireless, noise, and human resources are discussed.
Sakura Cloud is a service developed and released in 2011. We use InfiniBand, witch is rare as an Internet service and it is used for connection between server and storage. In this presentation, we will briefly introduce the configuration of the system and explain the reasons and usage if InfiniBand. We are going to introduce operational comparisons and meris demerits with the services provided by Ethernet.
The document discusses Hacobune, a new PaaS cloud service from Sakura Internet aimed at small development teams. Hacobune allows developers to focus on service development without having to manage infrastructure, as it handles deployment, scaling, and other tasks automatically using Docker and Kubernetes. It is optimized for Japanese users with domestic hosting and documentation.