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Organization / Workplace
Karur Area, India India
Electronics / Computer Hardware
I3E Technologies,
#23/A, 2nd Floor SKS Complex,
Opp. Bus Stand, Karur-639 001.
Mobile : 99436 99916, 99436 99926, 99436 99936
Mail ID:
Contact Details
face recognition
image retrieval
image segmentation
object detection
image denoising
vehicle detection
embedded systems
aging aware reliable multiplier design with adapti
face spoof detection with image distortion analysi
face recognition.
design and analysis of approximate compressors for
a novel quantum dot cellular automata x-bit × 32-
advanced metering infrastructure (ami) be
content-based image retrieval (cbir)
electric vehicles (evs)
markov random fields (mrfs)
new control of pv solar farm as statcom (pv statco
level converting retention flip-flop for reducing
torque ripple.
an efficient constant multiplier architecture base
a power decoupling method based on four switch thr
face quality
a new low cost centralized mppt controller system
a low cost
public integrity auditing for shared dynamic cloud
learning to rank.
highly scalable wireless sensor network solution t
deep learning
feature selection
a novel transformer less interleaved four-phase st
new interleaved current fed resonant converter wit
image enhancement
level set
power electronics
implementing intelligent traffic control system fo
high speed and energy-efficient carry skip adder o
ieee projects
ambulance clearance
and stolen vehicle detection
sparse representation.
a low cost hardware architecture for illumination
i3e technologies
presentation attack detection
modeling approaches for dc–dc converters with sw
modular multilevel cascade converters (mmccs)
modeling and design of series voltage compensator
bidirectional pwm converter integrating cell volta
fluorescence tomography
reconstruction method
high step up interleaved forward-flyback boost con
bayesian framework
a hardware platform for evaluating low energy mult
grid connected forward microinverter with primary-
image analysis
fault tolerant parallel filters based on error cor
conditional random fields
high performance deadlock-free id assignment for a
low power
novel design algorithm for low complexity programm
indoor positioning
low cost high-performance vlsi architecture for mo
traffic surveillance
vehicle tracking.
computer vision
hierarchical and networked vehicle surveillance in
networked surveillance system
novel block formulation and area-delay-efficient r
a three level quasi-two-stage single-phase pfc con
smart grid
pre encoded multipliers based on non-redundant rad
embedded projects for eee
image reconstruction
imbalance power
and harmonic power sharing scheme
an enhanced islanding microgrid reactive power
an enhanced voltage sag compensation scheme for dy
an extended lyapunov function-based control strate
query specific rank fusion for image retrieval
computed tomography.
an interleaved high power flyback inverter for pho
and implementations
reverse converter design via parallel prefix adder
analysis and design of llc resonant converters wit
parametric images
analysis of the interleaved isolated boost convert
analytical model of the half bridge series resonan
bayesian framework based direct reconstruction of
wireless sensor networks
facial expression recognition
a high performance fir filter architecture for fix
a generalized algorithm and reconfigurable archite
a high reliability wearable device for elderly fal
support vector machine (svm)
hybrid microgrid model based on solar photovoltaic
smart meters.
image processing
computed tomography (ct)
an accuracy adjustment fixed-width booth multiplie
a family of multiport buck–boost converters base
resonance analysis and soft switching design of is
a class of sec ded-daec codes derived from orthogo
ordered subsets
a new solar module modeling for pv applications ba
data analytics
gaze estimation
a method for uncertainty assessment of passive sun
on reducing power losses in stack multicell conver
a low power robust easily cascaded pentamtj-based
face verification
dc–dc converter
modeling and controller design of a semiisolated m
a grid connected dual voltage source inverter with
detailed analysis of dc link virtual impedance-bas
image segmentation.
liveness detection
iterative vessel segmentation of fundus images
lcl filter design and inductor current ripple anal
multiscale logarithm difference edgemaps for face
multi task pose-invariant face recognition
decentralized inverse droop control for input-seri
path following using dynamic transverse feedback l
ensemble classifier
content based image retrieval by metric learning f
three port dc–dc converter for stand-alone photo
multilevel systems
and experimental results
maximum power point tracking (mppt)
variable form carrier-based pwm for boost-voltage
a novel calibration model of polarization navigati
combining left and right palmprint images for more
a low power temperature to frequency converterfor
nonlocal means
cloud computing
performance of medium voltage dc-bus pv system arc
noise reduction
offline soft switched led driver based on an integ
automotive systems
novel high conversion-ratio high-efficiency isolat
a novel pwm high voltage conversion ratio bi direc
a handheld inertial pedestrian navigation system w
smart phone
contextual descriptor
image encryption
spoof detection
home energy management
image distortion analysis
composite feature
detail enhancement
eye detection
gradient field
whittle approximation
spectral unmixing.
biased discriminant analysis
multiplicative cascades
multifractal analysis
texture characterization
computer aided diagnosis of mammographic masses us
computer-aided diagnosis (cad)
bayesian estimation of the multifractality paramet
confidence measure using composite features for ey
fractional brownian motion.
structural priors.
wavelet leaders
bayesian estimation
confidence measure
image smoothing
bsift toward data independent codebook for large s
large scale image retrieval
spectral-spatial classification.
classification of remotely sensed images using the
fuzzy clustering
stochastic gradient.
segmentation fusion
statistical image reconstruction
genetic algorithms
marker selection
parallelizable iterative algorithms
age estimation
separable quadratic surrogates
combining facial dynamics with appearance for age
expression dynamics
palmprint recognition
age grouping
breast masses
wavelet transform.
compressive imaging
approximate message passing
compressive imaging via approximate message passin
patch similarity
comparing noisy patches for image denoising a doub
gaussian noise.
morphological reconstruction
peripapillary vessel
high-pass filter
vessel segmentation.
combining ordered subsets and momentum for acceler
structural priors
fundus images
feature filtering.
binary sift
visual matching
scalar quantization
a technique for simultaneous visualization and seg
fragile watermarking
prime fields.
image watermarking
a source channel coding approach to digital image
rs channel codes
image tampering protection
region merging
a scalable tile based framework for region-merging
image tiling
gaze calibration
a probabilistic approach to online eye gaze tracki
dynamic bayesian network.
diabetic retinopathy
retinal image
a novel curvature based algorithm for automatic gr
tortuosity measure
a novel approach for denoising and enhancement of
and low-light video.
tone mapping
relevance feedback (rf)
active learning (al)
remote sensing (rs).
an integrated framework for 3 d modeling
pose estimation
range image.
and pose estimation from point-clouds
3-d object recognition
3-d object detection
an efficient mrf embedded level set method for ima
sparse field method.
markov random field
algebraic multigrid
an approach toward fast gradient based image segme
unsupervised image segmentation
convex optimization.
visibility restoration.
gamma correction
laplacian distribution
retinex theory
an advanced single image visibility restoration al
an ada boost based face detection system using par
reconfigurable architecture.
face detection
parallel array
generative bayesian models
model training.
advanced joint bayesian method for face verificati
expectation-maximization (em)
hyperspectral visualization
a novel active learning method in relevance feedba
a framework for automated spine and vertebrae inte
deformable models
interpolation theory
a comparison of dense region detectors for image s
zernike polynomials.
fine-grained classification
dense keypoints
segment hypothesis graph
background context augmented hypothesis graph for
background context (bc) mining
semantic segmentation.
conditional random field (crf)
latent support vector machine
traffic analysis.
fluorescence microscopy
background estimation
background fluorescence estimation and vesicle seg
cellular biology
vesicle segmentation
scheduling congestion
bandit framework for systematic learning in wirele
multi-armed bandits
wireless contention.
hyperspectral images (hsis)
shearlet transform
multispectral imaging
probability density function.
a new approach to segmentation of multispectral re
human body segmentation
a methodology for extracting standing human bodies
multilevel image segmentation.
adaptive skin detection
anthropometric constraints
real-time applications.
hardware architecture
illumination adjustment
human age estimation
scattering transform
active appearance model
facial image processing.
a learning framework for age rank estimation based
ordinal ranking
dynamic saliency map
real-time traffic surveillance system.
genetic algorithm
a genetic algorithm based moving object detection
background subtraction
3-d histology
reference- free
a gauss seidel iteration scheme for reference-free
band specific shearlet-based hyperspectral image n
eye gaze tracking with a web camera in a desktop e
head pose
desktop environment
weather conditions.
image restoration
exponential contrast restoration in fog conditions
dictionary training
enhancing image denoising by controlling noise inc
enhanced ridge structure for improving fingerprint
fingerprint classification
fingerprint enhancement
singular value decomposition.
2d discrete wavelet transform
total variation flow
diffusion speed
face liveness detection from a single image via di
non-uniform blur
and pose
face recognition across non uniform motion blur
face image retrieval
cross-age face recognition
face recognition and retrieval using cross age ref
face recognition on consumer devices reflections o
gaze tracking
web camera.
illumination change
ranking model
haar-like features
weak classifier.
efficient feature selection and classification for
feature descriptor
effective image retrieval system using dot diffuse
image retrieval.
image classification
dot-diffused block truncation coding
optimization transfer
positron emission tomography (pet).
optimization algorithm
edge-preserving regularization
edge preserving pet image reconstruction using tru
subspace learning
nonnegative matrix factorization
graph-based algorithm
emr a scalable graph based ranking model for conte
minimally invasive surgery (mis)
branching segment
vessel feature detection.
endoscopic image analysis
branching point
efficient vessel feature detection for endoscopic
road detection
graphcut algorithm
road tracking
unmanned aerial vehicle (uav).
efficient road detection and tracking for unmanned
efficient learning of image super resolution and c
intraclass variation.
hierarchical inference
graph cut based discrete-valued image reconstructi
energy minimization
linear inverse problems
discrete tomography.
deformable part models
real-time vision.
sparse coding
generalized sparselet models for real time multicl
hyperspectral image denoising via sparse represent
face-spoofing detection
face spoofing 2 d-detection based on moiré-patter
computer access.
fitts’ law
perceptual user interface
contrast enhancement
image processing.
histogram equalization
histogram based locality-preserving contrast enhan
expression invariance
high resolution face verification using pore-scale
pore-scale facial feature
pose invariance
reversible data hiding (rdh)
sparse coding.
high capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted
multiresolution analysis
hierarchical conditional random field (hiecrf) mod
hierarchical conditional random fields model for s
semisupervised synthetic aperture radar (sar) imag
camera mouse
from local geometry to global structure learning l
subspace learning.
coupled mappings
local topology extracting
cross-modal retrieval
intermediate subspace
full space local topology extraction for cross-mod
high dynamic range
histogram separation
fuzzy fusion based high dynamic range imaging usin
face image quality assessment based on learning to
face liveness detection.
hand-free control
humancomputer interaction (hci)
assistive technology (at)
severe disabilities
facial position and expression based human compute
impact score
query pruning.
early termination
fast image retrieval query pruning and early termi
gaussian mixture models
obstacle-map estimation.
autonomous surface vehicles
fast image based obstacle detection from unmanned
statistical image reconstruction.
augmented lagrangian (al)
fast x ray ct image reconstruction using a lineari
local speed pattern
angle-closure glaucoma
cross examination for angle-closure glaucoma featu
minimum redundancy maximum relevance
laplacian score
anterior segment optical coherence tomography
redundant features
motion estimation.
motion vector
video steganography
covert communication by compressed videos exploiti
information hiding
covert communication
local coordinate coding (lcc).
coupled dictionary learning for the detail enhance
coupled dictionary
spoofing detection.
video based face recognition
deep reconstruction models for image set classific
image set classification
object recognition.
top-down saliency.
bag-of-visual-words (bow)
database saliency
database saliency for fast image retrieval
bottom-up saliency
x-ray imaging and computed tomography.
image enhancement/restoration
curvelet based contrast enhancement in fluoroscopi
unsupervised feature selection
machine learning classifier.
expression synthesis
ordered dither block truncation coding.
content-based image retrieval
color co-occurrence feature
content based image retrieval using features extra
bit pattern feature
vector quantization (vq).
content based image retrieval using error diffusio
image indexing
error diffusion block truncation coding (edbtc)
computer aided diagnosis
metric learning
content based image retrieval
lung diseases
content adaptive image detail enhancement
hough transform
image feature matching
correspondence problems
co segmentation guided hough transform for robust
energy minimization.
object classification
contextualizing object detection and classificatio
context modeling
facial expression analysis
context sensitive dynamic ordinal regression for i
action unit intensity
ordinal regression
context modeling.
spontaneous facial behavior
edge preserving
connected operators
hierarchical image representation
image authentication
3d display
digital hologram authentication using a hadamard b
stereo imagery.
development of a framework for stereo image retrie
planar features
height features
digital surface model (dsm)
dual subspace nonnegative graph embedding for iden
head pose estimation.
eyes off the road detection
driver monitoring system
driver gaze tracking and eyes off the road detecti
grammar model
discriminatively trained and or graph models for o
structural optimization.
and-or graph
multi-view learning
gaussian processes.
discriminative shared gaussian processes for multi
mathematical morphology
antiextensive filtering
directed connected operators asymmetric hierarchie
detection of face spoofing using visual dynamics
just noticeable depth difference (jndd)
depth sensation enhancement for multiple virtual v
depth image-based rendering (dibr)
depth sensation enhancement
image enhancement.
dense correspondence
sparse feature matching
graph matching
mask transfer
density maximization for improving graph matching
hyperparameter architecture optimization
convolutional networks
and fingerprint spoofing detection
filter weights learning
doppler sensor
principal component analysis.
detection of eye blinking using doppler sensor wit
eye blinking detection
detection and rectification of distorted fingerpri
nearest neighbor regression
multiple virtual view rendering.
data loss recovery
structural health monitoring
redundant coding
lossless entropy compression
a smart sensor network for sea water quality monit
ieee 1451.5
smart sensor
gprs vpn.
remote control
iso/iec/ieee 21451-2
a parking occupancy detection algorithm based on a
parking occupancy detection.
amr sensor
energy management
hardware platform.
in-vehicle network security
key management.
connected car
controller area network (can)
a practical wireless attack on the connected car a
radio technical commission for maritime services (
a runtime integrity monitoring framework for real
networked transport of rtcm via ip (ntrip)
relative positioning
vehicle-to-infrastructure (v2i)
real-time kinematic (rtk)
dedicated short-range communications (dsrc)
vehicle-to-vehicle (v2v).
trip generation.
battery charging
battery swapping
electrical impedance tomography
robot sensing systems
human-robot interaction.
design and operation of secure cyber physical syst
cyber-physical system
control theory
design and implementation of smart home control sy
energy saving
power line communications (plcs)
smart homes
smart lighting control
wireless sensor networks (wsns).
appliance control
cost effective and privacy-preserving energy manag
cost saving
data privacy
smart meter.
load monitor
automatic detection and notification of potholes a
ultrasonic sensors.
android application
gsm sim900
an embedded passive resonant sensor using frequenc
embedded lc resonant sensor
wireless measurement
passive temperature sensor
htcc technology
an approach of reliable data transmission with ran
radio frequency identification (rfid).
real time rfid indoor positioning system based on
location estimation (le)
progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run (
automatic scoring systems
six-min walk test.
rfid based automatic scoring system for physical f
radio-frequency identification (rfid) technology
secondary: visual servoing
a sensor based dual-arm tele-robotic system
industrial robot
force control
human interface
binary tag
distributed architecture
primary: dual-arm manipulation
automated health alerts using in home sensor data
behavioral bio-markers
health alerts
in-home sensing.
eldercare monitoring
multirobot control using time varying density func
time-varying density functions.
multirobot teams
coverage control
negative information for occlusion reasoning in dy
extended objects
negative information
occlusion reasoning
sensor fusion.
multiobject tracking
wireless sensor network
design of a mobile charging service for electric v
queuing theory
behavior understanding
millimeter-wave (mmw) radars
adaptive cruise control (acc)
road features.
road edge recognition using the stripe hough trans
hough transform (ht)
scanning the issue and beyond transportation and m
hybrid wlan rfid indoor localization solution util
received signal strength (rss)
backscattered power
wireless local area networks (wlan).
passive rfid for object and use detection during t
sensors --- rfid
activity recognition
based sensing
sensors machine learning
object-based sensing
emergency medicine
trauma resuscitation emergency medicine
medical information systems
chine learning
object rfid
trauma resuscitationemergency medicine
trauma resuscitation .
medicine and science
drift removal (dr)
virtual impedance.
high-power converter
interleaved boost converter
renewable energy system
high step-up
three-winding coupled inductor.
harmonic attenuation
passive damping circuit.
grid interface converter
inductor current ripple
lcl filter
hybrid power integration
renewable energy systems.
multiinput converter (mic)
vehicle detection and classification for low speed
low-speed congested traffic
vehicle classification.
anisotropic magnetoresistive sensor (amr)
using smart meter data to improve the accuracy of
k-means clustering
load forecasting
load patterns
neural network-based load forecasting
load profiles
smart meter privacy for multiple users in the pres
smart meter
information leakage.
smart meter data analytics for distribution networ
distribution network topology
smart lighting system iso iec ieee 21451 compatibl
internet of things (iot)
energy harvesting
multiple independently operated sediment microbial
power management system (pms)
a self-sustainable power management system for rel
centrifugal pump
photovoltaic (pv) cell.
a single stage photovoltaic system for a dual-inve
open-end winding induction motor (oewim)
balanced converter
alleviation of electromagnetic interference noise
shunt resonant path.
common mode (cm) noise
circulating current control
discontinuous modulation (dpwm)
capacitor voltage ripples
closed loop discontinuous modulation technique for
modular multilevel converter (mmc).
comparison of charge estimation methods in partial
frequency response measurements
band-pass filters
partial discharge measurement
charge estimation.
input voltage sharing (ivs)
output current sharing (ocs).
input-series and output-parallel (isop)
harmonics interaction
selective harmonic elimination (she)
finite-difference time-domain (fdtd).
light-emitting diodes (led)
ambulance vehicle
traffic junction.
congestion control
stolen vehicle
home appliance load modeling from aggregated smart
explicit duration hidden markov model (hmm)
load modeling.
gnss carrier phase anomaly detection and validatio
kalman filters
precision engineering.
global positioning system (gps)
fault diagnosis
land vehicles
safety management.
facilitating application of electrical safety best
electrical safety
embedded capacitive pressure sensing for electrica
embedded sensing
online monitoring.
electrically assisted microrolling
electrical impedance tomography for artificial sen
tactile sensors
robot skin
current-source drives
smart lighting
iso/iec/ieee 21451
rest web service
zigbee light link (zll).
smart electricity meter data intelligence for futu
smart meters
machine learning
artificial intelligence
internet of things.
smart grids
big data
automated meter infrastructure
security aware modeling and efficient mapping for
security. i. introduction
cyber-physical systems
design space exploration
scalable meter data collection in smart grids thro
data management.
communication networks
real time price based home energy management sched
energy demand
markov decision process
real-time electricity price.
light extraction efficiency (lee)
embedded photonic crystal (phc)
improving the vertical light extraction efficiency
a zigbee based animal health monitoring system
coexistence of zig bee based wban and wifi for hea
design and application of a voc monitoring system
embedded dsp based telehealth radar system for rem
fabrication and characteristic analysis of a remot
harvested power wireless sensor network solution f
hierarchical and dynamic elliptic curve cryptosyst
implementation of a wireless ecg acquisition so c
improving zig bee device network authentication us
performance evaluation of wireless body sensors in
power efficient interrupt-driven algorithms for fa
scalability of dense wireless lighting control net
system architecture for low power ubiquitously con
taming cross technology interference for wi fi and
uninterrupted wireless data transfer for smart gri
wsn based smart sensors and actuator for power man
zig bee based communication system for data transf
zil an energy efficient indoor localization system
automatic segmentation of trophectoderm in microsc
embryo quality assessment
in vitro fertilization (ivf) procedure
blastocyst analysis
random walk
spinal canal
image landmark detection
automatic segmentation of spinal canals in ct imag
optic disc detection
automatic optic disc detection in oct slices via l
layer segmentation
implementation of subthreshold adiabatic logic for
carry look ahead adder (cla)
adiabatic logic
system on chip (soc).
advanced interconnect protocol
soft errors.
error correction codes (eccs)
approximate circuits
inexact computing
dadda multiplier
adaptive hold logic (ahl)
positive bias temperature instability (pbti)
variable latency.
negative bias temperature instability (nbti)
reliable multiplier
quantum-dot cellular automata (qca)
signal distribution network (sdn)
static random access memory (sram).
majority gate
a low power robust easily cascaded penta mtj-based
magnetic logic gate
magnetic tunnel junction (mtj)
precharge sense amplifier (pcsa)
atlas-based segmentation
pigment epithelium detachment (ped)
retinal layer segmentation.
automated 3 d retinal layer segmentation of macula
optical coherence tomography (oct)
attack of mechanical replicas liveness detection w
eye movements
security and protection.
attack vectors
pattern analysis
large scale image retrieval.
asymmetric hashing with different code lengths
asymmetric cyclical hashing for large scale image
line segment detection.
an unsupervised hair segmentation and counting sys
hair counting
scalp diagnosis
hair care diagnosis
hair follicle diagnosis
an optimized pixel wise weighting approach for pat
object localization
structured image retrieval.
out of context
an object level high-order contextual descriptor b
and scale cues
3-d modeling
deep representations for iris
nonvolatile logic devices
optical coherence tomography (oct).
effective fascicle region
fascicle length
orientation-sensitive segmentation
automatic fascicle length estimation on muscle ult
optical flow
ultrasound imaging
automatic facial expression recognition using feat
validation database.
brain surgery
image guided neurosurgery
online database
nonrigid registration
automatic deformable mr ultrasound registration fo
intraoperative ultrasound
robust estimation.
automatic 3 d segmentation of endocardial border o
left ventricle (lv)
3-d echocardiography
local phase
automated vessel segmentation using infinite perim
active contour
infinite perimeter
automated segmentation of breast in 3 d mr images
image registration
breast magnetic resonance imaging (mri)
recent advances in wearable sensors for health mon
prt embedded microheaters for optimum temperature
hybrid blocking algorithm for identification of ov
passive and semi passive wireless temperature and
design and experimental validation of novel force
design and calibration of the unilateral sensitive
blood pulsation measurement using linearly polariz
an algorithm for the automatic analysis of signals
a portable fall detection and alerting system base
and rescue system
a smart phone based pocket fall accident detection
global positioning system (gps) system
third generation (3g) network
triaxial accelerometer.
electronic compass
cascade classifier
fall detection
my healthassistant an event driven middleware for
medical services
performance analysis
wireless sensor networks.
body sensor networks (bsns)
smart pdr smartphone based pedestrian dead reckoni
indoor pedestrian tracking
smartphone inertial sensor.
pedestrian dead reckoning
unlocking smart phone through handwaving biometric
thin-film flip-chip led (tffc led)
robot perception
cooperation without communication
cooperative transport
swarm robotics.
occlusion based cooperative transport with a swarm
optimization based motion planning in joint space
joint-space planning
linear inverted pendulum model
wearable robots.
motion planning
gait assistance
passivity and stability of human–robot interacti
adaptive control
human–robot interaction
rehabilitation robotics.
robot control.
nonlinear control systems
control design
nonlinear dynamical systems
nonlinear systems
motion control
mobile robots
wall following control of a hexapod robot using a
hexapod robot gait control
fuzzy control
evolutionary robots
differential evolution (de)
wallfollowing control.
solar cell
spatial–temporal solar power forecasting for sma
distribution network
solar power
smart metering
deep pipeline
massive parallel
statistical static timing analysis (ssta)
adder structures
ultra low energy
ultralow energy variation-aware design adder archi
power efficient level shifter for 16 nm fin fet ne
near threshold circuits.
level shifter
digital signal processing
double based number system
fir filter
programmable filter.
interpolation filter
digital-up converter
public-key cryptosystem.
carry-save addition
montgomery modular multiplier
low-cost architecture
wearable sensors for human activity monitoring a r
efficiency potential of rear heterojunction stripe
silicon solar cells
point contacts
solar cell efficiency potential.
hybrid solar cells
si wafer
energy management for households with solar assist
comfort constraints
demand response (dr)
and air conditioning (hvac) scheduling
energy optimization problem
thermal dynamics.
optimization of multijunction solar cells through
energy yield
multijunction solar cell
luminescence coupling (lc)
variable spectrum.
seeds a solar based energy-efficient distributed s
distributed energy resources (ders)
distributed storage
peer-to-peer systems.
distributed computing
solar powered wireless temperature sensor based on
energy harvesting.
pin diode
stability assessment extensions for single phase d
ssr damping controller design and optimal placemen
split converter fed srm drive for flexible chargin
space vector modulation for dc link current ripple
space vector versus nearest-level pulse width modu
soft stop optimal trajectory control for improved
sliding mode control for a three-phase unity power
single active switch power electronics for kilowat
seventeen level inverter formed by cascading flyin
secondary side phase-shift-controlled dual-transfo
robust optimal power management system for a hybri
resonant converter with resonant voltage-multiplie
robust and generic control of full bridge modular
reactive power control of three phase grid-connect
pv isolated three port converter and energy-balanc
proportional integral (pi) compensator design of d
two stage matrix converter based on third-harmonic
transient stability of wind turbine adopting a gen
transient stability enhancement of doubly fed indu
three phase-to-three-phase ac ac dc-link five-leg
three phase series-connected modular multilevel co
three level dc converter for balancing dc 800-v vo
three phase ac-side voltage-doubling high power de
the research of sm topology with dc fault toleranc
the effect of vsc hvdc control on ac system electr
the delta configured modular multilevel converter
synthesis and analysis of double input single-outp
switching overvoltage characteristics of 1100 k v
switching frequency analysis of staircase modulate
study and handling methods of power igbt module fa
steady state analysis and design of class-de inver
stability enhancement of a dc segmented ac power s
precharging and dc fault ride through of hybrid mm
model predictive control with a reduced number of
model predictive control methods to reduce common
mission profile based reliability design and real-
measurement based harmonic modeling of an electric
load balancing with ev chargers and pv inverters i
load adaptability of active harmonic reduction for
integration of inductively coupled powere transfer
integrated dual full bridge converter with current
infinity norm of impedance-based stability criteri
indirect matrix converter based topology and modul
improved power-quality bridgeless-converter-based
hybrid switched inductor converters for high step-
impedance model based ssr analysis for tcsc compen
impact of hvdc transmission system topology of mul
hybrid ipt topologies with constant current or con
hybrid design of modular multilevel converters for
power factor correction in bridgeless luo converte
power electronics control of an energy regenerativ
power control of grid connected converters under u
novel modular multiple input bidirectional dc–dc
novel high step up dc–dc converter with active c
novel coordinated voltage control for hybrid micro
new three dimensional space vector based switching
new hexagonal three phase voltage-source converter
multisource and battery free energy harvesting arc
multilevel modular dc dc power converter for high
modulation and control of transformer less upfc
modularized control strategy and performance analy
modular multilevel dc dc converters with phase shi
modular cascaded h bridge multilevel pv inverter w
modeling and control of a multiport power electron
modeling and analysis of resonant switched capacit
hybrid cascaded modular multilevel converter with
fault tolerant parallel ff ts using error correcti
fast motion estimation algorithm and design for re
energy consumption of vlsi decoders
elastistore flexible elastic buffering for virtua
early skip mode decision for hevc encoder with emp
dual phase tapped-delay-line time-to-digital conve
digital vlsi implementation of piecewise affine co
detailed routing algorithms for advanced technolog
design of self timed reconfigurable controllers fo
design of efficient content addressable memories i
design and low complexity implementation of matrix
design and analysis of inexact floating point adde
depth reliability-based stereo-matching algorithm
comparative performance analysis of the dielectric
byte reconfigurable ldpc codec design with applica
array based approximate arithmetic computing; a ge
low power vlsi architectures for dct-dwt; precisio
and smart antenna applications
low power and area-efficient shift register using
low energy two-stage algorithm for high efficacy e
low cost control flow protection via available red
in field test for permanent faults in fifo buffers
implementation of subthreshold adiabatic
implementation of arithmetic operations with time
high throughput power-efficient vlsi architecture
high throughput ldpc-decoder architecture using ef
graph based transistor network generation method f
further desensitized fir halfband filters
fully reused vlsi architecture of fm0 manchester e
fully pipelined low cost and high-quality color de
floating point butterfly architecture based on bin
fine grained access management in reconfigurable s
argo;a real time network-on-chip architecture with
a low complexity multiple error correcting archite
a low complexity embedded compression codec design
a low power and high sensing margin non volatile f
a high throughput vlsi architecture for hard and s
a fully digital front end architecture for ecg acq
a fault detection and tolerance architecture f or
a fast acquisition all-digital delay-locked loop u
a combined sdc sdf architecture for normal i-o pip
a clock and data recovery circuit with programmabl
a bio realistic analog cmos cochlea filter with hi
onboard integrated battery charger for e vs using
interleaved boost integrated llc resonant converte
y source boost dc dc converter for distributed gen
voltage balancing method for modular multilevel co
versatile control of unidirectional ac–dc boost
unbalanced power in four wire systems and its reac
an efficient vlsi architecture of a reconfigurable
all digital energy sensing for minimum energy trac
algorithm and architecture design of the h.265 hev
accelerating scalar conversion for koblitz curve c
a spread spectrum clock generator using a programm
a relative imaging cmos image sensor for high dyna
a power efficient adaptive fuzzy resolution contro
a parallel digital vlsi architecture for integrate
and simulation
a novel photosensitive tunneling transistor for ne
a novel hardware architecture of the lucas kanade
a novel area efficient vlsi architecture for recur
a new parallel vlsi architecture for real time ele
a new efficiency improvement low-ripple charge-pum
a mixed decimation mdf architecture for radix-2k p
a low cost low-power all-digital spread-spectrum c
static synchronous compensator (statcom)
a phase shifted pwm d-statcom using a modular mult
zero-voltage-ride-through (zvrt) capability.
voltage sags
circuit simulation
power system simulation
real-time systems.
parallel algorithms
a parallel approach to real time simulation of pow
automatic uniform current sharing.
high step-down converter
low voltage stress
a novel soft switched cycloinverter
fieldprogrammable gate arrays (fpgas)
harmonic analysis.
ac–ac power conversion
a simple current control strategy for a four leg i
a series lc-filtered active damper with grid distu
a scheme for the power control in a dfig connected
a ring diode capacitor network for current-balanci
franchising opportunity.
business opportunity
desktop and laptop
cctv camera
led light product.
finger print
static synchronous compensator (statcom).
and design of current control
phase-shifted pulsewidth modulation (pwm)
a phase shifted-pwm d-statcom using a modular mult
cascade connections
high voltage conversion ratio
hybrid method
rocof relay
multi dg system.
decentralized control
a novel droop based average voltage sharing contro
microgrids (mgs)
parallel load sharing.
hierarchical control
droop method
primary-side control (psc).
half-bridge (hb) llc converter
a novel accurate primary side control (psc) method
high-power adaptor applications
a new family of modular multilevel converter based
cascaded converters
modular multilevel converter (mmc)
bi-directional dc/dc converter
y-Δ connected transformer
three-phase dc/dc converter
variable reactor.
power quality
power flow
a novel integrated power quality controller for mi
sfs method
islanding detection technique
power quality improvement of system
inverter-based distributed generation (dg)
a novel hybrid islanding detection method for inve
negligible non detection zone (ndz)
flying-capacitor multicell converter (fcmc)
dynamic stability enhancement of a dc segmented ac
dual switches dc dc converter with three winding-c
double phase high-efficiency
wide load range high- voltage l ow-voltage llc dc
distribution switches upgrade for loss reduction a
distributed control for autonomous operation of a
direct power control based on natural switching su
development and implementation of a supervisor str
multi domain virtual prototyping of power electron
design tools for rapid
design of energy control method for three phase bu
design of class e resonant rectifiers and diode ev
design of a single switch dc dc converter for a pv
design of a power electronic-assisted oltc for gri
delay dependent stability of single-loop controlle
decentralized control of a nine phase permanent ma
two stage solar photovoltaic-based stand-alone sch
high voltage tapped-inductor buck converter utiliz
high gain resonant switched-capacitor cell-based d
high efficiency-isolated single-input multiple-out
harmonic analysis of grid connected power electron
fuzzy approach for online coordination of plug in
functional modeling of symmetrical multipulse auto
full range soft-switching isolated buck-boost conv
flicker mitigation via dynamic volt var control of
flexible system architecture of stand alone pv pow
fault analysis for distribution networks with curr
enhancing the ride through capability of dc-link v
energy management of a fuel cell serial–parallel
energy feed forward and direct feed-forward contro
embedded control of n level dc–dc–ac inverter
effect of the electrical energy conversion on opti
dc side harmonic currents calculation and dc-loop
automatic mode shifting control strategy with inpu
analysis of diode reverse recovery effect on the i
analysis and design of hybrid machines for dc gene
analysis and design of dc system protection using
an optimized switching strategy for a ripple cance
an integrated dynamic voltage restorer ultracapaci
an ev srm drive powered by battery supercapacitor
adaptive droop for control of multiterminal dc bus
adaptive droop control strategy for load sharing a
active voltage feedback control for hybrid multi t
active rectifier with integrated system control fo
a zero sequence voltage injection-based control st
a three phase isolated bidirectional ac dc convert
a switching control strategy for single and dual-
a switched reluctance generator with interleaved i
a single stage led driver based on bcm boost circu
dc transmission grid with low speed protection usi
dc impedance model-based resonance analysis of a v
control strategies of a dc microgrid for grid conn
control of pmsg based wind turbines for system ine
control of brushless doubly fed reluctance generat
contribution of vsc hvdc to frequency regulation o
computationally efficient
and embeddable prognostic techniques for power ele
real time
comparison of the modular multilevel dc converter
comparison of detailed modeling techniques for mmc
closed form solution of time-varying model and its
circulating current suppressing strategy for mmc h
bidirectional soft switching series ac-link invert
bidirectional operation of high step down converte
bidirectional current fed resonant inverter for co
independent control of two permanent magnet synchr
loss free resistor-based power factor correction u
minimization of the dc component in transformerles
multicell switched inductor switched-capacitor com
multi mosfet-based series resonant inverterfor imp
naturally clamped zero current commutated soft-swi
new control of pv solar farm as statcom(pv statcom
nonisolated high step up dc–dc converters adopti
online inverter fault diagnosis of buck converter
online variable topology type photovoltaic grid-co
optimal design methodology for llc resonant conver
optimized operation of current fed dual active bri
performance analysis of bi directional dc-dc conve
pfc cuk converter fed bldc motor drive
power control in ac isolated microgrids with renew
power factor corrected zeta converter based improv
an improved i upqc controller to provide additiona
an isolated three port bidirectional dc-dc convert
analysis and design of single switch forward-flyba
novel single phase pwm ac–ac converters solving
bridgeless pfc modified sepic rectifier with exten
dc–dc converter for dual voltage automotive syst
discontinuous modulation scheme for a differential
dual active bridge based battery charger for plug-
extended boost active switched-capacitor switched-
front end converter with integrated pfc and dc–d
general analysis and design guideline for a batter
high gain resonant switched capacitor cell based d
high step up converter with three-winding coupled
hybrid modulated extended secondary universal curr
hybrid phase shift-controlled three-level and llc
hybrid transformer zvs zcs dc dc converter with op
reduced capacity smart charger for electric vehicl
a new framework for sar multitemporal data rgb rep
a modified nonlinear two filter smoothing for high
a memristor based continuous-time digital fir filt
a joint qrs detection and data compression scheme
a home sleep apnea screening device with time doma
a heterogeneous reconfigurable cell array for mimo
a dual loop antenna design for hepta-band wwan-lte
a cooperative train control modelfor energy saving
a compressive sensing approach to describe indoor
a cmos delta sigma pll transmitter with efficient
a bayesian residual transform for signal processin
3-d simulation and optimization of organic solar c
ece projects titles
power electroincs
reliability evaluation of conventional and interle
ripple minimization through harmonic elimination i
sensorless drive for high speed brushless dc motor
single inductor dual buck full bridge inverter
single inductor dual-output buck–boost power fac
soft switching ac-link three-phase ac–ac buck–
the transformerless single phase universal active
topology review and derivation methodology of sing
transformerless hybrid power filter based on a six
two stage power conversion architecture suitable f
ultrasparse ac link converters
a family of high voltage gain single-phase hybrid
a cascade point of load dc dc converter with a nov
a bridgeless bhb zvs pwm ac-ac converter for high-
a novel range grating lobe suppression method base
a novel colorless fpld packaged with to can for 30
eee project title
design of modified second order frequency transfor
energy and area efficient three input xor xnors wi
energy optimized subthreshold vlsi logic family wi
energy efficient approximate multiplication for di
2n − 1
fast sign detection algorithm for the rns moduli s
flexible dsp accelerator architecture exploiting c
fpga implementation of software defined radio base
high accuracy fixed-width booth multipliers based
high throughput low-energy self-timed cam based on
implementation of a new lightweight encryption des
low complexity tree architecture for finding the f
new high speed multioutput carry look-ahead adders
pns fcr flexible charge recycling dynamic circuit
randomized multitopology logic against differentia
project center in trichy
matlab course in karur
project center
vlsi couse in karur
ieee project center in karur
power electronics course in karur
embedded course in karur
projects center in karur
design of efficient binary comparators in quantum
design of a low voltage low-dropout regulator
a combined sdc sdf architecture for normal i o pip
a fully static topologically compressed 21-transis
a modified partial product generator for redundant
arithmetic based binary-to-rns converter modulo {2
array based approximate arithmetic computing a ge
average 8 t differential-sensing subthreshold sram
energy reduction for efficient digital signal proc
a nonisolated multiinput multioutput dc–dc boost
a nonisolated three port dc–dc converter and thr
a novel control scheme of quasi resonant valley-sw
a novel integrated power quality controllerfor mic
a novel load adaptive zvs auxiliary circuit for pw
a novel switched coupled-inductor dc–dc step-up
a novel wall switched step-dimming concept in led
a secondary side phase-shift-controlled llc resona
a single stage ccm zeta microinverter for solar ph
a single phase cascaded multilevel inverter based
a soft switched asymmetric flying capacitor boost
a systematic approach to hybrid railway power cond
a unity power factor bridgeless isolated cuk conve
a voltage controlled dstatcom for power-quality im
a zero voltage-transition bidirectional dc dc conv
an adaptive power oscillation damping controllerby
razor based programmable truncated multiply and ac
reliable low power multiplier design using fixed-w
variations in nanometer cmos flip flops part ii
an improved hybrid dstatcom topology to compensate
an integrated high power-factor converter with zvs
analysis of dc link operation voltage of a hybrid
dc microgrid for wind and solar power integration
a novel high step up dcdc converter based on integ
a high gain input parallel output-series dc dc con
a high step down multiple output converter with wi
a high efficiency mosfet transformerless inverter
a high efficiency resonant switched capacitor conv
a multilevel energy buffer and voltage modulatorfo
a new control strategy for distributed static com
a new interleaved three phase single-stage pfcac
a new railway power flow control system coupled wi
distributed sensing for high-quality structural he
distortion-aware concurrent multipath transfer for
designing high performance web-based computing ser
delay optimization and cross-layer design in multi
decentralized computation offloading game for mobi
data-driven composition for service-oriented situa
cost-effective authentic and anonymous data sharin
cost-aware secure routing (caser) protocol design
context-aware patch-based image inpainting using m
content-based image retrieval using error diffusio
constructing query-driven dynamic machine learning
constructing a global social service network for b
cloud-trust - a security assessment model for infr
blood vessel segmentation of fundus images by majo
automatic web service composition based on uncerta
authentication handover and privacy protection in
improving the network lifetime of manets through c
improving physical-layer security in wireless co
identity-based encryption with outsourced revocati
governance model for cloud computing in building i
game-theoretic topology control for opportunistic
friendbook: a semantic-based friend recommendation
exploiting efficient and scalable shuffle transfer
exemplar-based inpainting: technical review and ne
ensemble of adaptive rule-based granular neural ne
energy efficient virtual network embedding for clo
enabling fine-grained multi-keyword search support
enabling efficient multi-keyword ranked search ove
efficient execution methods of pivoting for bulk e
efficient algorithms for mining the concise and lo
dynamic openflow-controlled optical packet switchi
diversifying web service recommendation results vi
authenticated key exchange protocols for parallel
signal design for multiple antenna systems with sp
scalable verification of a generic end around-carr
revisiting central limit theorem; accurate gaussia
recursive approach to the design of a parallel sel
reconfiguration based vlsi design for security
power efficient level shifter for 16 nm finfet nea
partially parallel encoder architecture for long p
one minimum only trellis decoder for non binary lo
obstacle avoiding and slew-constrained clock tree
obfuscating dsp circuits via high level transforma
novel self body-biasing and statistical design for
novel reconfigurable hardware architecture for pol
nonsmooth optimization method for vlsi global plac
new analytic model of coupling and substrate capac
multilayer obstacle avoiding x-architecture steine
an enhanced fuzzy min–max neural network for pat
an adaboost-based face detection system using para
aggregated-proof based hierarchical authentication
adaptive algorithms for diagnosing large-scale fai
a distributed fault-tolerant topology control algo
vlsi assisted nonrigid registration using modified
vlsi design for svm based speaker verification sys
unipolar logic gates based on spatial wave functio
ultralow energy variation-aware design; adder arch
ultra high-throughput vlsi architecture of h.265-h
two step optimization approach for the design of m
trigger wave asynchronous cellular logic array for
timing error tolerance in small core designs for s
the diffusion network in analog vlsi exploiting no
synthesis of genetic clock with combinational biol
skewed load test cubes based on functional broadsi
a single sensor based mppt controller for wind dri
efficient motif discoveryfor large scale time seri
wormhole attack detection algorithms in wireless n
towards practical self-embedding for jpeg-compress
toward transparent coexistence for multihop second
t-broker: a trust-aware service brokering scheme f
subspace learning and imputation for streaming big
stochastic decision making for adaptive crowdsourc
statistical dissemination control in large machine
state-clustering based multiple deep neural networ
shared authority based privacy-preserving authenti
security optimization of dynamic networks with pro
secure optimization computation outsourcing in clo
secure and reliable routing protocols for heteroge
secure and distributed data discovery and dissemin
secrecy capacity optimization via cooperative rela
routing pressure: a channel-related and traffic-aw
an adaptive zvs full bridge dc–dc converter with
embedded project
2015 project video
2016 project video.
ece projects
ieee ece projects
active learning for ranking through expected loss
a two-layer recurrent neural network for nonsmooth
a topology potential-based method for identifying
a time efficient approach for detecting errors in
emr: a scalable graph-based ranking model for cont
a scalable and reliable matching service for conte
a regression approach to speech enhancement based
a ranking approach on large-scale graph with multi
a profit maximization scheme with guaranteed quali
research directions for engineering big data analy
neural network-based model design for short-term l
network-based modeling and intelligent data mining
neighbor similarity trust against sybil attack in
multitask learning of deep neural networks for low
multilayer big data architecture for remote sensin
max contribution: an online approximation of optim
low-complexity features for jpeg steganalysis usin
localized multi-feature metric learning for image
local diagonal extrema pattern: a new and efficien
learning understandable neural networks with nonne
learning compact binary face descriptor for face r
k-nearest neighbor classification over semanticall
joint virtual mimo and data gathering for wireless
joint optimal data rate and power allocation in lo
interference-based topology control algorithm for
innovative schemes for resource allocation in the
relational collaborative topic regression for reco
receiver cooperation in topology control for wirel
real-world and rapid face recognition toward pose
real-time detection of traffic from twitter stream
real-time big data analytical architecture for rem
rank-based similarity search: reducing the dimensi
quality of experience: user’s perception about w
proof of ownership in deduplicated cloud storage w
privacy-preserving ciphertext multi-sharing contro
predicting asthma-related emergency department vis
power control and soft topology adaptations in mul
performing initiative data prefetching in distribu
passive ip traceback: disclosing the locations of
panda: public auditing for shared data with effici
on traffic-aware partition and aggregation in mapr
neural network-based model predictive control: fau
multiscale wedgelet decomposition (mwd)
polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (polsar) ima
remote sensing.
gradient histogram
minimum class mean absolute deviation
remote sensing image segmentation based on an impr
sea ice
motion estimation
synthetic aperture radar
reliability measures for sea ice motion retrieval
recognizing common ct imaging signs of lung diseas
medical image classification.
lung ct images
lung lesion classification
robust representation and recognition of facial em
robust registration of cloudy satellite images usi
robust prostate segmentation using intrinsic prope
robust framework of single frame face superresolut
and illumination variations
facial expression
robust and computationally lightweight autonomous
reversible image data hiding with contrast enhance
image recoveryreversible data hiding
reversible data hiding
reversible data hiding in encrypted image with dis
image recovery.
spatially adaptive segmentation
multiscale wedgelet representation (mwr)
representation and spatially adaptive segmentation
wishart markov random field (wmrf) model.
probabilistic facial expression recognition
multiple instance learning
weakly supervised learning.
object matching
graph-based fusion
vocabulary tree
large-scale image retrieval
query specific fusion.
query reconstruction.
image search quality
query difficulty estimation
query difficulty estimation for image search with
noninvasive hybrid interface.
quantitative evaluation of a low cost noninvasive
fitts' law
electroencephalograph (eeg)-based brain-computer i
eye tracking
3d face reconstruction
pose-invariant face recognition
real world and rapid face recognition toward pose
iterative scoring classification.
feature library matrix
impulse detector
weighted-average filtering.
impulse noise
real time impulse noise suppression from images us
local linear embedding
random geometric prior forest for multiclass objec
efficient and robust
random forest
geometric prior
query adaptive multiple instance learning for vide
iris recognition
3 d simulation and optimization of organic solar c
word segmentation method for handwritten documents
vision based nighttime vehicle detection using cen
vehicle detection techniques for collision avoidan
using visual rhythms for detecting video based fac
using scale coordination and semantic information
using free energy principle for blind image qualit
unsupervised quantification of under and over-seg
unsupervised object class discovery via saliency g
transfer learning improves supervised image segmen
training for planning tumour resection augmented r
traffic sign detection via graph based ranking and
tracking of coastal swell fields in sar images for
towards practical self embedding for jpeg-compress
towards large scale histopathological image analys
toward evaluating multiscale segmentations of high
an efficient finite difference time-domain algorit
an automatic screening approach for obstructive sl
an artificial neural network approach for early fa
amorphous crystalline silicon interface passivatio
ambulatory measurement of three dimensional foot d
air gaps as intermediate selective reflectors to r
aerial obstacle detection with 3 d mobile devices
advanced modeling of a 2 k w series–series reson
a video analysis-based railway–road safety syste
a train localization algorithm for train protectio
a systematic loss analysis method for rear passiva
a single stage solar-powered led display driver us
a remotely powered implantable biomedical system w
a prototype integrated monitoring system for pavem
a passive transponder for visible light identifica
a cooperative train control model for energy savin
time spread echo-based audio watermarking with opt
sketch based image retrieval through hypothesis-dr
semi local structure patterns for robust face dete
semantic improved color imaging applications it is
segmenting a noisy low depth-of-field image using
segmentation based image copy-move forgery detecti
segmentation of multiple heart cavities in 3 d tra
secure reversible image data hiding over encrypted
secure binary image steganography based on minimiz
scalable mobile image retrieval by exploring conte
scalable feature matching by dual cascaded scalar
sar images retrieval based on semantic classificat
sar image change detection based on iterative labe
salient object detection with higher order potenti
saliency region detection based on markov absorpti
rrw—a robust and reversible watermarking techniq
rotation invariant object detection in remote sens
time delay neural network for continuous emotional
three dimensional super resolution reconstruction
the segmentation of 3 d images using the random wa
tag refinement for user contributed images via gra
symmetric smoothing filters from global consistenc
supervised variational model with statistical infe
supervised segmentation of remote sensing image us
superpixel segmentation for polarimetric sar image
steganography using reversible texture synthesis
stable mean shift algorithm and its application to
spectral–spatial kernel regularized for hyperspe
spatio temporal video segmentation of static scene
spatiotemporal saliency detection for video sequen
spatial coherence based batch-mode active learning
sparse dissimilarity constrained coding for glauco
sparse and dense hybrid representation via diction
image noise
ct modeling
qr decomposition.
inverse problem
noise analysis in computed tomography (ct) image r
multiple lrek active contours for knee meniscus ul
multiple hypotheses image segmentation and classif
mr image reconstruction with convolutional charact
model based fusion of multi- and hyperspectral ima
mixture of subspaces image representation and comp
mirror surface reconstruction from a single image
minimum risk wavelet shrinkage operator for poisso
minimum rate prediction and optimized histograms m
minimizing pixel expansion in visual cryptographic
median filtered image quality enhancement and anti
matching of large images through coupled decomposi
key emotion points
structural similarity
neutral vs. emotion classification
statistical model
local binary pattern histogram
constrained local model
video analytics
bayesian kalman filter.
and recognition approaches for video surveillance
new object detection
medical imaging
ct image reconstruction
ct low dose imaging
marker controlled watershed-based segmentation of
local rac
low rank
spatial-spectral similarity likelihood.
monte carlo sampling
bayesian least squares optimization
hyperspectral imagery denoising
hyperspectral image denoising using a spatial–sp
pupil contour.
eye gaze tracking
cornea refraction
hybrid method for 3 d gaze tracking using glint an
human facial expression recognition using stepwise
hidden markov models
stepwise linear discriminant analysis
facial expressions
mapping localized patterns of classification accur
manifold regularized local sparse representation f
latent fingerprint enhancement via multi scale pat
lane departure identification for advanced driver
informative change detection by unmixing for hyper
improving pixel based change detection accuracy us
impact of quality based fusion techniques for vide
image based three-dimensional human pose recovery
image fuzzy clustering based on the region level m
image enhancement and feature extraction based on
web images.
internal correlations
external correlations
image denoising by exploring external and internal
global redundancy and correlation (rac)
hyperspectral image (hsi) denoising
hidden conditional random fields.
free-viewpoint television
probabilistic multiview depth image enhancement us
multiview depth consistency
virtual view synthesis
multiview video
regression forest
privileged information based conditional structure
structured output.
privileged information
facial point
light field camera.
presentation attack detection for face recognition
projection onto convex sets.
precision enhancement of 3 d surfaces from compres
precision enhancement
robust vehicle detection and distance estimation u
pupil dynamics
pupil dynamics for iris liveness detection
cloud computing.
group signature
public integrity auditing
dynamic data
victor commitment
data hiding.
least mean square
progressive halftone watermarking using multilayer
naïve bayes classifier
dirichlet mixture model.
multiview video plus depth
online temporally consistent indoor depth video en
on the use of coupled shape priors for segmentatio
object based change detection of very high resolut
object detection in optical remote sensing images
optic disc localization in retinal images based on
visual word.
spatial constraint
near duplicate image retrieval based on contextual
near-duplicate image retrieval
nearest neighbor search
maximum entropy principle.
binary codes
neighborhood discriminant information
neighborhood discriminant hashing for large scale
neutral face classification using personalized app
procrustes analysis
multiplequery retrieval
information retrieval
manifold ranking.
pareto fronts
pareto depth for multiple-query image retrieval
2015 2016 ieee vlsi project titles
it.2015 2016 ieee power electronics project titl
it.2015 2016 ieee ns2 project titles
it.2015 2016 ieee java project titles
it.2015 2016 ieee android project titles
2015-2016 ieee .net project titles
2015 2016 ieee .net project titles
renewable power system.
multiport converter (mpc)
bidirectional dc–dc converter
dc distribution system
distributed generation (dg)
on-load tap changing transformer (oltc)
distribution system
hysteresis band
line drop compensator
control zone
voltage control
voltage control.
current control
a control method of hvdc-modular multilevel conver
voltage fluctuations.
hvdc transmission
high gain
a high gain input-parallel output-series dc/dc con
grid-connected inverter
power quality.
instantaneous symmetrical component theory (isct)
a generalized voltage droop strategy for control o
cigre b4 dc grid test system
generalized voltage droop (gvd) control
multiterminal dc (mtdc) grids
power sharing.
four-switch three-phase inverter (fstp)
sliding-mode control.
integral sliding-mode control
single-ended primary-inductance converter (sepic)
a four switch three-phase sepic-based inverter
dc-link inductor
smooth switching droop control (ssdc).
a bidirectional llc resonant converter with automa
high efficiency
energy storage system (ess)
disturbance observer (dob)
back electromotive force (back-emf) detection
a 12 step sensorless drive for brushless dc motors
brushless dc motor (bldc)
back electromotive force differences
delay compensation
sensorless control
direct torque control (dtc)
a 12 sector space vector switching scheme for perf
switching scheme
matrix converter (mc)
a control architecture to coordinate renewable ene
frequency bus-signaling (fbs)
coordinated operation
a comparison between single-phase quasi-zsource an
shoot-through state.
boost inversion ability
quasi-switched boost inverter
quasi-z-source inverter
battery management systems (bmss)
zero-current switching (zcs).
dc–dc power converters
lithium-ion batteries
a cell-to-cell battery equalizer with zero-current
resonant converter.
space vector
voltage rise.
a multilevel energy buffer and voltage modulator f
photovoltaic power systems
ac–dc power conversion
switched capacitor circuits.
buffer circuits
dc–ac power conversion
resonant converter
electromagnetic energy harvesting
wind energy.
multi-input converter
ac-dc conversion
a multi input bridgeless resonant ac-dc converter
dynamic balancing
a multi-agent system framework for real-time elect
improving web navigation usability by comparing ac
dc voltage source abatement
natural balancing.
cost and size diminution
multiphase buck converter.
current balancing
a multiphase synchronous buck converter with a ful
inductor dc resistance (dcr)
current sensor
a multi mode control strategy for v ar support by
rooftop solar pv
var control
pv inverter
voltage regulator
network support
real-time load management.
a modular multilevel dc dc converter with fault bl
peak current mode (pcm)
a high frequency model for a pcm buck converter
small-signal mode.
multifrequency model
sample-hold effect
mosfet inverters
a high-efficiency mosfet transformerless inverter
transformerless inverter.
photovoltaic (pv) inverter
multiple output
quasi two-stage.
a high step-down multiple output converter with wi
llc resonant converter
dual coupled inductors
all-electric ship power system
multi-agent system
cooperative control
dual half-bridge (dhb)
multiport converter
power electronic transformer (pet)
a modular multiport power electronic transformer w
cascaded h-bridge (chb) converter
state of charge (soc) balancing.
split battery energy storage
dc ultrafast charging
isolated dc/dc converter
hvdc converters
dc-dc power conversion
multilevel systems.
investigation of acetic acid corrosion impact on p
investigating wireless charging and mobility of el
integration of antenna array with multicrystalline
integrated sensing systems and algorithms for soli
influence of interface textures on light managemen
inertial sensor based stride parameter calculation
improved light absorption of ga inp gaas-ge solar
impact of edge recombination in small area solar c
imitation of dynamic walking with bsn for humanoid
image based process monitoring using low-rank tens
home telemonitoring of vital signs—technical cha
hand impedance measurements during interactive man
gesture recognition using wearable vision sensors
genetic algorithm based classifiers fusion for mul
field measurement of an implemented solar powered
fall detection in homes of older adults using the
online prediction of driver distraction based on b
online cost sharing mechanism design for demand-re
on the design of a solar panel receiver for optica
nonparametric technique based high speed road surf
nondestructive characterization of voids in rear l
modeling the effects of inhomogeneous irradiation
model based virtual thermal sensors for lithium-io
mimo pillow—an intelligent cushion designed with
microscale spatially resolved characterization of
mems multisensor intelligent damage detection for
low power wireless ecg acquisition and classificat
low dimensional learning for complex robots
low surface recombination in silicon heterojunctio
local series resistance imaging of silicon solar c
laser scribing patterning for the production of or
investigation of interdigitated metallization patt
expanding existing solar irradiance monitoring net
correlation of electroluminescence with open circu
control oriented concentrated solar power plant mo
complexity index from a personalized wearable moni
compact personal distributed wearable exposimeter
compact light emitting diode-based aaa class solar
closed loop control of local magnetic actuation fo
calculation of temperature field in power capacito
bucket; scheduling of solar powered sensor network
back contacted silicon heterojunction solar cells;
automatic control system for thermal comfort based
areal solar irradiance estimated by sparsely distr
analysis of fine line screen and stencil-printed m
analysis of capacitive impedance matching networks
an ultrasonic and vision based relative positionin
an improved exact ε constraint and cut-and-solve
an implantable rfid sensor tag toward continuous g
evaluation of the aging process of dye sensitized
energy harvesting wireless communications with ene
energy efficient ethernet for real time industrial
electron barrier engineering in a thin film interm
effect of spectral irradiance variations on the pe
effect of eva encapsulation on antireflection prop
effect of barrier thickness on carrier transport i
dynamic neuro fuzzy-based human intelligence model
distributed data fusion for multirobot search
diffusion and segregation model for the annealing
diagnostic of neutralization current for arcs on s
development of a wireless oral feeding monitoring
designing bottom silicon solar cells for multijunc
design of a cmos calibrated monolithic illuminatio
design and dynamics of a novel solar tracker with
coupling incident light to guided modes in thin fi
action units.
2015 ece project titles
me embedded project titles
mtech android titles
2015-2016 android project titles.
me android titles
2015 it android titles
2015 ieee android titles
ieee android project titles
2015 cse android titles
btech android titles
be android titles
2015 cse project java titles
java titles
it java titles
dot net titles
dotnet titles
input-parallel output-series.
induction motor (im)
mtech java titles.
me java titles
2015 java project titles
btech it java project title
be cse java project titles
ieee embedded project titles
ece project titles
2015 eee project titles
be ece embedded project list
embedded projects for ece
2015 embedded project titles
2015 me embedded project titles
2015 ieee embedded project titles
be eee embedded project list.
2015 ieee java titles
speaker verification method for operation system o
solar power shaping; an analytical approach
smart metering of variable power loads
signal quality measures on pulse oximetry and bloo
role of the front electron collector in rear emitt
robotic handling of surgical instruments in a clut
recognition of highway workzones for reliable auto
propulsive force in an electric solar sail for out
power adaptive computing system design for solar-e
personal lung function monitoring devices for asth
performance power consumption tradeoff in wearable
performance limits and status of single junction s
performance evaluation of gnss for train localizat
passivation induced cavity defects in laser-doped
optimizing folded silicon thin film solar cells on
optical modelling for concentrating photovoltaic s
cse .net titles
cse java titles
ieee project titles
2015 cse and it project list
2015 it java titles.
it .net titles
.net titles
topological indoor localization and navigation for
thermal energy harvesting wireless sensor node in
the segmental approximation in multijunction solar
the frozen potential approach to separate the phot
the development of a blood leakage monitoring syst
targeted search for effective intermediate band so
supercharging silicon solar cell performance by me
stochastic cost profit tradeoff model for locating
status and potential of cd te solar cell efficienc
on orbit radiometric calibration of suomi npp viir
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