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Formal Analysis of TESLA protocol in the Timed
            OTS/CafeOBJ method

                     Petros Stefaneas

   School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences
          National Technical University of Athens

     Joint work with I. Ouranos (HCAA) and K. Ogata (JAIST)

  ?Project: Explore the applications of Algebraic Specifications and
  especially of behavioral specifications to modeling and verification of
  different systems/protocols.
  ? This paper: How to model authentication protocols with timing
  properties ¨C TESLA protocol (source authentication in multicast
  ? We have formally verified that basic TESLA protocol has desired
  properties with CafeOBJ, an algebraic specification language/system.

  ? Formal Methods & Algebraic Specifications
  ? CafeOBJ algebraic specification language/system
  ? Timed Observational Transition Systems and CafeOBJ (TOTS/CafeOBJ
  ? Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication protocol (TESLA)
  ? Verified properties

  ? Modeling
     1) Assumptions 2) Formalization of messages and network
     3) Real time issues 4) Formalization of trustable principals
     5)Formalization of the Intruder
  ? Verification
      1) Formalization of Properties        2) Verification Outline
  ? Lessons Learned
Formal Methods and Algebraic Specifications

  ? Algebraic Specification Languages/Systems: Formal methods which
    are based on mathematical logics/combination of logics.
  ? Algebraic Modeling/Verification: Describe a system and its desired
      1. Defining signature for a real problem
      2. Expressing the problem in equations
      3. Verify properties of the specification (design level)
Introducing CafeOBJ

  ? CafeOBJ is an algebraic formal specification language.
  ? CafeOBJ is a formal language for writing formal models and reasoning
    about them with rewritings/reductions.
  ? CafeOBJ is a successor of OBJ and developed by an international
    team in Japan.
  ? Related algebraic specification languages:
      1. Maude (USA) ¨C Another successor of OBJ
      2. CASL (Europe) ¨C Attempt of developing a common algebraic
         specification language
Formal Models in CafeOBJ

  1. Abstract data types (ADT) with tight semantics (e.g. integers)
      ? Initial algebra semantics
      ? Induction based reasoning
  2. Abstract state machines (ASM) with loose semantics (e.g. objects)
      ? Coherent hidden algebra semantics
      ? Co ¨C induction based reasoning

         ¡° CafeOBJ can provide unified specification style both for
                      static and dynamic systems ¡±
CafeOBJ Syntax and Notation

  Two kinds of sorts:
      ? Visible sorts representing ADTs.
      ? Hidden sorts representing set of states of an ASM.
  Two kinds of operations to hidden sorts:
      ? Actions that can change a state of an ASM (or object). Takes a
        state and zero or more data and returns another or the same
      ? Observations that are used to observe the value of a data
        component of an object. Takes a state and zero or more data and
        returns the value of a data component in the object.
CafeOBJ Syntax and Notation

    Operator declaration:
        ? (action)
        bop action_name : v_sort1 v_sort2 ¡­ v_sortn h_sort     h_sort
        ? (observation)
        op observation_name : v_sort1 ¡­ v_sortn h_sort       v_sort

      Operator definition with equations:
      eq term1 = term2 .
      In case of conditional equation:
      ceq term1 = term2 if cond1 .
Observational Transition Systems

   OTS S: A kind of transition system specified in terms of behavioural
   specification. It consists of < O, I, T > such that:
Observational Transition Systems

   An execution of S is an infinite sequence u0, u1,¡­ of states satisfying:
Timed Observational Transition Systems

Timed OTS S : OTS evolved by introducing special clock observers and
   transition tickr to deal with timing.
    Clock observers
     1. now : Y R+. It serves as the master clock and returns the time
        amount after starting the execution of S. Initially returns 0.
     2. For each transition ¦Ó ¦³:
          ? l¦Ó : Y      R+. Returns the lower bound of ¦Ó.

          ? u¦Ó : Y    R+. Returns the upper bound of ¦Ó.
         They are used to force ¦Ó to be executed between the lower and the upper
Timed Observational Transition Systems

     Clock transition tickr

     Time advancing transition where r R+.
     Effective condition: now(u) + r u¦Ó (u), for a state u.

     now(tickr(u)) = now + r if the effective condition holds in u.

     Delays of ¦Ó

     Functions d¦Ómin , d¦Ómax which give the minimum and maximum
     delays of ¦Ó and have the same type as l¦Ó, u¦Ó. Their definition is as
Timed Observational Transition Systems
OTSs and CafeOBJ

 OTSs are written in CafeOBJ to model distributed concurrent systems, as
TOTSs and CafeOBJ

 A TOTS is written in CafeOBJ as an OTS but we also need a module called TIMEVAL
 that specifies non-negative real numbers and their properties.

TOTSs and CafeOBJ

Timed OTS /CafeOBJ

  The method includes the following steps:
  ? A system is modeled as a TOTS.
  ? The TOTS is written in CafeOBJ.
  ? Properties to be proved are expressed as CafeOBJ terms.
  ? Proofs or proof scores showing that the TOTS has properties are written in
  ? The proof scores are verified by executing them with the CafeOBJ system.
TESLA Protocol

          ? Source authentication protocol in multicast environments
          ? Although uses symmetric cryptography achieves asymmetric
          ? Use of timing ¨C loose synchronization (real time
          ? We are going to formally analyze basic TESLA using the
          TOTS/CafeOBJ method

 Init message: R S : nR
 Reply message: S R : {f(k1), nR }SK(S)
 Message 1: S R : d1, f(k2), MAC(k1,d1, f(k2))
 Message n: S R : dn, f(kn+1), kn-1, MAC(kn,dn, f(kn+1), kn-1), n>1

 ?   Node R sends a nonce to S (message init)
 ?   On receipt of the init message, S obtains nR and sends it back encrypted with its
     secret key along with a commitment to the key k1.
 ?   After the initial authentication, S sends data packet d1, a commitment to the second
     key f(k2) and a MAC which encrypts d1 and f(k2) with k1.
 ?   Message n consists of the nth data packet, the commitment to the key that will be
     used at the next encryption, the key that was used in the previous encryption and a
     mac which encrypts dn, f(kn+1) and kn-1 with kn.

     A receiver can authenticate the nth packet m when:
     ? the packet has been received
     ? either the packet is the digitally signed initial packet (Reply message),
     or else the preceding packet m-1 and succeeding packet m+1 have been
     received, and the following hold:
         ? applying the MAC function to the key revealed in m+1 and the
         content (other than the MAC) of packet m yields a value equal to
         the MAC component of m,
         ? the key revealed in m+1 is the committed to in m-1,
         ? m-1 can be authenticated and

     Security Condition : ArrTm < Tm+1,

     The receiver R will not accept packet m if it arrives after the sender might
     have send message m+1, otherwise an intruder can capture message m+1 and
     use the key kn from within it to fake message m.

     Requirement: Loose Synchronization of agent¡¯s clocks (real time property)
Invariant Property

     A safety property of TESLA which is an invariant is:

      ¡°The receiver does not accept as authentic any message mi unless mi was actually
                                       sent by the sender¡±

                 We are going to prove this very critical property of the protocol
                               using the TOTS/CafeOBJ method.
Modeling TESLA (Datatypes)

 Assumptions made for data types
 ? The cryptosystem used is perfect.
 ? There exist an arbitrary number of trustable nodes
 ? There exist malicious nodes; the combination and cooperation of them is modeled
    as the most general intruder:
    - Eavesdrop any message flowing in the network
    - Glean any quantity from the message; however, the intruder can decrypt an
    encrypted text only if he/she knows the key to decrypt.
    - Fake and send messages based on the gleaned info; however, the intruder can
    encrypt and/or sign something only if he/she knows the key to encrypt and/or sign,
    and cannot guess unknown secret values.
Modeling TESLA (Datatypes)

 Formalization of Messages

  op im : Receiver Receiver Sender Nonce -> Msg
  op rm : Sender Sender Receiver Nonce Prf Sign -> Msg
  op m1 : Sender Sender Receiver Data Prf Mac1 -> Msg
  op mn : Sender Sender Receiver Data Prf Key Mac2 Int -> Msg

  Suppose that a message denoted by
                                mn (p1, p2, p3, d, p, k, mc2, i)
  exists in the network.
  ? It is true that p1 has sent the message to p3.
  ? If p2 is different from p1, then p1 is the intruder and the message has been faked
  by the intruder.
  ? If p3 receives the message, p3 just believes that the message seems to come from
  p2 but cannot check who has really sent the message.
Modeling TESLA (Datatypes)

 Formalization of Messages (cont.)
  The rest is the packet content.
  For modeling reasons we have added the id of the packet varying
  over an integer number as part of the packet.

  All sorts used such as Receiver, Sender, Nonce, Data, Prf, Sign, Key, Mac1 and Mac2
  have been specified beforehand and are used by the MESSAGE
Modeling TESLA (Datatypes)

 Formalization of the Network
  ?     The network is modeled as a bag (multiset) of messages.
  ?     Given the network (a bag of messages), data values available to the intruder are

      Suppose that the message      mn(p1, p2, p3, d, p, k, mc2, i)

      exists in the network. The data values available to the intruder from the
      - d (data of the packet), p (encrypted commitment for key ki), k (key ki-1),
      mc2 (MAC of the second type), and index i.
Modeling TESLA (System¡¯s behaviour)

 Assumptions made for modeling protocol¡¯s behaviour
  ?   Time constraints for sending ¨C receiving messages m1 and mn.
  ?   Ordering of packets using an integer packet id (im and rm have id=0,
      m1 has id = 1 and mn has id = n.
  ?    One sender ¨C one receiver (Basic Scheme)
  ?   Boolean flag-s is set to true if the sender has received the message im.
  ?   Boolean flag-r is set to true if the receiver has sent the message im.
  ?   Boolean received? Is used to check the reception of a message by the receiver.
      Since the message is not deleted from the network, when received the boolean
      is set to true in order not to be received again by the same receiver.
  ?   Observation next returns the id of the packet to be received by the client.
Modeling TESLA (System¡¯s behaviour)

 Real time issues

 ? Security condition (see ºÝºÝߣ 22)
 ? Clock observers
    ? now(t) : returns the time at state t.
    ? l-sdm2 (t) (l-sdmn(t)): the lower bound of sending message m2 (mn) at
        state t.
    ? u-rcvm1(t) (u-rcvmn(t)): the upper bound of receiving message m1
        (mn) at state t.
 ? Constants
    ? init: initial state
    ? d1: the lower bound of sending a message mn
    ? d2: the upper bound of receiving message m1
    ? d3: the upper bound of receiving message mn.
        d2 < d1, d3 < d1, d1 > 0, d2>0, d3 >0
 ? Transition
    tick (t,r) advances the time by r time units at state t.
Modeling TESLA

 Formalization of trustable nodes
  ?  The network is modeled as a bag (multiset) of messages.
  ?  Given the network (a bag of messages), data values available to the intruder are
  ? The behavior is modeled with 5 send and 4 receive transitions. Each transition
     has effective condition with timing and non-timing part.
  ? Transitions with timing part are sdm1, sdm2 and sdmn.
     sdmn(t,m,J) corresponds to that: if a message m of type mn with id = J, J > 2 that
     has been sent by server to client exists in the network, agent server makes
  1. The data d(a, J+1) ,
  2. The pseudorandom f(k(server, client, J+2))
  3. The key k(server, client, J)
  4. The MAC mac(k(server, client, J+1), d(server, J+1),f(k(server,client, J+2),
     k(server, client,J))

  and sends it in a message mn with the id J+1 of the message provided that
     l-sdmn (t) <= now (t)
Modeling TESLA

 Formalization of the intruder
  ?   Tries to glean information from the messages flowing in the network,
  ?   create and send messages based on it
  ?   Gleaned quantities are nonces, data, commitments, keys, macs1, macs2,
  ?   The intruder¡¯s fake messages follow the format of the messages of the protocol.
      There are 18 transitions model the behavior of an intruder.

     fkmn7(t,k,k¡¯,k¡¯¡¯,i) corresponds to that the enemy fakes
     mn(enemy,server,client,d(enemy,i),f(k),k¡¯,mac2(k¡¯¡¯,d(enemy,i),f(k),k¡¯),i) and puts
     it into the network.
Verifying TESLA

 Formalization of invariant property

  The property that the original protocol satisfies and we want to prove for our model
  (specification) is as follows:

   ¡°The receiver does not accept as authentic any message mi unless mi was actually
                                    sent by the sender¡±
  The above property is expressed based on our specification as three different
  ?INV1: Whenever you receive the three messages rm, m1, m2 i.e.

    then m1 originates from the claimed source S.
  ?INV2: Whenever you receive the three messages m1, m2, m3 i.e.

    then m2 originates from the claimed source S.
Verifying TESLA

 Formalization of invariant property
  ?INV3: Whenever you receive the three messages m_n-1, m_n, m_n+1, n >2 i.e.

    then mn originates from the claimed source S.
Verifying TESLA

 Verification Outline
   ?   Proof by induction on the number of action operators applied (or transition
       rules applied).
   ?   Case analyses and lemmas also needed.
   ?   In any case, proof scores are written in CafeOBJ and case analyses is done with
       the aid of CafeOBJ system.
   ?   Flexible human ¨C computer interaction in good balance, i.e humans make proof
       plans and machines conduct detailed computations.
Verifying TESLA

 Verification Procedure
   ?Write a CafeOBJ module called INV where is declared the invariants to prove
   ? Show that the predicate holds at any initial state
   ? Write a module ISTEP, where two constants t, t¡¯ denoting any state and the
   successor state after applying an action in the state, and the invariant to prove in
   each inductive case is expressed in CafeOBJ terms
   ? Write a proof score for each case.
   ? For our proof we used 29 lemmas that we had to prove for our specification.
   ? Two invariants that include timing information are:
        ?inv8: If an original message mn exists in the network in a state T with n >1
        and l-sdmn(T) = now(T) then the message has been already received by the
        ?inv12: If an original message mn exists in the network in a state T with n >1
        and it has not yet been received by the client , then u-rcvmn(T) < l-sdmn(T).
Lessons Learned

            Algebraic Specification and Verification with
                  P                            C
                  R                            O
                  O                            N
                  S                            S
                                     Can be difficult and time
   Simple underlying theory ¨C
                                          consuming for
      based on equations
                                       inexperienced user
Lessons Learned

          Algebraic Specification and Verification with
               T                           T
               A                           A
               S                           S
               K                           K
       System Description        Property Description

                   Deep understanding of
                    the protocol/system
Lessons Learned

   ?Incorrect system¡¯s specifications => unsuccessful verifications => specification
   revisions => verification retries which can be time consuming
   ? In our case many verification retries and specification revisions were performed
   due to misunderstanding of protocol¡¯s functions that lead to wrong descriptions
   ERROR 1:
   ? Protocol model without timing constraints, only by packet indexing
   ERROR 2
   ? Wrong expression of the invariant property to prove
   ERROR 3
   ? Less important protocol mis - description
   ? Counterexamples found during verification for our model

   ? Some level of automation for Timed OTS method can be possible (Cr¨¨me, Toolkit
   proof score presenter for OTSs)
   ? Emacs and/or Eclipse make specification/proof score editing easier
   ? Library support for reusable similar modules can be useful.
   ? Combination of model checking and theorem proving can save time.
Thank you!
Petros Stefaneas, NTUA
 petros @math.ntua.gr

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Isola 12 presentation

  • 1. Formal Analysis of TESLA protocol in the Timed OTS/CafeOBJ method Petros Stefaneas Lecturer School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences National Technical University of Athens Joint work with I. Ouranos (HCAA) and K. Ogata (JAIST)
  • 2. Introduction ?Project: Explore the applications of Algebraic Specifications and especially of behavioral specifications to modeling and verification of different systems/protocols. ? This paper: How to model authentication protocols with timing properties ¨C TESLA protocol (source authentication in multicast settings). ? We have formally verified that basic TESLA protocol has desired properties with CafeOBJ, an algebraic specification language/system.
  • 3. Outline ? Formal Methods & Algebraic Specifications ? CafeOBJ algebraic specification language/system ? Timed Observational Transition Systems and CafeOBJ (TOTS/CafeOBJ method) ? Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication protocol (TESLA) ? Verified properties
  • 4. Outline ? Modeling 1) Assumptions 2) Formalization of messages and network 3) Real time issues 4) Formalization of trustable principals 5)Formalization of the Intruder ? Verification 1) Formalization of Properties 2) Verification Outline ? Lessons Learned
  • 5. Formal Methods and Algebraic Specifications ? Algebraic Specification Languages/Systems: Formal methods which are based on mathematical logics/combination of logics. ? Algebraic Modeling/Verification: Describe a system and its desired properties 1. Defining signature for a real problem 2. Expressing the problem in equations 3. Verify properties of the specification (design level)
  • 6. Introducing CafeOBJ ? CafeOBJ is an algebraic formal specification language. ? CafeOBJ is a formal language for writing formal models and reasoning about them with rewritings/reductions. ? CafeOBJ is a successor of OBJ and developed by an international team in Japan. ? Related algebraic specification languages: 1. Maude (USA) ¨C Another successor of OBJ 2. CASL (Europe) ¨C Attempt of developing a common algebraic specification language
  • 7. Formal Models in CafeOBJ 1. Abstract data types (ADT) with tight semantics (e.g. integers) ? Initial algebra semantics ? Induction based reasoning 2. Abstract state machines (ASM) with loose semantics (e.g. objects) ? Coherent hidden algebra semantics ? Co ¨C induction based reasoning ¡° CafeOBJ can provide unified specification style both for static and dynamic systems ¡±
  • 8. CafeOBJ Syntax and Notation Two kinds of sorts: ? Visible sorts representing ADTs. ? Hidden sorts representing set of states of an ASM. Two kinds of operations to hidden sorts: ? Actions that can change a state of an ASM (or object). Takes a state and zero or more data and returns another or the same state. ? Observations that are used to observe the value of a data component of an object. Takes a state and zero or more data and returns the value of a data component in the object.
  • 9. CafeOBJ Syntax and Notation Operator declaration: ? (action) bop action_name : v_sort1 v_sort2 ¡­ v_sortn h_sort h_sort ? (observation) op observation_name : v_sort1 ¡­ v_sortn h_sort v_sort Operator definition with equations: eq term1 = term2 . In case of conditional equation: ceq term1 = term2 if cond1 .
  • 10. Observational Transition Systems OTS S: A kind of transition system specified in terms of behavioural specification. It consists of < O, I, T > such that:
  • 11. Observational Transition Systems An execution of S is an infinite sequence u0, u1,¡­ of states satisfying:
  • 12. Timed Observational Transition Systems Timed OTS S : OTS evolved by introducing special clock observers and transition tickr to deal with timing. Clock observers 1. now : Y R+. It serves as the master clock and returns the time amount after starting the execution of S. Initially returns 0. 2. For each transition ¦Ó ¦³: ? l¦Ó : Y R+. Returns the lower bound of ¦Ó. ? u¦Ó : Y R+. Returns the upper bound of ¦Ó. They are used to force ¦Ó to be executed between the lower and the upper bound.
  • 13. Timed Observational Transition Systems Clock transition tickr Time advancing transition where r R+. Effective condition: now(u) + r u¦Ó (u), for a state u. now(tickr(u)) = now + r if the effective condition holds in u. Delays of ¦Ó Functions d¦Ómin , d¦Ómax which give the minimum and maximum delays of ¦Ó and have the same type as l¦Ó, u¦Ó. Their definition is as following:
  • 15. OTSs and CafeOBJ OTSs are written in CafeOBJ to model distributed concurrent systems, as following:
  • 16. TOTSs and CafeOBJ A TOTS is written in CafeOBJ as an OTS but we also need a module called TIMEVAL that specifies non-negative real numbers and their properties. Signature
  • 17. TOTSs and CafeOBJ Equations
  • 18. Timed OTS /CafeOBJ The method includes the following steps: ? A system is modeled as a TOTS. ? The TOTS is written in CafeOBJ. ? Properties to be proved are expressed as CafeOBJ terms. ? Proofs or proof scores showing that the TOTS has properties are written in CafeOBJ. ? The proof scores are verified by executing them with the CafeOBJ system.
  • 19. TESLA Protocol ? Source authentication protocol in multicast environments ? Although uses symmetric cryptography achieves asymmetric properties ? Use of timing ¨C loose synchronization (real time authentication) ? We are going to formally analyze basic TESLA using the TOTS/CafeOBJ method
  • 20. Basic TESLA Init message: R S : nR Reply message: S R : {f(k1), nR }SK(S) Message 1: S R : d1, f(k2), MAC(k1,d1, f(k2)) Message n: S R : dn, f(kn+1), kn-1, MAC(kn,dn, f(kn+1), kn-1), n>1 ? Node R sends a nonce to S (message init) ? On receipt of the init message, S obtains nR and sends it back encrypted with its secret key along with a commitment to the key k1. ? After the initial authentication, S sends data packet d1, a commitment to the second key f(k2) and a MAC which encrypts d1 and f(k2) with k1. ? Message n consists of the nth data packet, the commitment to the key that will be used at the next encryption, the key that was used in the previous encryption and a mac which encrypts dn, f(kn+1) and kn-1 with kn.
  • 21. Basic TESLA A receiver can authenticate the nth packet m when: ? the packet has been received ? either the packet is the digitally signed initial packet (Reply message), or else the preceding packet m-1 and succeeding packet m+1 have been received, and the following hold: ? applying the MAC function to the key revealed in m+1 and the content (other than the MAC) of packet m yields a value equal to the MAC component of m, ? the key revealed in m+1 is the committed to in m-1, ? m-1 can be authenticated and
  • 22. Basic TESLA Security Condition : ArrTm < Tm+1, The receiver R will not accept packet m if it arrives after the sender might have send message m+1, otherwise an intruder can capture message m+1 and use the key kn from within it to fake message m. Requirement: Loose Synchronization of agent¡¯s clocks (real time property)
  • 23. Invariant Property A safety property of TESLA which is an invariant is: ¡°The receiver does not accept as authentic any message mi unless mi was actually sent by the sender¡± We are going to prove this very critical property of the protocol using the TOTS/CafeOBJ method.
  • 24. Modeling TESLA (Datatypes) Assumptions made for data types ? The cryptosystem used is perfect. ? There exist an arbitrary number of trustable nodes ? There exist malicious nodes; the combination and cooperation of them is modeled as the most general intruder: - Eavesdrop any message flowing in the network - Glean any quantity from the message; however, the intruder can decrypt an encrypted text only if he/she knows the key to decrypt. - Fake and send messages based on the gleaned info; however, the intruder can encrypt and/or sign something only if he/she knows the key to encrypt and/or sign, and cannot guess unknown secret values.
  • 25. Modeling TESLA (Datatypes) Formalization of Messages op im : Receiver Receiver Sender Nonce -> Msg op rm : Sender Sender Receiver Nonce Prf Sign -> Msg op m1 : Sender Sender Receiver Data Prf Mac1 -> Msg op mn : Sender Sender Receiver Data Prf Key Mac2 Int -> Msg Suppose that a message denoted by mn (p1, p2, p3, d, p, k, mc2, i) exists in the network. ? It is true that p1 has sent the message to p3. ? If p2 is different from p1, then p1 is the intruder and the message has been faked by the intruder. ? If p3 receives the message, p3 just believes that the message seems to come from p2 but cannot check who has really sent the message.
  • 26. Modeling TESLA (Datatypes) Formalization of Messages (cont.) The rest is the packet content. For modeling reasons we have added the id of the packet varying over an integer number as part of the packet. All sorts used such as Receiver, Sender, Nonce, Data, Prf, Sign, Key, Mac1 and Mac2 have been specified beforehand and are used by the MESSAGE module.
  • 27. Modeling TESLA (Datatypes) Formalization of the Network ? The network is modeled as a bag (multiset) of messages. ? Given the network (a bag of messages), data values available to the intruder are determined. Suppose that the message mn(p1, p2, p3, d, p, k, mc2, i) exists in the network. The data values available to the intruder from the message: - d (data of the packet), p (encrypted commitment for key ki), k (key ki-1), mc2 (MAC of the second type), and index i.
  • 28. Modeling TESLA (System¡¯s behaviour) Assumptions made for modeling protocol¡¯s behaviour ? Time constraints for sending ¨C receiving messages m1 and mn. ? Ordering of packets using an integer packet id (im and rm have id=0, m1 has id = 1 and mn has id = n. ? One sender ¨C one receiver (Basic Scheme) ? Boolean flag-s is set to true if the sender has received the message im. ? Boolean flag-r is set to true if the receiver has sent the message im. ? Boolean received? Is used to check the reception of a message by the receiver. Since the message is not deleted from the network, when received the boolean is set to true in order not to be received again by the same receiver. ? Observation next returns the id of the packet to be received by the client.
  • 29. Modeling TESLA (System¡¯s behaviour) Real time issues ? Security condition (see ºÝºÝߣ 22) ? Clock observers ? now(t) : returns the time at state t. ? l-sdm2 (t) (l-sdmn(t)): the lower bound of sending message m2 (mn) at state t. ? u-rcvm1(t) (u-rcvmn(t)): the upper bound of receiving message m1 (mn) at state t. ? Constants ? init: initial state ? d1: the lower bound of sending a message mn ? d2: the upper bound of receiving message m1 ? d3: the upper bound of receiving message mn. with d2 < d1, d3 < d1, d1 > 0, d2>0, d3 >0 ? Transition tick (t,r) advances the time by r time units at state t.
  • 30. Modeling TESLA Formalization of trustable nodes ? The network is modeled as a bag (multiset) of messages. ? Given the network (a bag of messages), data values available to the intruder are determined. ? The behavior is modeled with 5 send and 4 receive transitions. Each transition has effective condition with timing and non-timing part. ? Transitions with timing part are sdm1, sdm2 and sdmn. Example sdmn(t,m,J) corresponds to that: if a message m of type mn with id = J, J > 2 that has been sent by server to client exists in the network, agent server makes 1. The data d(a, J+1) , 2. The pseudorandom f(k(server, client, J+2)) 3. The key k(server, client, J) 4. The MAC mac(k(server, client, J+1), d(server, J+1),f(k(server,client, J+2), k(server, client,J)) and sends it in a message mn with the id J+1 of the message provided that l-sdmn (t) <= now (t)
  • 31. Modeling TESLA Formalization of the intruder ? Tries to glean information from the messages flowing in the network, ? create and send messages based on it ? Gleaned quantities are nonces, data, commitments, keys, macs1, macs2, signatures ? The intruder¡¯s fake messages follow the format of the messages of the protocol. There are 18 transitions model the behavior of an intruder. Example fkmn7(t,k,k¡¯,k¡¯¡¯,i) corresponds to that the enemy fakes mn(enemy,server,client,d(enemy,i),f(k),k¡¯,mac2(k¡¯¡¯,d(enemy,i),f(k),k¡¯),i) and puts it into the network.
  • 32. Verifying TESLA Formalization of invariant property The property that the original protocol satisfies and we want to prove for our model (specification) is as follows: ¡°The receiver does not accept as authentic any message mi unless mi was actually sent by the sender¡± The above property is expressed based on our specification as three different invariants: ?INV1: Whenever you receive the three messages rm, m1, m2 i.e. then m1 originates from the claimed source S. ?INV2: Whenever you receive the three messages m1, m2, m3 i.e. then m2 originates from the claimed source S.
  • 33. Verifying TESLA Formalization of invariant property ?INV3: Whenever you receive the three messages m_n-1, m_n, m_n+1, n >2 i.e. then mn originates from the claimed source S.
  • 34. Verifying TESLA Verification Outline ? Proof by induction on the number of action operators applied (or transition rules applied). ? Case analyses and lemmas also needed. ? In any case, proof scores are written in CafeOBJ and case analyses is done with the aid of CafeOBJ system. ? Flexible human ¨C computer interaction in good balance, i.e humans make proof plans and machines conduct detailed computations.
  • 35. Verifying TESLA Verification Procedure ?Write a CafeOBJ module called INV where is declared the invariants to prove ? Show that the predicate holds at any initial state ? Write a module ISTEP, where two constants t, t¡¯ denoting any state and the successor state after applying an action in the state, and the invariant to prove in each inductive case is expressed in CafeOBJ terms ? Write a proof score for each case. ? For our proof we used 29 lemmas that we had to prove for our specification. ? Two invariants that include timing information are: ?inv8: If an original message mn exists in the network in a state T with n >1 and l-sdmn(T) = now(T) then the message has been already received by the client. ?inv12: If an original message mn exists in the network in a state T with n >1 and it has not yet been received by the client , then u-rcvmn(T) < l-sdmn(T).
  • 36. Lessons Learned Algebraic Specification and Verification with CafeOBJ P C R O O N S S Can be difficult and time Simple underlying theory ¨C consuming for based on equations inexperienced user
  • 37. Lessons Learned Algebraic Specification and Verification with CafeOBJ T T A A S S K K System Description Property Description Deep understanding of the protocol/system
  • 38. Lessons Learned ?Incorrect system¡¯s specifications => unsuccessful verifications => specification revisions => verification retries which can be time consuming ? In our case many verification retries and specification revisions were performed due to misunderstanding of protocol¡¯s functions that lead to wrong descriptions ERROR 1: ? Protocol model without timing constraints, only by packet indexing ERROR 2 ? Wrong expression of the invariant property to prove ERROR 3 ? Less important protocol mis - description RESULTS ? Counterexamples found during verification for our model
  • 39. Proposals ? Some level of automation for Timed OTS method can be possible (Cr¨¨me, Toolkit proof score presenter for OTSs) ? Emacs and/or Eclipse make specification/proof score editing easier ? Library support for reusable similar modules can be useful. ? Combination of model checking and theorem proving can save time.
  • 40. Thank you! Petros Stefaneas, NTUA petros @math.ntua.gr