In February 2012, one man's dream was shattered by lies of a few, that couldn't bare his life style and dedication to animals. As of today, April 10, 2013, Craig Grant is still not charged with any animal cruelty charges that the ASPCA came up with and the same ASPCA did not returned any of Craig's personal cats back, per judges order from August 2012. See more in our presentation and help us support Craig by sharring his story.
The document discusses events that occurred on Monday, October 8, 2012 but provides no further details about what specifically happened on that date. It repeats the date four times without offering any context or information about the relevant events.
The document provides a shot list and descriptions for filming scenes for Rihanna's music video for "Umbrella." It outlines 7 different scenes involving Rihanna singing and dancing with various lighting effects, props like umbrellas and sparklers, and alongside other dancers. Precise camera angles are specified for mid shots, long shots, and close ups to capture the action from different perspectives.
An introduction to the Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF) and the application to apply for scholarships.
Colombia Cient¨ªfica - Octubre 10 de 2016 SALONVIRTUAL
El documento describe el Programa Colombia Cient¨ªfica, el cual tiene como objetivos fortalecer la capacidad investigativa de las instituciones de educaci¨®n superior, promover redes de conocimiento, facilitar la articulaci¨®n entre instituciones y el sector productivo, y mejorar la competitividad del pa¨ªs. El programa consta de dos componentes: Ecosistemas Cient¨ªficos, que financia alianzas entre instituciones e industrias en ¨¢reas estrat¨¦gicas; y Pasaporte a la Ciencia, que otorga cr¨¦ditos condonables para estudios de maestr¨ªa y doctorado en
International sports and the law revolve primarily around the Olympic Games. The international Olympic rules, policies, and procedures have faced controversial national and international legal challenges and other disputes including outright boycotts since its inception. The summer and winter Olympic Games often produce modern heroes and legendary triumphs over adversity. However, confusing enforcement of Olympic rules is often considered among the participants surrounding the Olympic landscape.
Paralegal Power Breaks are short information packed sessions that provide useful career information to paralegals at all career levels.
Paralegal Power Breaks are short information packed sessions that provide useful career information to paralegals at all career levels. This is the 3rd session in the Time Management series. There is a direct correlation between how well your time is spent and what you earn.
Impact of trust, security and privacy concerns in social networking: An explo...Anil Dhami
This document summarizes a research study that examined the impact of trust, security, and privacy concerns on information sharing in Facebook. The study developed a research model to understand how security and privacy concerns influence trust in social networking sites and willingness to share information. An online survey was administered to 250 Facebook users of different age groups over 4 months. Statistical analysis of the data supported the hypotheses that privacy concerns, security, and trust positively influence information sharing in social networking sites like Facebook. The findings provide insight into how privacy, security, and trust impact users' behaviors for revealing information on social media platforms.
This document discusses issues related to science research data. It notes that practices in science research drive institutional approaches to supporting research. The data lifecycle is discussed, including data management planning, storage, publishing, and more. Challenges with science data are also addressed, such as reproducibility and sharing practices. New tools and initiatives are emerging to help address these challenges, including crowd-funding of science, reproducibility initiatives, unique researcher identifiers, sharing code and data, and altmetrics.
This is a powerpoint presentation that was used for the LWML Chesapeake Fall Convention 2012. The mission trip team presented a session explaining what they experienced on the trip.
Svib Technologies Pvt. Ltd is an independent subsidiary of SV Corporation, South Korea that is headquartered in Bangalore, India. They produce portable vibration and sound analyzers, including the Realwave Pocket Analyzer and Environmental/Blast Vibration Analyzer, to diagnose machinery issues like imbalance, misalignment, and gear or motor problems. In addition to products, Svib offers consultancy, training, and support services for vibration analysis and machine diagnostics across various industries.
Community Supported Agriculture WebinarChris Michael
This webinar overview provides information on starting a community supported agriculture (CSA) program including:
1) What a CSA is and its history of consumers supporting local farms.
2) The pros and cons of CSAs like guaranteed cash flow but also the need to deliver quality produce.
3) Tips for CSA sales and getting started like accurately predicting production levels.
4) Guidance on finding customers, managing the CSA contract and season, and addressing problems to keep customers satisfied.
The document discusses the role of a Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team at a university faculty. The team holds training events on individual tools like Adobe Presenter and uChoose, and also showcase events to introduce faculty to a variety of TEL techniques using tools like Blackboard, video cameras, and wikis. The goal is to empower faculty to identify how TEL can support their teaching in a way that is appropriate and sustainable.
The document provides guidance on conducting legal research. It begins with an introduction that emphasizes legal research is both an art and a skill requiring judgment, creativity, and mastery of tools. It then walks through translating a sample fact pattern into legal issues. Specifically, it discusses identifying the relevant terms of art and "black letter law" from secondary sources to understand the general principles and parameters of the issue. The fact pattern provided involves a company driver shoving a customer during an argument, and the discussion centers on determining if the driver's actions fell within the scope of his employment, for which the company could face vicarious liability.
Este programa lee un archivo de entrada que contiene coordenadas x e y separadas por espacios, crea objetos Punto con esas coordenadas, calcula un producto para cada punto, y escribe los resultados en un archivo de salida. Primero cuenta el n¨²mero de puntos y crea un arreglo para almacenarlos, luego lee cada l¨ªnea con las coordenadas para crear cada objeto Punto, y finalmente escribe los productos de cada punto en el archivo de salida antes de cerrar los archivos.
eDiscovery is a costly and tedious process that requires the adherence to Rules of Civil Procedure and Rules of Evidence. To ensure that the process is handled correctly and to avoid issues that result from errors and the failure to adhere to applicable rules Six Sigma can be implemented during the various eDiscovery phases to reduce errors.
El documento describe un intercambio escolar entre el IES David Buj¨¢n en Cambre, A Coru?a, Espa?a, y una escuela en Portugal. El objetivo del intercambio es promover la colaboraci¨®n, el esp¨ªritu de ciudadan¨ªa europea y la apreciaci¨®n de la diversidad cultural y ling¨¹¨ªstica entre los estudiantes a trav¨¦s del uso de la lengua com¨²n y las TIC. El documento proporciona detalles sobre las escuelas, profesores y actividades planeadas como visitas a museos, Santiago de Compostela y experiencias gastron
El documento describe un intercambio escolar entre el IES David Buj¨¢n en Cambre, A Coru?a, Espa?a, y una escuela en Portugal. El objetivo del intercambio es promover la colaboraci¨®n, el esp¨ªritu de ciudadan¨ªa europea y la apreciaci¨®n de la diversidad cultural y ling¨¹¨ªstica entre los estudiantes a trav¨¦s del uso de la lengua com¨²n y las TIC. El documento proporciona detalles sobre las escuelas, profesores y actividades planeadas como visitas a museos, Santiago de Compostela y experiencias culin
Rodrigo F. publicou seu primeiro jornal escolar para a 1a ESO A. O jornal cont¨¦m not¨ªcias, imagens e cr¨¦ditos para seu pai Juan, que o ajudou na montagem. Rodrigo pede para n?o revelar o conte¨²do privado do jornal.
International sports and the law revolve primarily around the Olympic Games. The international Olympic rules, policies, and procedures have faced controversial national and international legal challenges and other disputes including outright boycotts since its inception. The summer and winter Olympic Games often produce modern heroes and legendary triumphs over adversity. However, confusing enforcement of Olympic rules is often considered among the participants surrounding the Olympic landscape.
Paralegal Power Breaks are short information packed sessions that provide useful career information to paralegals at all career levels.
Paralegal Power Breaks are short information packed sessions that provide useful career information to paralegals at all career levels. This is the 3rd session in the Time Management series. There is a direct correlation between how well your time is spent and what you earn.
Impact of trust, security and privacy concerns in social networking: An explo...Anil Dhami
This document summarizes a research study that examined the impact of trust, security, and privacy concerns on information sharing in Facebook. The study developed a research model to understand how security and privacy concerns influence trust in social networking sites and willingness to share information. An online survey was administered to 250 Facebook users of different age groups over 4 months. Statistical analysis of the data supported the hypotheses that privacy concerns, security, and trust positively influence information sharing in social networking sites like Facebook. The findings provide insight into how privacy, security, and trust impact users' behaviors for revealing information on social media platforms.
This document discusses issues related to science research data. It notes that practices in science research drive institutional approaches to supporting research. The data lifecycle is discussed, including data management planning, storage, publishing, and more. Challenges with science data are also addressed, such as reproducibility and sharing practices. New tools and initiatives are emerging to help address these challenges, including crowd-funding of science, reproducibility initiatives, unique researcher identifiers, sharing code and data, and altmetrics.
This is a powerpoint presentation that was used for the LWML Chesapeake Fall Convention 2012. The mission trip team presented a session explaining what they experienced on the trip.
Svib Technologies Pvt. Ltd is an independent subsidiary of SV Corporation, South Korea that is headquartered in Bangalore, India. They produce portable vibration and sound analyzers, including the Realwave Pocket Analyzer and Environmental/Blast Vibration Analyzer, to diagnose machinery issues like imbalance, misalignment, and gear or motor problems. In addition to products, Svib offers consultancy, training, and support services for vibration analysis and machine diagnostics across various industries.
Community Supported Agriculture WebinarChris Michael
This webinar overview provides information on starting a community supported agriculture (CSA) program including:
1) What a CSA is and its history of consumers supporting local farms.
2) The pros and cons of CSAs like guaranteed cash flow but also the need to deliver quality produce.
3) Tips for CSA sales and getting started like accurately predicting production levels.
4) Guidance on finding customers, managing the CSA contract and season, and addressing problems to keep customers satisfied.
The document discusses the role of a Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team at a university faculty. The team holds training events on individual tools like Adobe Presenter and uChoose, and also showcase events to introduce faculty to a variety of TEL techniques using tools like Blackboard, video cameras, and wikis. The goal is to empower faculty to identify how TEL can support their teaching in a way that is appropriate and sustainable.
The document provides guidance on conducting legal research. It begins with an introduction that emphasizes legal research is both an art and a skill requiring judgment, creativity, and mastery of tools. It then walks through translating a sample fact pattern into legal issues. Specifically, it discusses identifying the relevant terms of art and "black letter law" from secondary sources to understand the general principles and parameters of the issue. The fact pattern provided involves a company driver shoving a customer during an argument, and the discussion centers on determining if the driver's actions fell within the scope of his employment, for which the company could face vicarious liability.
Este programa lee un archivo de entrada que contiene coordenadas x e y separadas por espacios, crea objetos Punto con esas coordenadas, calcula un producto para cada punto, y escribe los resultados en un archivo de salida. Primero cuenta el n¨²mero de puntos y crea un arreglo para almacenarlos, luego lee cada l¨ªnea con las coordenadas para crear cada objeto Punto, y finalmente escribe los productos de cada punto en el archivo de salida antes de cerrar los archivos.
eDiscovery is a costly and tedious process that requires the adherence to Rules of Civil Procedure and Rules of Evidence. To ensure that the process is handled correctly and to avoid issues that result from errors and the failure to adhere to applicable rules Six Sigma can be implemented during the various eDiscovery phases to reduce errors.
El documento describe un intercambio escolar entre el IES David Buj¨¢n en Cambre, A Coru?a, Espa?a, y una escuela en Portugal. El objetivo del intercambio es promover la colaboraci¨®n, el esp¨ªritu de ciudadan¨ªa europea y la apreciaci¨®n de la diversidad cultural y ling¨¹¨ªstica entre los estudiantes a trav¨¦s del uso de la lengua com¨²n y las TIC. El documento proporciona detalles sobre las escuelas, profesores y actividades planeadas como visitas a museos, Santiago de Compostela y experiencias gastron
El documento describe un intercambio escolar entre el IES David Buj¨¢n en Cambre, A Coru?a, Espa?a, y una escuela en Portugal. El objetivo del intercambio es promover la colaboraci¨®n, el esp¨ªritu de ciudadan¨ªa europea y la apreciaci¨®n de la diversidad cultural y ling¨¹¨ªstica entre los estudiantes a trav¨¦s del uso de la lengua com¨²n y las TIC. El documento proporciona detalles sobre las escuelas, profesores y actividades planeadas como visitas a museos, Santiago de Compostela y experiencias culin
Rodrigo F. publicou seu primeiro jornal escolar para a 1a ESO A. O jornal cont¨¦m not¨ªcias, imagens e cr¨¦ditos para seu pai Juan, que o ajudou na montagem. Rodrigo pede para n?o revelar o conte¨²do privado do jornal.
Este documento presenta el horario semanal de una clase de 2o de ESO. Se detalla la asignatura que se imparte cada d¨ªa de la semana en cada una de las horas de clase, as¨ª como los profesores responsables de cada asignatura.
Este documento presenta el horario semanal de una clase de 2o de ESO. Se detalla la asignatura que se imparte cada d¨ªa de la semana en cada una de las horas de clase, as¨ª como los profesores responsables de cada asignatura.
El documento presenta el horario semanal de una clase de 2o de ESO. Se detalla la asignatura que se imparte cada d¨ªa de la semana en cada una de las horas de clase, as¨ª como los profesores responsables de cada asignatura.
14. A Torre De H¨¦rcules
Altura 68 m e data do s¨¦culo I. ? o faro romano m¨¢is
antiguo en funcionamento. Foi declarado Patrimonio da
Humanidade pola Unesco.